Unleash Your Healthiest Self with Coach Jess

The Over 50 Health & Wellness Podcast

20-03-2024 • 1時間 3分

Dive into this super engaging episode of The Over 50 Health & Wellness Show where Kevin English brings on a rockstar coach from The Silver Edge. This isn’t just any coach – this is Coach Jess and she’s here to shake up everything you thought you knew about getting fit and fabulous after 50. Here's the lowdown on why you'll want to plug in and get inspired:

Let's Get Personal:

We kick things off with Jess’ journey – a mix of ups, downs, and all-around awesomeness that led them to champion fitness and nutrition for the over 50 crowd. Her story? It’s the pep talk you didn’t know you needed, showing you it’s never too late to get in the best shape of your life.

Crushing Myths & Making Moves:

Think you're too old to start your fitness journey? Think again! We're busting myths and showing you how to leap over those so-called ‘age barriers’ with grace and grit. Get ready for real talk on how to kickstart your path to a stronger, healthier you.

Food for Thought:

We're dishing out the skinny on nutrition without the boring lecture. Discover why eating right doesn’t mean giving up all the good stuff and how tweaking your diet can fuel your fitness journey and keep you feeling zingy.

Strength Training, But Make It Fun:

Ever thought lifting weights wasn’t for you? Let us change your mind. We're breaking down why strength training is your secret weapon for feeling mighty and melting away those misconceptions along with the pounds.

Stories That Spark Joy:

Hear from folks just like you who decided to take the plunge with The Silver Edge and transformed their lives. These stories are all the motivation you'll need to get moving and start seeing yourself in their triumphs.

Daily Doses of Awesome:

Discover the simple, everyday tweaks that can up your health game big time. We’re talking hydration heroes, sleep saviors, and stress busters that’ll have you wondering why you didn’t start sooner.

Bouncing Back Better:

Setbacks? Pfft, more like setups for comebacks. We've got the lowdown on how to stay fired up, even when the going gets tough, and how adjusting your game plan can lead to even greater wins.

Why You Can’t Miss This:

This episode is like your BFF cheering you on from the sidelines – full of energy, brimming with advice, and all about getting you across the fitness finish line smiling. Whether you’re pondering the first step on your fitness journey or looking to amp up your game, Kevin and Jess are here to light that fire.

Your Move:

Feeling the buzz and ready to jump into your fitness adventure? Reach out and discover how you can team up with Coach Jess from The Silver Edge. It's time to turn those health dreams into reality with a coach who’s all about fun, results, and celebrating every step of your journey.

Click HERE to learn more and schedule a call for an opportunity to work with Coach Jess!

Why wait? Tune into The Over 50 Health & Wellness Show now and let's get this fitness party started. Your next chapter of health, strength, and happiness is just a play button away!

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