The one about intimacy, ageing and the game with Ruby May

Adulting with Ebonie

15-02-2024 • 42分

In this week's episode, I speak to Ruby May, edge-dwelling, truth-seeking, earth loving mischief maker who is passionate about how we can each midwife a culture of deeper connection – to our bodies, each other and our planet. She is a writer, community leader, mentor and (semi-retired!) facilitator.

Listen to hear us discuss:

  • The intricacies of intimacy as an adult with ADHD or Autism
  • The 'rules' of relating
  • What it really means to 'Adult' inside a relationship
  • The hope that 'happy couples' bring us and how we get to 'have some of that for ourselves'
  • The new era of relating, what we can expect of each other, and how to be the best partner ever!

Plus, in this week's behind-the-scenes 'The Patron Part with Ruby May' she passes on one of my questions (can you guess which one?) and we talk about setting ourselves up for satisfaction, and knowing what a 'yes' truly feels like in our body.

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Meet Ruby May:

Ruby May is an educator, activist, coach and community leader in the field of feminine leadership and human connection, who is rallying for a revolution through listening to the wisdom of our bodies.

After a decade of researching and studying intimacy, sexuality and shadow work, offering one-to-one sessions and facilitating workshops internationally, her interest in feminine leadership and collective shadows around power was catalysed by her work as a professional dominatrix.

In 2018, she founded Know Your Flow, an online education and membership program bringing together an international network of women who are exploring menstrual cycle awareness as a tool for developing body literacy, inspiring their leadership and creating cultural change, as well as co-founded Sensing the Change, an initiative that brought together somatics and political activism. Since 2023 she has worked as the community leader for the largest cycle awareness school in the world, Red School, leading their community of graduates of the Menstruality Leadership training.

She is also author of the interactive journal Know Your Flow and creator of The Game, a card game that brings people together to experience deeper and more meaningful intimacy.


If you're curious about your Human Design, you can get your free 'Embody your Design' chart and Report worth £49 for free as a gift from Ebonie HERE

If you want to take the next step on your journey of empowerment, embodiment and full self-expression, Ebonie's signature tool is called 'The value Filter' (aka YOUR COMPASS)and is a prerequisite for any deeper programs, you can find more information about it here and if you're not ready for that, I highly recommend joining our
