ABW 85 – Pride, Brokenness, Humility, and Restoration

A Better Way

10-03-2021 • 53分

DC and Ashton Cayce were experiencing some phenomenal early success in their business as a young married couple: DC as a general contractor and his wife Ashton as a talented interior designer. They worked with real estate investors to remodel and sell properties at a profit, completing 80 homes in a year at one point. But that early success led to a pride and self-reliance, which came crashing down all at once shortly thereafter. That time of brokenness and failure led to a deep humility and dependence on God. In turn, that humility has led to a dramatic restoration of their business and some very recent extravagant blessings in their own investment property portfolio. Tune in to hear their story!

You can connect with DC and Ashton through their website at https://dccayce.com/ where you can learn more about their various companies as well as their podcast, called The REI Journey.