A Better Way

Ryan Haley

Learn how to excel in business God's way—where the supernatural meets the practical! Experience a better way to succeed and learn from real-life business owners and entrepreneurs who have prospered in unconventional ways. Hear and be inspired by their 100% true stories and realize how prayer can become your practical source of provision when you embrace walking by faith and not human sight. read less


ABW 100 – I Thought God Hated Me w/ Deirdre Van Nest (Part 2)
ABW 100 – I Thought God Hated Me w/ Deirdre Van Nest (Part 2)
This interview is a huge milestone, as it marks the 100th episode of A Better Way Podcast! Wow! And what a fitting milestone...after leaving you on a cliffhanger last time–the wait is over! This follow-up episode is Part 2 of last week's conversation with Deirdre Van Nest. We go deep into some extremely powerful and practical business concepts this week, building further on the spiritual foundation of what we discussed last week.  In Part 1 of this interview, Deirdre Van Nest describes how she tragically lost her mother as a young girl. For decades, she thought God hated her and couldn't make sense of why this tragedy was allowed to happen to her. As a result, she wanted nothing to do with God. But through meeting a Christian friend in college who had an undeniable peace and joy, Deirdre began to question what her friend had that she did not–and if, just maybe, it had something to do with this God she wanted nothing to do with. So through scriptural study and prayer, Deirdre set out to investigate for herself if the claims of Christianity were true, and who Jesus really was. She discovered the Truth was nothing like what she thought. In fact, God was so real and personally invested in her life that He began to lead her into her heart's desires, specifically in the realm of business and entrepreneurship. This eventually led to the thriving business she now owns, but it in a way she never would have asked or imagined for herself.  To connect with Deirdre and her business, go to CrazyGoodTalks.com or visit her LinkedIn and Twitter pages.
ABW 96 – It Takes A Village (w/ Tami Thorsen)
ABW 96 – It Takes A Village (w/ Tami Thorsen)
Tami Thorsen gave her heart to Jesus at the age of 6, and ever since then has felt called to missions in Africa. Many decades later, the Lord is now answering that desire He placed in her heart, but not necessarily in the way she originally thought. After many years of full-time missions work in Bolivia, Tami battled a crippling illness she never thought she'd recover from. But God used that to give Tami a new form of ministry, in the form of a coaching business.  Tami is now an International Coaching Federation (ICF)-licensed coach, with a powerful discipleship-training multiplication model that is equal parts Gospel, personal coaching, and entrepreneurial/business development. Tami's coaching draws out and unlocks God's unique design for each of her clients, and incorporates that with their business and the surrounding community. Through very recent divine appointments with partners overseas, Tami is able to provide online coaching and training programs in remote villages in Liberia, which is in–wait for it...AFRICA! Tami's dream of missions in Africa is coming true in a way that is truly "exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all she could ask, think, or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20).  To connect with Tami, you can visit her website: https://www.head2heartonward.com/ To learn more about how you can support her overseas "Business as Missions" fund that empowers Liberian women to create a sustainable business that honors God, check out Mission 2:10 Sponsorship Fund