Small steps, big impact: building a healthier lifestyle with MS

Breaking it down - A multiple sclerosis podcast

01-06-2023 • 1時間 20分

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So you want to lead a healthier lifestyle with MS? But, you're feeling overwhelmed and you're not sure where to start? We've been there. Can simple changes in sleep, exercise, and diet REALLY influence MS management?

Special guest Charlie Peel, author of ‘Disease-modifying lifestyle in multiple sclerosis: evidence, challenges, and the importance of engaged, informed patients,’ gives us her take on the small steps that can make a massive difference to you. Learn practical strategies for positive lifestyle changes today!

Plus listen to our colleague Stephen’s MS journey. You’ll hear about how the exercise challenge ‘Miles for MS’ changed his life, why he’s now organising it and how you can get involved! Oh, and the best part? This challenge is truly accessible to everyone in the MS community!

Listen now to discover the power of setting goals, staying active and living well with MS.

Show notes
Miles for MS
- Find out how you can get involved

Exercise and MS
- Information from the MS

Diet and MS
-  Information from the MS

Lifestyle Choices
- Information from the MS

Sleep and MS
- Information from the MS

Exercise is good for your brain
-  research update from the MS

BeeWellWithMS Podcast with Dr Agne Straukiene