Over Forty Wellness Podcast


Vincent Hiscox from the “Over Forty Wellness Podcast” reveals the strategies for you to take control of your Health and Wellness into your 40s and beyond. Each episode, Vincent discusses a variety of topics with experts in the Health and Wellness Community and with individuals with strong health story. Discover how you can stay physically and mentally fit and healthy, into your 40s and beyond. Taking care of yourself shouldn't be complicated. Listen to conversations with health and wellness professionals and those with health stories. We extract their tips, tools and routines that you can use, if you so wish, to improve your health. The guests will inspire you to attain your potential in the different realms of health. Learn at least one new thing every episode to help you improve your health. Take care of yourself using practical advice using tried and tested techniques so you can Look Better and Feel Better. 🙂 read less


"Making My Life Fun" with Jo Lodder
"Making My Life Fun" with Jo Lodder
Jo Lodder is an entrepreneur with a number of business’, a property agent, an ultra runner and an advocate for helping people with disabilities through his “Run for Freedom” movement. He collaborates with organisations including but not exclusively STOP Trafficking of People, Ark Eden, TAILS Lantau, 1st Steps Association and SENsational Foundation. In the podcast Jo goes into detail on how he started his fitness journey with the intention of helping others. Jo uses sport as a vector for helping others. The theme of giving back comes up several times in the podcast. Jo grew up around horses, he was very sporty competing in petathalons, he also boxed and later became a jockey riding professionally for eleven years before an accident curtailed his riding career. Jo has six children, all grown up now. He moved to Hong Kong 15 years ago and keeps a close relationship with them. We discuss in detail his choice to stop drinking alcohol and to become vegan. His journey to becoming the Jo of today. Sharing many insights on the journey and the lessons he has learnt and continues to learn. How he works on habits – all the time, how he sets weekly goals not daily goals allowing himself the space to have an off day. How he sets his yearly goals like being happier, doing fun activities and to give, all through the year to give, to have appreciation and to learn something new.Timing 04:12 Today I am very different to how I was… I’m an entrepreneur with a number of business…4:53 I classify myself as an ultra runner… the first person to run HK 5 trails in 5 days… 2.5 times up Everest… also an advocate for helping people with disabilities… using sport as the vector….6:52[Giving Back] I’m a huge advocate for this…7:13 [Deciding what I needed to do – story]… I’ve got to start giving without receiving…8:57 [Ark Eden story]… How can I help them? … the start of my fitness journey… to help others11:29 We talked about happiness… happy people live longer…14:45 Everything is a habit… a big thing for me was giving up alcohol…18:53 [Wedding story]…19:50 [Alcohol and temptation]… Never …not at all…20:24 [Habits] I work on habits all the time…21:12 [Going vegan story]… I’m quite determined…18:54 [Growing up story]… aways around ponies and  horses…boxing…professional jockey…24:18 I’ve got 6 children – all grown up now…they’re amazing…  I moved to HK 15years ago… it was a great thing…26:04 I put on so much weight… I met my wife… COVID came … I started moving more… the quickest way to lose weight... eat better food and to move more… 29:25 To lose the weight took 3 years… I moved more… I became vegan …giving up drinking was massive…32:50 We weigh ourselves all the time … the worse thing you can do … we should talk about losing fat… consistency… it’s not easy… just add a bit more…36:52 [Your blood work] I had one 6 weeks ago … I’m a marmite eater…39:59 Being a jockey… I weighed myself 4,5,6.10 times a day … it’s so much more important to look at your fitness levels… I started walking…44:11 [Being unfocussed] My goals are weekly goals not daily goals… I’m allowed to have days when I struggle… I don’t fight it…41:37 [Morning routine] I’m very good at waking up… I get up at 5:00am… I eat a regular breakfast…  my head is much clearer…48:50 [Key Message] 3 things I do every year… 1. Something that is major – this year to make myself happier… 2. Six fun activities… The other day I went to a rave… 3. To give… and to have appreciation… learn something new… Contact Jo Website : jolodder.comContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Fitness N Dance" with Pooja Laungani
"Fitness N Dance" with Pooja Laungani
Pooja’s passion for dance and fitness started at an early age whilst she was living in Mumbai, this continued following her move to Hong Kong with her husband. As a life-long learner Pooja has an impressive list of qualifications and achievements that she continues to add to on a regular basis. Her qualifications include but not exclusively American School of Sports Medicine, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Certified for TRX, a Zumba Zin trainer, a BOLLYFIT cardio classes coach and a Cancer Exercise Specialist. Pooja has been in the dance industry for over 25 Years and she is also Bollywood dance choreographer. Leading fitness and dance classes for all ages across Hong Kong. In the podcast Pooja goes into detail on how she assesses and provides programs that cater for clients from 3 years old up 68 years old. She explains that women suffer from muscle mass reduction as they age and how woman need strength training. Pooja believes that the idea that women doing strength training will get bulky is a myth and she encourages her clients to improve their fitness and their strength.  Pooja shares many client stories in the podcast and as a recognised authority in many facets of health and wellness she believes that health and wellness is a lifelong journey. Fitness has physical, mental and emotional elements, they are all connected. She encourages her clients to believe in themselves and to embrace fitness.Timing4:29 I grew up in Mumbai , I came to Hong Kong … it’s amazing here...5:23 I am Pooja Laungani, a Fitness Coach, …my role as a Fitness Trainer is to empower clients on their fitness journey…6:25 [Personalised service]… what are the goals, what they want to achieve…7:33 [Qualifications]… A Bollywood Dance Choreographer, ...9:26 [New Clients] Firstly I notice their posture… assess their strength… eating habits…7:09 Women are fearing strength training …11:42 [A typical training routine]…13:15 [Age Range] 3 through to 68…muscle mass goes down, getting bulky as a women is a myth…15:53 [Client story] A shoulder issue… improving the range of motion… Losing weight story…17:40 Most clients come for weight loss… you can’t lose weight just by exercising… exercise is for building strength…19:11 [Clients who come in for weight loss]…. A lifelong journey… no quick fix…20:23 [Helping cancer patients]… we work on range of motion… light weights…24:30 [A Bollywood dance choreographer]… Dancing is my first passion…27:27 [Business and the future]… always evolving …amazing transformations of my clients… a book… online projects… 29:09 [Mental Health]… Fitness is physical, mental and emotional… they are all connected…30:51 [In the next five years]… train trainers…32:55 [Staying on top of things] Keep learning…industry trends… a network of professions…34:50 [Books] Atomic Habits - James Clear 35:16 [Habits]… That’s what keeps you going … Recently, I practice meditation… I’ve become more dedicated…37:55 [Apparent Setback]…. COVID a setback - taught me to work online… that continues now…37:18 [Morning Routine] Creating a positive tone for the day … a workout… I maintain a balance…42:44 [Overwhelm] Take a step back … then I get back on track…44:46 [Key Message]… Believe in yourself …embrace fitness…Contact PoojaFB : https://www.facebook.com/poojalaungani/IG: https://www.instagram.com/poojasfitnessndance/p/B9uEFXIHD3S/WhatsApp: +852 6497 8086Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Pandemic Minds" with Kate Whitehead
"Pandemic Minds" with Kate Whitehead
My guest on the podcast this week is Kate Whitehead. Kate is an award-winning journalist and qualified psychotherapist based in Hong Kong. In the podcast we are discussing her most recent book, Pandemic Minds, about the psychological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Hong Kongers. Following a meeting with the publisher for Hong Kong University Press Kate committed to writing about mental health and the pandemic. Half of the book is first person accounts of the pandemic taken from interviews with a wide range of people from all walks of life, a diverse group of experiences. The other half of the book is the psychology of why we behave the way we do in certain situations. Every chapter in the book ends with strategies for support to ensure there is a therapeutic element to the book. Kate has the firm belief we are going to have another pandemic. It’s not a question of if,  it’s more a question of when and how can we do things next time differently. What has been learnt. Timings 3:19 I’ve lived in Hong Kong since I was 7…I went to University in UK…I’ve been a journalist for 30 years… I’m also a psychotherapist…5:27 The book is called Pandemic Minds… about the psychological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Hong kong…7:57 [Overview of Pandemic Minds]… I wrote it in 6 months… half is 1st person accounts, other half is the psychology of how people behave in a pandemic…10:49 Final Chapter is “Ways Forward”… what have we learnt… each chapter focuses on different elements of the pandemic…12:33 First person accounts… half of the book… the book then draws on research around the subject…15:13 [Sourcing the stories]… I have a huge network of contacts… Jeff Rotmeyer (Impact HK), Father John Whetherspoon (Mercy HK) , Aaron Busch @tripperhead…. 18:20 [Quarantine] In Hong Kong we had a three week quarantine… isolation was an issue…20:28 [Story of Su Hang]… easy for fears to escalate… non communication…25:54 [Doctors and Nurses]… Front line medical professionals26:28[Pilots] Caught up in a closed loop system… both groups had difficulty accessing support…29:59 [Chronic Worry] … A whole chapter on “Uncertainty” – closely linked to excessive worry… focus on what we can change… Eating well, exercising well, spending time with friends and family…33:51 [Silver Linings]… Three happy chapters at the end of the book… Working from home… Three stories in the “Silver Linings”…37:57 Gratitude Journals… looking for reasons to be grateful…39:05 [Surprises- Stories]… what is traumatic for one is not necessarily traumatic for another… 44:27 [Personal story ]… 3 trips to the UK… Hiking was my great release/pastime…45:47 [Book] – How has it been received…47:00 [Key Message]… We know another pandemic is coming… change communication… Contact Kate.Website: http://hongkongkate.comEmail : kate@hongkongkate.comContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"COCO GLO" with Nomita
"COCO GLO" with Nomita
My guest on the podcast this week is Nomita Hathiramani. Nomita is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach & Mineral Therapy Consultant. She helps women heal their Gut and their Skin. Enabling her clients to  Age-Well naturally by using a combination of Ancient Nutrition, Ayurveda & Natural Remedies. Her unique healing method is for women who are looking for a natural, effective and holistic approach towards beauty and wellness. In the podcast Nomita shares her own health story. How she was overweight and went on a crash diet, losing weight only to experience gut issues. Nomita goes into detail of how she felt bloated, was constipated and generally felt terrible. Discovering Ayurveda she implemented it into her life and it helped her detoxify her body over a period of 3-4 months. Nomita also shares two stories from her clients. One with Acid reflux, she helped her get in tune with her own body and her client went on to become pregnant with her second child.  A second client had severe inflammation, underwent treatment and within 6 weeks she was feeling much better. Apart from her 1:1 Nutrition Coaching, Nomita enjoys spreading awareness through educational workshops and articles and contributes to the popular wellness platform mindbodygreen.  Nomita has also been featured in  South China Morning Post. , LIV, Well Magazine, Foodie, Harper's Bazaar and Green Queen.3:52 I moved to Hong Kong as a young child and I grew up in Hong Kong… I feel there is an energy in Hong Kong…5:15 I had a comfortable childhood with lots of international friends…6:01 I am an Integrative nutrition coach who focuses on gut health…7:56 I started recommending Ayurveda following my own health issues… it put my body back into balance…10:01 I was bloated, I was constipated… I felt terrible… I discovered Ayurveda… I implemented it into my life… it helped me to detoxify my body over 3-4 months…13:28 A lot of self-education… I’ve had balanced health subsequently…15:22 I started helping family and friends, I started studying Ayurveda… I built a practice…13:58 [ Client story] Acid reflux… I helped her get in tune with her own body…16:40 [2nd Client Story] Severe inflammation – within 6 weeks she was feeling much better…18:54 There are 200 questions on the intake questionnaire…20:07 [Helping yourself] “Follow a Routine”, a small warm breakfast, a hearty lunch and an early light dinner… avoid snacking it may cause toxins22:47 [Developing the business] Workshops., lectures, spread the emessage…23:54 [In 5 years time] Relocate to Dubai… my own centre, more global…25:23 [Staying on top of things] … 26:08 [Morning Routine] …. Meditate, a yoga sequence, Tibetan Rites… the fountain of youth, a breathing sequence, around 1:30h28:04 [Passions] Nature, outdoors, practice…29:08 I am a bio-chemic mineral practitioner…[Books] Ayurvedic Beauty care – Melanie Sachs, Timeless Secrets Of Health & Rejuvenation - Andreas Mortiz, You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay32:10 [Last 5 years] Meditation… sets the tone for the day… Drinking warm water during the day…34:00 [Unfocussed/Overwhelm] …Breathing…36:31 [Key Message] … The 5 Tibetan Rites : https://www.scalingtheheights.com/wp-content/resources//ritual/09%20The-Five-Tibetan-Rites.pdf Contact Nomitahttps://cocoglo.co/https://www.instagram.com/coco_glo/Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Being Neurodivergent" with Rishi Narang
"Being Neurodivergent" with Rishi Narang
My guest on the podcast this week is Rishi Narang. Rishi lives in Hong and works in cyber security as a “Security Alchemist”, specialising in security advisory and risk mitigation. Being a neurodivergent individual, Rishi is passionate about mental health and well-being. He is a certified coach and mentor, sharing insights on fostering mental well-being, understanding neurodiversity, promoting inclusive hiring practices with allyship, and mitigating technology induced social isolation. I met Rishi at an event dedicated to “Neurodiversity’ hosted in Hong Kong. Rishi was diagnosed with ADHD - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in late 2022. He tells the story of his diagnosis in the podcast. Very simply, neurodiversity refers to the different ways a person’s brain processes information. As Rishi explains neurodiversity is your cognitive ability to do things differently, to process things differently and to come up with out the of box thinking that is not neuro typical. It’s a different way of thinking, as simple as that. Rishi shares his story of discovering his neurodivergence , how it was liberating and  understanding how different he is and how similar he is. How it is a boon and a curse. How he stays on top of things with three buckets and shares many more insights including encouraging individuals to explore and experiment, to be curious and to develop resilience.Timing 04:16 I work in Cyber security… in Nice in the South of France… I found a new job in Hong Kong…8:44 Later… I got into Entity as a consultant and after two years I joined Google via Mandeant in 2022… 9:42 The title I use is “Security Alchemist” … we identify the weaknesses before the bad actors do…11:59 I met Rishi at an event dedicated to “Neuro Diversity” …13:07 Anything to do with neuro diversity relates to mental health and anything to do with mental health people think less of you…14:01 I was diagnosed with ADHD in late 2022 … Neurodiversity is your cognitive ability to do things differently, to process things differently… and to come up with out the of box thinking that is not neuro typical…15:07 It’s a different way of thinking…as simple as that…15:49 [Diagnosis story] …17:58 Knowing I have ADHD…how different I am…how similar I am… a boon and a curse20:12 It made me a little kinder and compassionate to myself and others like me… more of an active listener…21:32 [Story – looking back] Regret… Active Listening … Jumping Ships… Anchor Points…25:40 [Key Characteristics]… Be creative… Attention to detail…27:30 [Advice]  … 30:15 [Advantages]…32:12 [Advice] … to adults – explore and experiment …curiosity… resilience…34:06 DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,  DNI – Do Not Interact…37:32[Checks] For ADHD and ADD (no hyperactivity) … see if you are jumping ships… lack long term friends… everything is boring…39:40 [ Staying on top of things]…3 buckets… 1. Who has asked me to do the task… 2. How much time will it take… 3. What is the deadline… a combination defines the priority…42:35 [Motivations] I eat deserts before main course… rewards driven, love kindness, compassion, appreciation …44:50 [Education]… The toughest time in my life… doing – yes … reading – no…47:43 [Routines]… I am not – I’m trying… everything is in calendar…50:48 [Key Message] Contact Rishi https://www.linkedin.com/in/rishinarang/email: rishi@neurosec.meContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Neuro Emotional Technique" with Dr Joyce Yeung
"Neuro Emotional Technique" with Dr Joyce Yeung
Dr. Joyce Yeung is  a trained chiropractor with advanced training in stress management and brain development. Joyce uses different techniques including Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T) and Quantum Neurology and she is passionate about helping people harness their natural healing power and living to their fullest potential. Joyce graduated with the degree of Doctor of Chiropractic with honours in the United States. Studying effective stress management, neurological rehabilitation, sensory integration and child brain development. Joyce is one of the three certified N.E.T. practitioner in Asia, a mind-body technique that resolves stuck physical and emotional stress patterns. She assists her clients to move forward by releasing their own healing ability for an energized and joyful life. In the podcast Joyce shares client’s stories illustrating how NET gives back ones freedom to choose in the moment and how each correction builds on the other layers. Results may be seen quickly with some clients seeing improvements after just one session.Timings 2:47 My childhood was pretty stress free… I knew I wanted to be a chiropractor… I fell in love with anthropology…5:16 I felt compelled to bring this gift back to where I live [Hong Kong]…5:52 I’m trained as a chiropractor… advanced training in stress management and brain development…6:25 [stress management]… we are working on your nervous system… brain and the network… thoughts can create tension patterns in the spine… Neuro-Emotional Technique(NET)…9:31 Structure determines function… bio-feedback … NET – 11:30 [Client story]… urge of eating chocolate… NET gives you back your freedom to choose in the moment… each correction builds on the other layers… it can be quick…15:40 [Client story 2] Eczema… after one session she could sleep better…17:11 [Importance of habits]… changing the brain… changing habits…22:18 The muscle test seems to be key… then there is no guessing… the body leads the process…23:55 [How can listeners help themselves]… A tool called FAST -  First Aid Stress Tool…https://www.firstaidstresstool.com25:12 [The next 5 years] … providing resources when people are stuck…26:15 [Biggest challenge] Getting clear on communication…27:51 [Staying on top of things]… 32:36 [Passions] Chiropractic … living live to full potential…33:54 [Books] The Seekers Code – Donny Epstien – how we can harness our own power…35:13 [Overwhelm- Unfocussed] – I use First Aid Stress Tool… talking walks… eating nourishing foods… taking deep breaths…37:20 [Key message] Healing comes from above down inside out may you harness your own healing power within you. Contact Dr Joyce Yeunghttps://linktr.ee/drjoyceyeungIG:  @drjoyceyeunghttps://www.threads.net/@drjoyceyeungIG:  @drjoyceyeungContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Where Corporate Meets Wellness" with Cristina Rodenbeck
"Where Corporate Meets Wellness" with Cristina Rodenbeck
Cristina grew up up in Brazil and  workied in advertising in San Paolo before arriving in Hong Kong in 1998. She is a Leadership Coach, Corporate Facilitator and Keynote Speaker. Specializing in leadership development and personal wellness, she supports executives to meet performance and organizational targets, while building professional resilience. Additionally, Cristina is a Certified Wellness Practitioner offering wellness therapies to individuals including Bach Flower Remedies, Crystal Healing and Iridology at the Integrated Medical Institute in Hong Kong.  Cristina shares stories of how she assists corporates who often have stressful jobs, often multi-tasking and very ambitious. Clients she calls “super heroes”, on the wellness side they often struggle to find balance and she assists them to regain their balance and develop resilience. – she shares a story of a client who felt they were in a rut, not feeling balanced whilst taking on more responsibility. Working with different modalities the client was able to focus at work and receive further coaching. An integrated approach enabling the client to perform at their highest level.  Cristina “likes very much what she does” and she sees her future working with coaching, facilitation in wellness. Working with less clients for longer with the aim of going deeper.  Longer and stronger. Being a true partner integrating wellness therapies. Working “Where Corporate Meets Wellness”Timing 4:02 I’m Brazilian, I grew up in Brazil… In San Paolo I started working in Advertising…we arrived in Hong Kong in 1998…5:07 [The move] It wasn’t smooth…there was a lot of change… I had ups and downs…6:25 Stretching myself … growth , pure growth… I was invited to do corporate training…Coaching…wellness therapy…9:00 I decided to study the things that worked for me… the things I trust..10:09 [How is it you assist people]… I have a corporate hat… I also work in the wellness arena… Bach Flower Remedies…Crystal Healing… Iridology… Kirtan Community…12:17 [Client Story]…  I work with corporates … stressful jobs… lack of balance…17:14 These are very talented people … who are feeling off…18:22 Another toolbox I have is corporate training… coaching tools…models…19:39 [Timescales for treatment] To having a solution… at least six sessions… can be bi-weekly… and then it can be longer… an average of around 6 months… what are the areas of focus…25:12 We dig deeper … the iceberg model… a lot is built on trust…27:45 [The future]… I like what I do… building relationships… longer and stronger… where “Corporate meets Wellness”… clients are looking for collaboration, partnerships… 31:40 Around 80% of the training workshops – “go to a drawer”…33:29 [Moving from training to coaching] That’s what I’d like to see more of…34:37[Challenges]… I had a few bumps on the road… a life long learner…38:06 [Passions] … Seeing Transformation …working with animals…38:42 [Dogs]… the benefits of having a dog…40:24 [An apparent setback]… Loss of confidence…  Contact CristinaIMI - https://www.imi.com.hkhttps://manipurawellness.comcristina@manipurawellness.comContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"The Chiropractic Centre" with Dr Barry Decker
"The Chiropractic Centre" with Dr Barry Decker
Barry arrived in Hong Kong in 1990 following his graduation from the Philip Institute in Melbourne in 1987 and he practices as a Brain-Based-Chiropractor focusing on removing blocks in the nervous system so his clients brains and bodies are aligned. His mission is to optimize peoples’ health to enable them to live their lives to their full potential. In the podcast Barry shares his story of why and how he became a chiropractor. Additionally, Barry explains that our bodies know how to self-heal. He shares, in detail, a case study of a six-month old boy with a fever to illustrate how he works with his clients. The six-month old boy was in fact his own son. What is Chiropractic? Barry explains, it is about affecting neurology, it has to be specific to the joint to effect the proprioception in the nerves which fire to the spinal cord up to the brain to allow a connection to the joint.  He is a firm believer in the ability of the body to heal itself, we need to be smart, of course, seeking professional assistance for acute conditions on an as needed basis. Barry believes that we can do a lot to help ourselves and he shares his morning and evening routines to give plenty of examples of practices he undertakes.Timing  3:49 Early 1990s …. An opportunity to come to Hong Kong… arrived in Dec 1990…6:00 I was the 20th Chiropractor in HK… at the Vital Life Centre…7:42 Make your worst day your best day….7:51 [growing up story]… I’m in trouble here… come and see a chiropractor… he did an adjustment… a toggle… like going from black and white to colour…14:22 [A different chiropractor] … around 50miles away… he educated me…I will become a chiropractor… it changed my belief system… health comes from the inside…19:00 [How do you help clients?]… we use the word adjustment…your body knows how to self heal… e.g the development of a baby… a fever… is the body healing itself… a lot of ways to detox the body….25:07 [A case study]… a six month year old boy with a fever… he was happy playing… his innate intelligence was controlling the situation… 29:15 Book – What is Making our Children Sick.29:52 [Antibiotics]… antibiotic resistant diseases… gut problems…32:32 [An adjustment] … affecting neurology… allows innate immunity to fuction…You need to be smart… help the body heal itself… 36:32 We need to be living less from our head and more from the heart… 37:23 We have to look at technology as a tool… its what people do with it… and why…39:18 [How can listeners help themselves]… We are in charge…ban phones from the bedroom… a cut off time… blue light blockers…no overstimulation…be an early morning person…bed early… morning/meditation/brain training/yoga/47:09 [Key Message] The body can heal itself…50:34 There is no right way… be open to the flow of life…Contact BarryWebsite: TCC.com.hkLI: Barry DeckerTel +852 2973 0353Complimentary Brain Score by appointmentOnline workshopsInhouse workshopsContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Functional Health Educator & Facilitator" with Cavan Chan
"Functional Health Educator & Facilitator" with Cavan Chan
Cavan is a Functional Medicine certified Health Coach and a Functional Nutritional Counsellor. He is also a Sleep and Performance Coach for corporate professionals. Cavan has a Masters degree from University of California, an MBA from HKUST. He guested on episode 18 of the “Over Forty Wellness Podcast” In November of 2020. Cavan is a seasoned Health professional. A journey that has been motivated by his mother’s and his own medical conditions that has included diving deep into Functional Medicine, Functional Nutrition, Sleep and Performance. Cavan shares client stories to illustrate his coaching and counselling skills. Emphasising looking for small wins, working step by step working along side his clients, counselling and often having to think outside of the box. His business is evolving taking two paths B2B where he has plans to influence and impact 1000 leaders operating in the fields of corporate wellness. In B2C Cavan believes more in “Food is our Medicine”. Also Cavan is working with Special Education Needs Children where Cavan explains this may be impacting 6-8% of children in Hong Kong – a growing problem. Once again Cavan advocates a step by step approach. Timing 3:40 I am a Functional Medicine certified Health Coach and a Functional Nutritional Counsellor… and I often introduce myself as a Sleep and Performance Coach…4:24. My mum suffered from a serious case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome… for 40 + years … and also on the way to becoming diabetic… this launched me on the path of Integrative Medicine… I explored Functional Medicine…9:07 I have been on this journey to become a Functional Nutrition educator… I wasn’t able to focus, fatigue…. heart palpitations, burnout, adrenal fatigue… I find out what is burnout…12:17 Mental health has a lot to do with our physical health… talking to corporate organisations… I look into testings…15:25 [Health Coaching] Is a “Service Industry”…  sometimes we forget ourselves…17:28 [Client Story]… A lady holding a high position in her company… hormonal imbalance …endometriosis… 21:40 [Functional Medicine] What is the symptom here… lets take a look at it… 25:34 [Client Story 2]  Gen Z… can’t sleep… counselling… thinking outside the box…2weeks in he is sleeping better…28:51 All health care professionals should study psychology… 26:27 I would want to find a small win… I work on a 10 week protocol… compound interest32:29 [Forty something years old]… getting old  - I don’t subscribe to that…34:31[Business evolution]… a big question B2B - I want to impact a 1000 leaders, corporate wellness, … and B2C much more involved in “Food is our medicine”… 39:13 [Special Education Needs Children] … In Hong Kong - 6-8%  - a growth of 106%...43:48 [Parent story] – special education children’s needs…46:06 In HK we live at a fast pace… doing things one step at a time… sound advice… we may be surprised at the results… 49:18 Where is the improvement coming from…Contact CavanLI: Cavan ChanIG: CavanchanContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Gaze Yoga, Pilates & Fitness" with Kiki Shiu
"Gaze Yoga, Pilates & Fitness" with Kiki Shiu
Kiki was born in Hong Kong,  from an early age she has always been athletic. At school she competed in the 100m and the long jump. In secondary school she was often in competitions and already had her own coach. She believes that if you want to do something and you think that you can, then you can. Kiki is a personal trainer and runs her own business Gaze – Yoga,  Pilates and Fitness. A boutique studio offering classes to women in groups of up eight people. In the podcast Kiki goes into detail on all elements of her business and explains her classes are for clients at all levels from beginners up. Offering a personalised approach whatever is the level and the age of the participants. The teachers can speak in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.  The studio is for women only and Kiki explains in the podcast that the yoga can be a part of a social activity with clients sometimes following a Yoga session by going for lunch together.  Further, with women only classes beginners may find it easier to participate and for some it can help them overcome any self-consciousness. There are thirty coaches who use the studio and there are classes 7 days a week and it’s not unusual for teachers to fill an available space in a class to ensure their skills are finely tuned.Timing 3:55 I was born and raised in Hong Kong… As a kid I was good at 100m and long jump… when I move I feel energy…6:29 In secondary school I am always in competitions… I already have a coach… 10:15 If we want to do something and you think that you can … then you can…11:22 My profession is a personal trainer… yoga and pilates … my studio is GAZE … fitness and yoga.14:01 Mobiity and flexibility – more than stretching for 10s – you need to be consistent over time… a practice… clear your mind…come back to yourself… a spiritual activity15:38 [Benefits of Yoga]… 19:01 My studio is only for women – for group classes… to address the needs for women…21:44 Friends come from office jobs… tight necks… only 6-8 people in the class… targeted for those new to yoga…more personalised… our teachers can speak in Cantonese, Mandarin and English… whatever the level of yoga… even zero level… softly and gently… also for retired people…27:19 Nowadays, more girls say let’s have a girl’s day … go to yoga first then lunch later… a social activity…29:02 [Development of the business] We open the class for one person, keep the passion… classes aim for 95% open – we have 30 people who hold classes…32:09[Motivation/Inspiration] I’m inspired by my yoga teachers…unconditional love…34:27 [Setbacks] I review with my mentors… its normal… friends around you can see more clearly…35:59 [Routines] My stretching… My protein shake… do some yoga practice…review admin for the studio… prep my lunch… join a class if I have time… sharing …39:38 [Overwhelmed/Unfocussed]… 42:03 [Key Message] …  Contact Kikihttps://GazeYoga.studiohttps://gaze.auau.io/en/https://www.instagram.com/kiki.coach.gazeContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"ImpactHK & Love21" with Jeff Rotmeyer
"ImpactHK & Love21" with Jeff Rotmeyer
My Guest this week is Jeff Rotmeyer.  Jeff is the founder and CEO of a charity,  ImpactHK that works with individuals experiencing homelessness in Hong Kong. He is also the founder of the Love21 Foundation that works with the Down Syndrome and Autistic Community. Both charities were founded in 2017. Jeff developed a passion for standing up for people who are held back. He believes the best things you can give to someone experiencing homelessness is love, care, friendship, community and kindness. ImpactHK was started with the simple mission to pass out some food, with now over 30k unique individual volunteers having participated and helped take 600 people off the streets of Hong Kong.  Love21 is a charity empowering the Down syndrome and autistic community in Hong Kong through sport, nutrition, and holistic support programmes. Since the launch of their comprehensive nutrition programme in 2021, Love21 has provided one-on-one nutritional support on top of the sports classes it offers. Recently it has expanded into providing counselling support for the parents of the community. Jeff shares many stories in the podcast that illustrate the complexity and scope of the work being done and the work to be done and encourages us to contribute and just to do what we can do.Timing 3:56 My name is Jeff Rotmeyer founder and CEO of a charity called Impact HK – working with individuals experiencing homelessness in Hong Kong… also the founder of Love 21 Foundation that works with the Down Syndrome and Autistic Community…4:12 I came to Hong Kong in 2005 as an English Teacher…5:17 I developed a passion over the years for standing up for people who are held back …7:25 Teachers are undervalued… they are amazing… now we are teaching in different ways…9:57 What is the best thing we can give to someone experiencing homelessness…  answers like love, care, friendship, community, kindness…11:38[Story] … Impact HK was started by just going into a park…over 30k volunteers… 600 people off the streets… a holistic model… 50 full time staff…13:54 Love21 a separate charity… working with Down Syndrome and Austistic community… aim is to raise life expectancy… family support…17:45 [Where do you see things going in the future] Everyday we are just attacking – from every angle… a great team… constant learning, adapting… find new strategies…21:02[A story of an individual journey]… 24:02 [A story] With Love 21 … you constantly see progress… we presented a certificate… it’s an opportunity issue…27:47 One of the biggest issues with autism spectrum is depression… severe depression…29:30 [Importance of sport]…30:44 [How to contribute] Reach into your wallet… get on the ride… share the message …32:40 [The future]… Spread Love 21 in Asia… a step at a time…35:34 [An apparent setback] A fire … a blessing in disguise… 40:22 When you have a strong message… there are many caring people in the city… 41:50 You have to be able to deal with a lot of pain, a lot of stress, a lot of struggles…42:25 I really focus on gratitude… gratitude gets me through… I feel lucky… 44:29 [Key Message] … Do what you can do… Contact- Jeff - Impact HK and Love 21https://impacthk.orghttps://love21foundation.comFB: impacthkIG: impacthkcharityIG: love21foundationLI: impacthk Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"td_workshop" with Tina Wong
"td_workshop" with Tina Wong
Tina grew up and now lives in Hong Kong. A passionate baker with 18 years of experience of creating delicious homemade baked products. Tina is also the founder of TD Workshop, a thriving platform that offers baking and cooking classes tailored to individuals seeking to enhance their culinary skills. Tina has a strong foundation in Thai cooking and baking, Tina's expertise is deeply rooted in her heritage, as her mother hails from Thailand. Additionally, she collaborates with a co-partner in Hong Kong to provide card reading consultations, adding a unique and mystical dimension to her offerings. Tina's genuine love for sharing her skills and life experiences serves as a driving force behind her mission to inspire others to pursue their passions fearlessly. With a belief in limitless potential, she encourages individuals to explore their true desires and unlock their hidden talents. Tina is strong believer in Mindful cooking and shares her enthusiasm in the podcast. Encouraging her clients to focus and live in the moment, to enjoy the process of cooking and to be inspired, to be brave and to just do it. Timing 3:22 My mother comes from Thailand … My father is from China .. my early memories are all around food… 4:07 I studied in UK to improve my English… it is my dream… I saved for 5 years to fund my studies…A fantanstic experience… I became more open… seeing possibility…7:35 I found a job in a power supply company interfacing with the factory and the clients… 10:22 I am the eldest sister … I need to solve a lot of problems…11:29 I found my passion to be a baker and home chef… I was doing two jobs… Three years ago I started a workshop…13:12 I had a lot of energy… I learnt how to bake… my first customer is my husband…15:46 I would like to share my little baby – TD Workshop… my second baby… Bakery and Thai cooking…16:26 I promote mindfulness…also the emotion… self-awareness… being peaceful… to release stress… I love to inspire them…20:03 [Mindful cooking] Focus… live in the moment…enjoy every step…appreciate…23:40 When you are calm you see things more clearly…24:03 [ A typical workshop]29:01 [Future plans] I want to help and inspire more people… be brave … just do it… why not try…31:45 [Setbacks] …8 course meals…35:13 [Motivation] … Moving forward…38:56 [Becoming unfocussed] I am always having this problem… do a workout… dancing… Thai Boxing… get into nature… talk to a friend…43:42 I thank my friends for supporting me…44:48 I can’t change the world but I can change my thought… do what you can do…46:40 [Key Messages]… Just try…just go for it… don’t think too big… don’t give up easily… Contact Tina IG : td_workshopemail: td.workshop.hk@gmail.comLinktr.ee/tdworkshopFB: td_workshop Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Limitless - 2" with Tricia Yap
"Limitless - 2" with Tricia Yap
My guest on the podcast this week is Tricia Yap. This is the second time Tricia has been a guest on the podcast. Previously she featured in episode “131 in December of 2023”. Tricia has been in the fitness industry for closer to two decades. As a strength and performance coach Tricia loves working with Martial Arts athletes and with women in their mid 40’s and beyond.  In this podcast we focus on “Limitless”, where Functional Medicine meets Physical Fitness. Tricia assists her clients to get closer to optional health. We discuss the onboarding process for new clients who undertake a Physical and Structural assessment, a Lifestyle assessment, a Nutritional assessment. The onboarding includes an extended interview to know, amongst other things, who is the client, why are they seeking assistance and how have they become the way they are today. Tricia goes into detail on the four function medicine priorities, Blood Sugar, Detox, Adrenal and Gut and how the client program is decided depending on the client priority. At Limitless Tricia explains how they leverage testing to understand the root cause of client issues. How you can eat more and lose weight, how losing weight is more complex than the often quoted “Calories In Calories Out” formula for weight loss.  There are many insights shared by Tricia in the podcast like being consistent with your habits and practices at just 30-50% can get a result and being consistent at 80% will yield significant results. The podcast is full of great “Takeaways”.Timing  00:36 I’ve been in the fitness industry for closer to 2 decades, a life long passion… I’m a strength and performance coach…. A serial Wellness Entrpreneur… working with martial arts athletes and working with women in their middle age and beyond …7:25 Many athletes in martial arts cut boat loads of weight… I love working with female athletes…9:28 I work with clients mid-thirties and beyond… “the time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining”…12:39 This is why the thirties and forties are seriously key times… it’s not about doing things perfectly… be OK with making mistakes..15:59 Between 30-50% consistency – can get a result,  at 80% can get a significant result…17:44 There is a lot of anxiety around being perfect… trending up is progression…20:49 [Two boats analogy]…21:49 [Limitless] – Fitness with Functional Medicine…..helping people closer to optional health… helping busy professionals… extensive interviews…23:40 [Onboarding] Physical and structural assessments, a life style assessment, a nutritional assessment, also an extended interview, who they are , why they are here, how they have become this way today…27:20 [4 Functional medicine priorities] Blood sugar, detox, adrenal and gut… depending on client priority for their training program…29:45 We also leverage testing… to understand the root cause… work with their current state… 33:37 [Eat more and lose fat] … More complex than calories in and calories out…41:37 [Continuous Glucose Monitors]…45:03 [Blood sugar, detox, adrenal and gut] …. Priorities…Workouts… Priorities can change over time… Scientific and adaptable not prescriptive…56:00 [Client Story] “If you don’t sleep you will have no testosterone and you can’t do the things that testosterone gives you to do” ….57:33 [Key Message]…Contact Tricia: IG: instagram.com/triciayap/Limitless www.limitless.hkFB: facebook.com/bikinifit.trish/Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"DR's Secret" with Monica Woo
"DR's Secret" with Monica Woo
My guest today is Monica Woo. Monica  grew up in the United States. She attended Yale University, where she majored in Economics, and briefly dabbled in investment banking after leaving college. A few years later, Monica decided to attend Columbia Business School and switch fields into marketing.  Thus, began her career in luxury goods and beauty marketing. Monica worked in marketing and strategy for brands such as Christian Dior, Lancôme, and Target in the US and then for Chanel following her move to Hong Kong 15 years ago with her family. Monica goes into detail in the podcast. In order to have more flexibility in her life to spend time with her children Monica left the corporate world around 10 years ago and started her own online fashion business. Around three years ago, she stumbled upon a Singaporean skincare brand called DR’s Secrets and she has now become very involved in the brand as a skin consultant and a team leader. Monica is passionate about helping her clients, her friends and her team members to realise their full potential. Monica goes into detail in the podcast. Timing  3:19 The very first part of my life I grew up in Hong Kong… We moved to the East coast of US 3:54 My first career…investment banking… I switched into the beauty and fashion world… LVMH, Christian Dior- makeup…5:10 My family relocated to Hong Kong… I worked for Chanel… Beauty, Fashion and Jewelry…8:15 I studied business at Columbia… then LVMH. I moved Lancome…11:02 I moved to Minneapolis with my husband’s job…working with Target… in mass retail…13:23 I have two boys… I wanted to spend more time with them… I focused on a beauty business…17:55 I saw an amazing transformation in my skin using “DR’s Secret” I decided to join them… I now have a team working for me …21:53 This brand is not a traditional brand…straightforward business model… I have tried it and I believe in it… 24:53 [Business evolution] … 25:28 [Friends story] … Exzema…28:08 [Challenges]… Spending time on skin care… Growing a team… 31:59 [Staying on top of things]… Best World Lifestyles… constant training… importance of supplements… newest training in nutrition and diet…36:16 [Motivation and Passions]… helping clients, friends, team members… being social… all around beauty…38:16 [Setbacks – Success]…. I need flexibility… developing different markets…41:30 [Key Message] Contact Monica IG : Monica_DRS_Secretmonica.c.woo@gmail.comContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Gentle Strength" with Charmaine So
"Gentle Strength" with Charmaine So
Charmaine was born in Hong Kong and moved to Canada at the age of 9 years. She studied in Canada, mainland China and Hong Kong. After working in Public Relations her love of cooking motivated her to move into a role in F&B joining a “Private Members Club” and later into her family’s business. With the demands of her job Charmaine pushed herself and suffered a host of health issues. Charmaine was diagnosed with a tumour in the left side of he brain that was pressing on the  Trigeminal nerve. She underwent surgery. Her response was to stay strong. Charmaine lost her hearing on the left side. The physical recovery lasted some 6-8 months, however there was little mental support.  Charmaine’s health suffered, she lost her sense of smell, suffered from constant migraines and poor sleep for several years. She was in a constant stress mode. In 2018 she discovered “Bio Energy Therapy” a form of immunotherapy. Within a short period of time, a matter of months she benefited from big improvements in her health. Charmaine shares this story in the podcast. Her sleep improved and she was able to taper off her medication. Charmaine underwent a transformation. She decided to share with others how she improved her health and decided to become a Health Coach. Charmaine goes into detail in the podcast on how she helps her clients to become a better version of themselves. Timing 4:07 I was born in Hong Kong… I studied in Vancouver… majoring in Finance… I did a Masters Degree in HK in Global Communications…6:24 I switched to an F&B role… it was super exciting…9:12 My body started to tell me things but I chose not listen…9:42 [Health Issues] I had a tumour in the left side of my brain… pressing on my hearing nerve…I thought I was fine… I lost hearing on my left side…13:36 The recovery focused on the physical… there was an emotional trauma… unresolved…16:30 I lost my sense of smell… affected my taste… constant migraines… really drained…18:10 I need to fix myself… a shift came in 2018…20:00 I dismissed the stress I was under… sleep quality was bad… massive migraines…21:32 I tapped into an energy medicine – “Bio Therapy”… within 3-4 months I saw big changes… it fixed my sleep…26:35 I started to explore meditation… tapered of my medication…gentle stretching… quiet mornings… simple practices…28:33 What if I can share my insights… I looked into Health Coaching…Functional Medicine…31:29 10 minutes a day to turn things around…33:36 I help people by bringing awareness to their body… ready to support them…34:13 [5 pillars] – 1) Food & Nutrition, 2) Movement/Exercise, 3) Stress Management, 4) Sleep/Relaxation, 5) Relationships &Connection… 36:29 Step by Step, Celebrate, Ask the client what they want to work on… 38:55 Do one thing a day…40:45 [Morning Routine]… Meditation…, Journal directly…, three things I will do today, a coffee, 1hr of reading… stretching…43.34 [Passions] Gratitude… be there for people…45:23 [Key Message] ….Contact Charmaine IG : the.gentlestrengthWebsite - https://thegentlestrength.comContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Limitless" with Tricia Yap
"Limitless" with Tricia Yap
My guest on the podcast this week is Tricia Yap. Tricia holds qualifications in strength training, CrossFit, nutrition and functional medicine health coaching. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Clinical Nutrition. Tricia is also a corporate health and wellness speaker who regularly conducts seminars and workshops across Hong Kong and China.  She is recognised as one of the most accomplished health and fitness experts in Hong Kong with a long list of achievements including but not exclusively, strength coach for Oleg Vasilvey 6 time BJJ Brown Belt world champion and Viking Wong China’s first BJJ Black Belt. Tricia is a TedX speaker and the recipient of several notable awards. She uses a multi-faceted holistic approach to get her clients long lasting results that do not focus on fad diets or quick transformations as you will hear in the podcast. Seeing things from her client’s perspective, being curious and putting together programs to assist her clients to achieve their goals. Tricia shares several client stories to illustrate her coaching approach to make change easier and to achieve significant and lasting results.Timing3:49 I was born in Malaysia… I grew up in Sydney… I lived between Sydney a little in New York and, a little in Kuala Lumpur… across cultures…4:10 I graduated with a double degree in science and commerce… that got me into management consulting… and a fitness person by night… In 2011 I went into health and fitness full time…5:22  I always wanted to be in Health and Fitness… I had a lot of fears… I had an amazing mentor … I was really active in sport… 8:45 The 100 day plan…. on 100 post its…9:41 [Sport crazy]…. It was a major outlet growing up… 11:01 [Management consulting] You always had to be curious… putting the puzzle together… I have a love of learning and always being curious…13:52 [Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome(CMT)]… a genetic condition… I see a gap and I need to bridge it…15:30 [How do you assist clients] I help them achieve their goals…we work on different pillars at different times…18:19 [Client perspective] … what does the baby see… a mobile…21:04 I like asking a lot of open ended questions… What is the one thing you absolutely want to change that is easy for you to change…25:03 [Client story 1] Safety checks …26:40 [Client story 2] Client with CMT…34:00[Losing weight story]… Fat loss is a luxury…39:31 [Over trained and under recovered] … you can only train as hard as you recover…41:40 We shouldn’t be glorifying a lack of sleep…42:06 When I hear the word “transformation” it gives me the “heebie jeebies”…44:50 [My passions]… helping people…person to person interaction… it doesn’t feel like a job…48:18 [Books] … I read a lot of non fiction… theatre musicals…mostly study based books… Mini Habits (for weight loss) – Steve GuiseAtomic Habits – James Clear50:26 [Key Message] …Contact Tricia: IG: instagram.com/triciayap/Limitless www.limitless.hkFB: facebook.com/bikinifit.trish/Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"My Healthy Cities" with Joëlle Smaniotto
"My Healthy Cities" with Joëlle Smaniotto
Joëlle grew up in Paris with a desire to explore the world. After a short stay in Mexico she has lived in Singapore, Dubai and Bangkok before moving to  Hong Kong. Moving between big cities one of the questions arising was  - What was available to support her “Health and Wellness"? Where may the information be found? This was the birth of the idea for “My Healthy Cities”Born from the passion and inspiration to explore and share health and wellness within her communities.  Joëlle's goal is to bring local, sustainable, healthy options created by talented and mindful brands and companies and make them inclusive, educational and most importantly, accessible. In the podcast Joëlle discusses how her idea has taken shape, reaching out to experts, to venues and to brands. Experts and venues can apply to be listed on My Healthy Cities. There is a curation process, this may involve My Healthy Cities personnel visiting the applicants to be listed. The project is being developed in Hong Kong with the intention to roll it out to other major cities including Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai and Paris. Joëlle, shares details of how MY Healthy Cities is developing, how she has developed and continues to develop personally, as an entrepreneur, as a wife and a mum and offers great insights. Learning a lot in the process. Timing 3:58 I was born and raised in Paris…I wanted to explore the world…6:26 [My wellness journey]… what’s my mission in life… If you don’t have health …9:06 I can’t be the only one in this situation….I got started on my project…11:32 When we decide to embark on wellness career…it comes from a personal experience…12:33 Make Health and Wellness more accessible…enjoyable… building a sense of community…16:52 [For a recommendation] I would ask my friends… what’s missing… a kind of ice breaker… referrals are important…21:12 The idea is to reach out to the experts… venues…brands… experts can apply to be listed…we are open minded…24:27 We are developing the project in Hong Kong… later other cities… in different parts of the world…25:39 [How can users help themselves]…29:59 [Wellness concierge]… plan to develop… 32:26 I also wanted to create a space where people could find product…33:13 [This idea of creating My Healthy Cities]… there was a perfectionist viewpoint… I have learnt a lot about myself…37:23 [Biggest Challenge]… overcome all the negative thoughts…40:01 [Being a mum, wife and entrepreneur]… find peace with choices I make… there is no right or wrong way to do things….make ourselves a priority…44:48 [Books] …  2 areas of high interest - Scientific Aromatherapy… Self-Development… “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie" – “Self-inquiry”… 4 questions – 1. Is that true? 2. Is that absolutely true? 3. Who would you be without that thought? 4. Turn it around…49:25 [Key Message]…Contact Joëlle https://myhealthycities.com/hongkong/https://www.instagram.com/myhealthycities/Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Holistic Medicine" with Dr Emilie Berthet Clairet
"Holistic Medicine" with Dr Emilie Berthet Clairet
My guest on the podcast this week is Dr Emilie-Marie Berthet Clairet. Emilie-Marie is a qualified Hypnotherapist, M.D, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (NANP), Doctor in Medicine (Paris VI) and is Certified in Sport and Nutrition (HKU).  Emilie-Marie discusses in the podcast the time she spent in South Africa where she was involved in community projects including HIV prevention and access to healthy diets for underprivileged individuals. One of the lessons learned whilst doing this was the need to understand the person in front of you.  Since arriving in Hong Kong in 2008 her family has grown with the addition of three sons. Emilie-Marie shares in the podcast  how she learnt a lot about nutrition and how to be resourceful.  Being diagnosed with Cancer at stage 3 was a really big shock. After following carefully, the usual screening protocols. She had surgery and following this she also went through chemotherapy. It was tough, it made her realise that she had to take care of herself.  Emilie-Marie did a lot of complimentary practices, and she opened up to Holistic Nutrition. Additionally, she shares her belief that we need Western Medine and Eastern Medicine – we need both. An Allopathic Approach and a Holistic Approach – we need to consider the disease and the person. A theme that runs through the podcast. Timing 3:50 I grew in France in the Alps ... my dad was a doctor... I did medical studies... I chose to do biological sciences... bacteriology... 7:53 I was a Medical Biologist in Paris.... a good opportunity to go to South Africa....  10:32 South Africa was amazing, amazing and scary at the same time... 16:12 I learned you need to understand the person point of view first... their point of view... 19:29 I was raised with professors who said the first diagnosis is talking with people... 21:00 When I arrived in HK I was pregnant with my first child.... then a second and a third.... 22:44 I learned a lot more about nutrition... as a mum I was very resourceful... 24:26 I became a Zumba Instructor – to lose some weight... I could exercise...   25:06 I was diagnosed with breast cancer... a stage 3 one... a really big shock... had surgery...I went through Chemotherapy... a very tough treatment to go through... it made me realise I need to look after myself...  29:37 I undertook Acupuncture... I did a lot of complementary practices... I opened up to Holistic Nutrition... working on “Bacterial Flora” …  stress has a big impact... 34:37 I have other organs in my body that may be impacted by all this treatment....  37:10 Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine – we need both... an Allopathic approach and a Holistic approach...38:41 I’m good … probably better than before... I’m a lot more comfortable with my body...I really listen to it...re-empowering yourself... 44:20 Hypnotherapy had a really big place as well … I started with “let’s see”... it was very demanding... 46:30 A soon as you make boxes you can be sure not everyone fits in the boxes... 46:55 It is a hard journey to be a mum of someone who is austistic... being fully honest... 50:40 Key Message.... Contact Emilie-Marie https://vitalitycenter.com.hk/practitioners/emilie-clairet/ https://www.ebc-holistic.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilie-clairet-a1a822b9/ Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Reducing the Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease" with Vincent Hiscox
"Reducing the Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease" with Vincent Hiscox
The podcast this week is dedicated to the topic of Alzheimer’s Disease -  a disease associated with a decline in memory, thinking, reasoning and other cognitive abilities. We all age and these declines affect us to one degree or another. We have all had episodes of forgetting where we left our keys or losing our cars in the car park and this is not unusual. However, for some a steady decline in memory can accelerate to become a progressive and steep deterioration in cognitive function that goes beyond what is considered a normal part of ageing. On the positive side more is known about preventing Alzheimer’s disease than preventing cancer. With Alzheimer’s Disease we have a much larger preventive tool kit at our disposal and it’s easier to spot cognitive decline in its early stages. In the podcast I discuss ways to lower the risk of having Alzheimer’ Disease alongside ways of reducing the impact if it develops. What are the strategies that assist to reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s Disease? How we can promote brain health and cognitive function by taking actions such as building up a “Cognitive Reserve” and doing “Cognitive Training” using Brain Games.  We are all at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease however by being proactive we can lower the risk. Timings3:26 Dementia is a general term used to describe a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory…. 4:03 The most common causes of dementia include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia…. 4:33 Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for around 60-70% of dementia cases. 5:27 Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), it is a difficult disease. We have limited understanding of how and why it begins, and how to slow or prevent it… 6:07 However, looking at Alzheimer’s disease from the viewpoint of prevention we know more about preventing Alzheimer’s than we do about preventing cancer. 6:32 Anyone who has a brain is at risk for Alzheimer’s. 7:14 Lowering the risk of having Alzheimer's disease … 10:36 Strategies: here are some other strategies that may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease: 13:31 There are several activities and exercises that can help promote brain health and cognitive function: 17:37 Genetics 18:51 Cognitive reserve… 20:02 Brain Games – Cognitive Training Contact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
"Mindful Sparks" with Winston Lau
"Mindful Sparks" with Winston Lau
My guest on the podcast this week is Winston Lau. Winston is the founder of Mindful Sparks,  founded with a clear mission: to create a complex elevated tea beverage that enhances dining experiences. Winston has a degree in Food and Nutritional Science and a Postgraduate diploma in Branding and Event Planning. Passionate about mindfulness and wellness, Winston believes that infusing premium high-quality tea and other ingredients such as fruits and herbs can create a more complex and layered flavour profile. Wellness is at the heart of every bottle of sparkling tea made by Mindful sparks, sourcing highest quality ingredients and retaining nutritional value throughout the production process. In the podcast Winston explains that tea like wine has its yearly vintages and seasonal vintages. He explains the complexity of taste and how this is aided by layered extraction. With "Wellness at the Heart of every Bottle" of sparkling tea from Mindful Sparks the products can be consumed at celebration occasions or during an evening out with friends. Timing3:16 Mindful Sparks is a brand founded 2 years ago… luxury tea producer… a non alcoholic sparkling tea…. drinking is done mindfully…6:30 Tea is a natural product like wine it has vintages and it has seasonal vintages…7:57 “Sparks” – refers to sparkling…8:53 Study in University of Hong Kong – HKU… Buddhist studies, Marketing and Food culture…10:52 Tradition can be created… Buddhism is also important… in Mindful Sparks…13:01 There is a gap in the market… I got advice from many people…16:36 Health is an important aspect of “Mindful Sparks”…17:51 [Sweetness]… we have low sugar and no sugar products… we don’t use non-sugar sweetners…23:42 From food science I learned unbalanced diets can lead to being unhealthy…27:33 [The benefits of Mindful Sparks products]… complexity of taste, experience, used in celebration occasions, - influences the shapes of the bottles…, Health. 32:56 [Future Plans] Segmented branding… clear marketing, tea redefinition, - this is the biggest one… change the profile of Chinese Teas… a classification system…luxury Chinese Tea Brands…36:31 [Layered Extraction] Of tea compounds… the tea product can be really complex and very healthy… contribute to health…40:21 [Biggest Challenge] Financial, big investment, use investment carefully and thoughtfully, relationships…43:59 We want to enter the Luxury/Non Alcoholic Segment… a green market need time to educate the market… it’s a big opportunity…46:56 [Overwhelm] Take a rest, seperate personal life and work, sleep can be an issue…49:20 Key Message:Contact Winstonhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/winston-lau-608a09254/https://www.mindful-sparks.comEmail: info@mindful-sparks.comContact VincentNewsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.comPro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscoxEmail: vincent.hiscox@outlook.comLinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox