ABW 95 – From Ashes to Beauty (w/ Julie Ballard)

A Better Way

11-08-2021 • 53分

Julie Ballard has dealt with more than her fair share of trauma and heartache. From her dad taking his own life when she was 15 years old to drug addiction, overdose, divorce, and thoughts of suicide; her life seemed like nothing but a pile of ashes. But God! Through a dramatic healing and restoration process, the Lord has miraculously blessed her and her brand-new publishing and consulting startup business–which she started in the middle of last year in the middle of a global pandemic and economic crisis! This is especially noteworthy, since she herself says she "couldn't put two sentences together". But through the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit, she is now an accomplished and articulate author, who is helping many other authors. In fact, her company has helped 95% of their clients to self-publish #1 Bestsellers! The Lord has supernaturally and radically changed her life and her business, and created beauty from ashes. Her story is living proof that He can and will do it for you, too!

Reach out to Julie by visiting the website for her God-inspired Victory Vision Publishing & Consulting business, or email her directly at julie@victoryvision.org.