WHAT IS D.B.T? What is mindfulness?!


28-06-2021 • 13分

Today we will be focusing on the definition of DBT and mindfulness this motivational Monday will be a four-part series for the books that were mentioned in this podcast the names are: The mindfulness journal by S.J. and Barrie Davenport the link to purchase this book is right here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1973531690/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_WG8Z2VYCTN41SG15KMYH the second book that is mentioned is the personality disorder survival guide which is by Alexander L. chapman & Kim L. Gratz and the link to purchase the book is right here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1572245077/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_FT3XF7THB6MS0X9XRJGZ --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/bpd.diva.podcast/message