"Holistic Approach to a Healthy Child" with Dr Cora Hui and Whizpa.com

Over Forty Wellness Podcast

22-05-2022 • 50分

Dr. Cora Hui is the Head of School for Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL), a bilingual primary international school in Hong Kong and has been an educator for over 25 years. Cora is married and has two children in one High School and one at University.

In the podcast we talk about the Top Seven Holistic Approaches to a healthy child.
i.               Love Unconditionally
ii.              Find their Strengths and Use Them to Serve Others
iii.             Stay Active
iv.             Navigate Life with a Moral Compass
v.              Cultivate Healthy Habits
vi.             Encourage Growth Mindset
vii.           Practice Mindfulness

We go into detail on each aspect and Cora shares her experience and expertise on how health is not just about physical health but is about developing Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health in a "Holistic Way". There is no magic wand and Cora discusses a step by step approach, making progress in small increments which when repeated over time can lead to very big gains. It’s a part of a lifelong journey.

00:33 My name is Cora Hui I studied in Toronto Canada … In Hong Kong for over 20 years …I am the Head of School…
02:21 What is the most important thing for me …is to love our children unconditionally… even when they fall short…
07:29 A healthy child in a holistic sense…
09:27 A healthy child is …
11:20 Health is a lifelong journey…
12:27 There are different types of intelligence… develop a healthy sense of who they are…
14:48 When you give you receive a lot more …
15:44 The forgetting curve… invest our time on experience… experiential learning…
18:11 Building good memories are good for children children… to serve others…
19:40 A moral compass… ethical principles… finding a way…to have the emotional intelligence to do the right thing…
23:55 You still do need the GPS… you need universal principles… a moral compass…
26:09Building Habits] In small incremental ways…
27:16[Habits] Is to make my bed in the morning… clear my desk after the day…
28:20 Take a few deep breaths… count our blessings…start every day with gratitude…
32:12 [Growth Mindset] If you thing that you can you are more likely to achieve… a great attitude…
35:08 Our Mindset… whether we can or whether we can’t do something… we are looking for progression…
35:56 Be intentional with a gratitude mindset…Mindfulness gives us the space…
38:42 When I come to think about holistic education… our school logo is a tree…
42:16[where to start] Love…unconditionally…
44:18 I enjoy exercising…brisk walking…I look forward to walking along the waterfront…46:17 Holistic education ... it begins...  loving your children ... spending time with them… every day is very precious…

Atomic Habits – James Clear
Carol Dweck - Growth Mindset

Contact Cora
email: info@capcl.edu.hk
Tel: +852 2713 3733
Info sessions/School Tours/Activities

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