How Empaths With the Mother Wound Learn to Trust Their Intuition

Mama Drama Trauma Academy

23-07-2023 • 1時間 1分

Self Emancipation and Spiritual Liberation

The most important thing for empaths is to live by our intuition. The freedom to think, do and believe what we want is a grace we must extend to ourselves.

MDT is the root cause of empathic disruption, or the inability to distinguish one’s’s feelings from others. Combine that with what can show up as mental illness, hearing voices can become a complex issue.

To live by our intuition we must trust it.

To trust it we must test it.

To test it we must use it.

To use it we must recognize it.

The snag for empaths with the mother wound is are conditioned to doubt our intuition. Regardless of how it screams out to us what our needs are (calm environment, space, time alone, organic food, organic chemicals, creative expression, etc), the maternal presence, provision or protection we need to have them fulfilled is lacking. For those who express their maternal needs and get s**t down, so does their intuition. A love, hate relationship to it forms because while it is a powerful asset to have for daily survival in what often feels like grim circumstances, we resent how lonely it feels to follow it.

To overcome this requires a desire to reconstitute it. If you can distinguish between your emotions, Mama’s voice and the Still Small Voice of the Holy Spirit, aka the inner voice, or your intuition, you can learn to trust it by testing it’s internal validity. Does it feel forced, insistent and impatient or loving, kind, supportive and suggestive?

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What are your thoughts and experiences on the topic of intuition? There’s a fellowship of shared experiences here so feel free to post it, start a chat on the app or FB. You’re definitely not alone.

In this session we cover how to do that by:

* Making your business your business

* Knowing the difference between emotion and intuition

* Reacting to internal truth bombs with divinity identity accountability and responding with self validation

The Emancipation suit of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck is all about freeing ourselves of resentment and self doubt around our intuitive voice, and the work we have to do to trust it. The payoff is by doing it, we liberate ourselves from Mama, drama and trauma bondage.







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