Mama Drama Trauma Academy

Tammy Taylor Mama Drama Trauma (MDT) is a condition in which empaths live in a state of constant emotional dysregulation as a result of having the mother wound. MDT Academy is a short cut course for empaths to reduce trigger recovery time by releasing using the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck. This grievous process is facilitated by 1)learning to live in loving detachment from mama, drama and the trauma 2)through daily practice of the divinity identity mantra: "I AM a dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone," who has the birthright to be healthy, happy and whole. MDT Academy teaches a spiritual method that addresses the unchallenged and unexamined maternal shame, blame and guilt at the root of this spiritual crisis and planetary disorder. If you have MDT, it is likely your mother has her own mother wound and as soulmates you are co-evolving in self love and spiritual independence. (Paid subscribers receive detailed, in-depth instructional content in order to become MDT Informed therapists, inner work life coaches, empaths, etc.) read less


Courage to Care About Yourself More Than Mama, the Drama or Trauma
Courage to Care About Yourself More Than Mama, the Drama or Trauma
If taking care of yourself meant going no contact and you not only sacrifice your mother but your daughter too, would—or even could you do it? It takes courage.Ever read a blog post so real, so relatable that you wanted to meet its author? I was lucky enough to do just that in MDTA’s first guest interview with author Heather Valentine, creator of Substack’s Elastic Heart. Get ready to feel like a fly on the wall as you encounter the vicissitudes and internal victories of her life. Here, we get deep but don’t worry Academicians*, Heather knows how to swim…As I read,“1997 Mother’s Day,” I saw a woman who has lived through the trials, tribulations and challenges of transcending Mama Drama Trauma. In it, Heather exposes her vulnerability in dealing with the most excruciating parts of her journey. Well written, sure, but I wasn’t expecting this bright little summer read to enlighten me so much about how MDT can develop empathy, what it takes to build courage for self-care, and the transformative power of reframing maternal burdens into blessings. A journey far from easy, I had to invite this authentically witty and unintentionally wise author (and person as you will hear), who gets it.Another author and speaker I adore is spiritual mystic and medical intuitive, Carolyn Myss who teaches about the difference between fate and destiny. She says fate is tied to “we” and survival which is taught by the family, but destiny is about “I” which is something we must define through individual soul alignment. MDT healing is a lifelong journey to the destiny of “I” which in my experience can take multiple lifetimes. In it, we eventually choose to align by integrating the experience as another form of love. This love is not the kind of we are or are not taught, but the countless internal actions we choose to transform it into the love we need.We hear a lot about brain plasticity and the power of changing our thoughts but that is impossible without stretching the heart from “we” to “I” and back to “we” after integrating or growing from the pain—every heroine’s journey.That’s the heart elasticity Heather Valentine shares.So, If you are on the brink of giving up on yourself, the uphill journey to personal peace or life in general listen to her story. You can also download the Substack app for easy reading, listening and to engage on the chat.MDT Academy Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Podcast theme song: The Pretenders I’m a MotherI'm a motherTreat me like a motherYou wanna suck on my breastIt's no surprise you doI'm the source and the forceYou owe your life to, brotherOhOhOhI'm a motherAnd I take like a motherI understand bloodAnd I understand painThere can be no life without itNever doubt itI'm a motherI gave you all my moneyTo help the familyBut what you do to meDon't humiliate meRememberI'm a life-long memberOhOhOhI'm a motherTreat me like a motherIn the middle of the nightI be deep in a dreamYou fancy little companyYou only have to screamLoud, brotherOhOhOhI'm a motherAnd I fake like a motherI understand timeAnd it isn't on my sideBut to service mankindI have to suffer his prideLike a motherOhOhOhYou say your protectionIs proof of your affectionIf I need securityI'll keep a gun on meOhDon't barter with meDon't barter with meLittle sacrificesGo straight to heavenBut hunting season's overThis is the 20th centuryOhDon't barter with meOhOhOhI'm a motherAnd I ache like a motherIf there's a terrible crashAnd bodies thrown everywhereI'll wrap 'em up and carry 'emIf someone has to bury themBrotherOhOhOhCall upon motherI'm the vessel of lifeI got the trauma here to prove itWhen it's time for me to labour for youEverybody move itLike a motherOhOhOhHave something instructive, entertaining or inquisitive to share with us this summer session? Do let me know. Happy summer reading!*Academician = MDTA subscriberMama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck (each deck includes: PDF guidebook, free 8-part how to read the deck video playlist, and free one on one introductory video call with Tammy) is our foundational tool supporting a daily practice of living in loving detachment based on the core teaching of divinity identity).SocialsMDT Sound Therapy (session songs playlist)MDTA InstagramYouTube Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
How to Handle the Opps and Optics of No Contact
How to Handle the Opps and Optics of No Contact
SUMMER SESSION Continues… Life promises ups and downs, but would you rather go through them feeling alienated and alone or at least feeling loved, lubricated, facile and free? Yes, the work is always ours to do, and our divinity ours to prove to ourselves, but we are built for it.Great Mother’s message about today’s topic The Ops, Optics of No Contact:MDTHOD guidebook revisions discussed here as well. This summer I’m feeling the pulse of millennials on how they handle being a mother wound empath going no contact. Here’s the compilation video excerpt from the beautiful Destiny Uteh’s channel.Not withstanding parents are people, I have recently got in touch with my ancestral mother rage going all the way back to the Sibyls. Recently, it has been immensely transformational to be called by Mami Wata to liberate myself through deeper self empowerment and healing work. More on that later but for now, here’s a pebble from my path.In short, it is what it is.Pamela Gregory astrological visionary imploring us to stay on our eagle’s perch.The book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz organized the Toltec teachings in an exploration of their four agreements: "Be impeccable with your word", "Do not take anything personally", "Do not make assumptions", and "Always do your best."SocialsMDT Sound Therapy (session songs playlist)MDTA InstagramYouTube Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Mother Wound Intuitive Empaths
Mother Wound Intuitive Empaths
Ever wonder why we have so much compassion for narcissists? How we know what others are feeling and why? The best way to use these abilities to self heal?Today, in the second session of ‘This Is for the Real Ones’ series about the three empath types, we introduce the mother wound intuitive empath. While the instinctive empath can feel what others feel, the intuitive (emotional) empath knows why others feel the way they do.As mother wound empaths, the degree we can let go of the mother we want to accept the one we have is the degree we are healed. Though we have different capacities to do this, by recognizing intuition is the mother we have, and responding to it that way we heal and open floodgates to heal others.The center of the emotional wheel is where our base emotions reside. These correspond to the six chakras and six suits of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck:MDTHOD SUITSRoot (red) - Mad when we acknowledge MDT (“A” Acknowledge Suit)Sacral (orange) - Scared to self inquire about MDT (“S” Self Inquiry Suit)Gut (yellow) - Powerful when we are in our integrity about MDT (“I” Integrity Suit)Throat (blue) - Peaceful when we release MDT (“R” Resurrection/Rebirth Suit)Inner Eye (purple) - Sad when we have to live in loving detachment from MDT (“E” Emancipation Suit).Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle DeckSocialMDT Sound Therapy (soul inspired session songs playlist)MDTA InstagramYouTubeSong‘Hidden Things’ by J. Philip Newell with soloist Suzanne Adam from Sounds of the Eternal Meditative Chants and Prayers Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Empath Initiation: Overcoming Emotional Apathy Accessing Accuracy
Empath Initiation: Overcoming Emotional Apathy Accessing Accuracy
Empaths are kind, wise, old souls. Like all gifts, talents and abilities, empathy is developed over lifetimes. As we mature, we learn our need to accurately determine if, when, where, why and how others may harm or help preserve life is imperative to survival.Self awareness to acknowledge the burdens and blessings of feeling what others feel distinguishes empath types by level of internal clarity, balance and confirmation. We begin our 3 Mother Wound Empath Type Series with the emotional empath. Last session This Is For the Real Ones introduced the emotional, intuitive and psychic empaths this series covers.Subscribe to MDT Academy YouTube channel - What videos would you like to see?Great Mother’s message this session from the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck is a single card pull reading of the card, Sophia.MDT Academy Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a subscriber.Empaths give the consideration, care and compassion desired from others to others.Because MDT overwhelms and overstresses the senses in ways we are only just beginning to explore, further study of Dr. Elaine Aron’s seminal research on with Highly Sensitive People (HSNs) and Dr. Judith Orloff’s work on empaths provide much needed insight about the relationship between sensitivity and the “mother wound”.Related PostsMama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle DeckSocialMDT Sound Therapy (session songs playlist)MDTA InstagramYouTube Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Nudging Out Negative Self Talk PART I
Nudging Out Negative Self Talk PART I
Welcome back to the “All About Empaths” series. Today we begin a Two Part session about the shadows and shadow work of healing negative self talk. In it, we will cover 8 tools and techniques me and my clients use to overcome the 8 primary challenges mother wound empaths face when attempting to nudge out toxic formative programming.Mother wound empaths conditioned inner voice leans toward negative self talk because to survive and cope with MDT effects, we become expert readers of our mother’s pessimistic energies.But because this consumes so much of our own, to reclaim it, we must transform our intuitive capacity to reliable downloads we need to feel safe and secure. Although most of us can recall the occasional spot on download, its touch and go but we can built evidence of its reliability when we begin reallocating our energies away from these 8 primary loops of confusion, cognitive dissonance and emotional dysregulation.How do we know when we are ready, able and willing? When we are sick and tired of being sick and tired.Religion is for those afraid of hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there.Negative Self Talk in two parts: Part I “The Shadow and The Shadow of Course Correction” we cover the first 4 Tools to Recognize and Unlock Trauma Blocking. Next time, we do the final 4 in Part 2: “The Shadows and The Shadow Work of Trusting Our Downloads”.Don’t miss Great Mother’s message in response to our question: What does Great Mother want us to know about how to nudge out negative self talk?Get your MDTHOD here. Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Who Great Mother Is
Who Great Mother Is
The Official HSP Quiz (courtesy of Elaine Aron)If you answer yes to more than 14 questions, you are likely highly sensitive.-I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input.-I seem to be aware of subtleties in my environment.-Other people’s moods affect me.-I tend to be very sensitive to pain.-I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days, into bed or a darkened room or any place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation.-I am particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine.-I am easily overwhelmed by things like bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens close by.-I have a rich, complex inner life.-I am made uncomfortable by loud noises.-I am deeply moved by the arts or music.-My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled that I just have to go off by myself.-I am conscientious.-I startle easily.-I get rattled when I have a lot to do in a short amount of time.-When people are uncomfortable in a physical environment, I tend to know what needs to be done to make it more comfortable (like changing the lighting or the seating).-I am annoyed when people try to get me to do too many things at once.-I try hard to avoid making mistakes or forgetting things.-I make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows.-I become unpleasantly aroused when a lot is going on around me.-Being very hungry creates a strong reaction in me, disrupting my concentration or mood.-Changes in my life shake me up.-I notice and enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, or works of art.MDT Academy Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Who Great Mother Is clarifies the special relationship she has with empaths whose birth mother experience is marked by abandonment and abuse. The final part of a six-part series covering the signs and symbols of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck. With the help of Dr. Elaine Aron, researcher and author of n, we examine the science behind our sensitivity to Great Mother, the Mother of All Mothers, Comforter, Still Small Voice of Holy Spirit, Intuition, and the Moon.80% of the population have normal sensitivity, 20% are highly sensitive and 5-10% are empaths. Dr. Aron’s acronym D.O.E.S. outlines what distinguishes HSPs from the norm.Four Characteristics of Highly Sensitive People (HSP)D) Depth processing and perception - a greater ability to tune into environmental subtletiesWhen you speak from your heart, people look at you like you have a third eye, because you do (others know something is up with you but they don’t know what)O) Overstimulation - a greater tendency to experience overstimulation in large crowds, or sensory overloadWhen you decline invitations to avoid drama people take it personally (others believe you think you are a snob and are compelled to bring you down a peg or two)E) Emotional intensity - a greater capacity for empathy (richer inner life)When you go off from 0-10 others call you “too sensitive”, “too need” or just plain “crazy” (others perceive your need for isolation as trial or a joke)S) Sensory sensitivity - a greater tendency to experience sensory (sound, smell, touch, taste, vision overload)Your requests for low light, sound, smell environments are annoying and perceived as phony entitlement or high maintenance (others often bully or belittle you for expressing your needs)Special Thanks:Robert Slap OM Sanctuary Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Empaths and Angel Communication
Empaths and Angel Communication
We are in “guide training”. One of the blessings of MDT is the opportunity it provides for rapid evolution.Going from highly sensitive, maternally wounded people with a capacity to self heal to healthy operating empaths able to heal ourselves and others is what Angel communication is about for us!This is part II of our AGAS (Angels, Guides and Ancestors series: from sensitivity to ability. Part I is about who they are and how we connect with them. Today, we talk about working with the AGAS. If only they could just tell us what to do…we’d do it. If only being an empath protected us from grief we could use our high sensitivity and advanced intuition to heal.Maybe they already are. We discuss the 7 Steps to Angel Communication, how they work, our ability to do it, our struggle to trust it, and why we eventually do.Angel Communication and the Challenges for Mother Wound Empaths* Everyone doubts but we…self doubt; * Everyone assumes problems with perception and interpretation but the claires we possess are often a liability instead of the asset they are intended to be; * Everyone has expectations of angelic communication but because we are often exhausted from overstimulation or invest our energies into escapism to avoid it expect the angels to fix it instead of redirecting our energies to heal ourselves; * Everyone questions the downloads we receive but we question ourselves; * Everyone has challenges communing with the AGAS positively at all times to match their frequency and optimize the clarity, balance and confirmation we receive but we can be downright enraged with them because of the seemingly impossible obstacles created by all the above difficultiesThey and more can be overcome with divinity identity. MDT Academy Textbook: Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Who Angels, Guides and Ancestors Are in the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck
Who Angels, Guides and Ancestors Are in the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck
Our Angels, Guides and Ancestors (AGAS) are Great Mother’s spirit team.When the AGAS card appears in a reading it is responding to an inquiry with the message to “approach this person, issue or situation with loving detachment”. Not in a dry and unfeeling way, but with all the loving energy we can muster. Rest assured, when we take one step toward self healing, they take two. Why must we wait? As divine beings, our free will is a power they teach us to wield.I’m sharing with you tips and tools and techniques from my own experience with the AGAS and have learned from my mentors, primarily Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold, sisters and authors of Angelspeake.As usual, I’ll give you what I know about recognizing, understanding and personally connecting with AGAS in our inner work using the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck (MDTHOD).Here at MDTA we learn every time we repeat the Divinity Identity Mantra, the foundational affirmation GM gave to mother wound empaths— our conscious mind plants the seed, and the subconscious mind waters it. Altogether with me, now: I AM A DEARLY LOVED DIVINE CHILD OF THE GMFG WHO IS NEVER JUDGED, CONDEMNED OR LEFT ALONE.4 Steps to Connect With Great Mother’s Spirit Team (AGAS): 1. Ask — be specific! (do a 1, 2 or 3-card pull for clarity, balance and/or confirmation)* Believe — focus on being still and open to be blessed!* Receive — allow request to show up the way it needs to for our highest good* Say, “Thank you, Angels”!Additional ResourcesConnecting with your angels through numbers. Keep seeing repeating numbers? Have a repeating question? Keep wondering about a date? Real time answer needed—look at the clock…simply input number sequence in upper left field and receive the message.Temptation of Christ Matthew 4:1-11The unified field Dr. Dean Radin Entanglement TheoryThank you toBeats by KADDY, song, “No No No” @prodbykaddyGospel spiritual download compliments of the ancestors, “Jesus is on the Mainline” Want to join the class? Get your deck here. Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
How Do You Do Your Goddess?
How Do You Do Your Goddess?
You are a goddess.It’s not about what you wear, how you look or even what you do. Goddesses are daughters of Great Mother Father God. As such we are molded, set molds and preside over them. What’s yours? Your gift? Your talent? Your unique gift? Going goddesses is about embracing the essence of divinity identity in meaningful, practical and present ways of feeling healthy, happy and whole.DIVINITY MANTRAI am a dearly loved child of the Great Mother Father God who is never judged, condemned or left alone.6 Reasons It’s Important for Empaths with Mother Wound to “Go Goddess”* It is good for everyone to self regulate but for empaths energy management requires self awareness of the energy releasing to compensate for their intense need to feel safe and secure—even to the extent of energetic care and protection of others who are perceived as threats. Individuals with MDT must be decisive and dedicated to maintaining mental and emotional balance to avoid the trap of vulnerabilities this default behavior creates.* Getting out of toxic entanglements is important for everyone but for empaths the goal is not only to overcome but to live beyond them to support other Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) release this self created turmoil. With the power to create is the power to dismantle detrimental mental and emotional states but everyone needs help to do so, even old souls.* Everyone has some grievance about unmet maternal needs and how it feeds into feeling blamed or unworthy of having their wants and needs met but empaths experience self afflicting grief, guilt and doubts around this hypothesis. Unlike nonempaths, their strong intuition affords access to experience data from many empowering lifetimes denying them the refuge of self pity.* Everyone feels divided about what their real wants and needs may be but empaths receive precise intuitive downloads about theirs unless their energy is blocked which makes them more confused than most about their identity. This creates a kind of "desire limbo" (e.i. not knowing what they want) that attracts narcissistic energies acted out by themselves or others to clarify and resolve the identity crisis.* Everyone can get dysregulated but empaths empaths can feel higher frequencies (e.g. animals, plants, angels and ancestors, etc.) and must own and employ this connection to successfully live in loving detachment from MDT.* Everyone is wounded or injured in some way by life experiences but individuals with MDT carry soul wounds they must address to feel divine, and to do so they must tap into their god/dess for the nitty gritty of what makes them tick so they can effectively use their healing shield and armor.Perfection is not our goal. Evolution is. By combining the signs and symbols in our readings we use them to gain immediate mood clarity, emotional balance and intuitive confirmation.The moon sign gives us a sense of the emotional balance we seek, the chakra symbols clarifies our mood state and the god/dess signifies the story we are telling ourselves of need to address about an issue so our goddess can show up!Every moment we see our goddess, we can be it. Every time we go goddess is another step we take back to peace, home and freedom from MDT.Great Mother delivers her loving messages to us through the 39 gods (3) and goddesses (36) of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck. As the mother of all god/dess archetypes, she uses them to signal what issues we share at the time of inquiry and how their mythologies symbolize what attitudes and actions may be useful to employ from their lessons to support us in feeling more happy, healthy and whole.InstagramYouTube Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Chakra BOOM🥳🎊🎉💪🏾
Chakra BOOM🥳🎊🎉💪🏾
Over consuming emotional data because you don’t know how to refocus your energy on your self? Need to develop intuitive accuracy to clarify emotional data? How do you distinguish between useless and meaningful data worthy of your response, energy, focus?Today, through the power of chakras, we discover the power grid that sustains all life. Empaths possess the capacity to intuit the difference between the soul body and the body mind; the emotion and the form; and the ego and soul. Empaths with the mother wound are called by Great Mother, the Mother of all mothers to use this awareness to heal ourselves and others.Chakra BOOM is about the nuclear grid inside of our body minds and how to we tap into the soul body to use it. This requires us the shift gears to the direction of Great Mother guidance.Last week, we talked how to use our moon sign’s moon sign opposing sign find our way out of emotional disregulation, feelings of shame, discouragement and exhaustion. The soul is not designed for self abandonment. The body was not created for this kind of continuous abuse. Sooner or later if self abandonment and abuse is not arrested, feeling like the dearly loved divine child of the Great Mother Father God we are is impossible because we are not experiencing it. MDT Academy Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Use the Moon Sign Axis for daily emotional maintenance and for trauma triggers use the chakras. Here’s how the moon signs and chakra symbols of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck synchronize the ego:soul.Subscribed to our YT Channel?~ Related posts Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at
Your Moon Sign Is the Way Out of Mama Madness - REMIX
Your Moon Sign Is the Way Out of Mama Madness - REMIX
With MDT our healing journey is more than a path, it’s an internal trip! Today, we take a trip to the moon. Let’s start by dipping our toes into the waters our moon sign. Like the sun, the moon was in a specific sign when we were born. With MDT, it is essential we know its specific challenges and learn how to overcome them by drawing from the strengths of its opposite sign to strike the balance any time or place we need it. Taking this powerful step in turn empowers our angels, guides and ancestors to help us more easily and rapidly come into your own.While many of us do not look like what we’ve been through, our physical bodies and, or material worlds are upside down, and all the while our moon sign— the sign of our emotional well-being and soul memory is waiting dormant to bring the you out of this Saturn Moon into the light at end of its dark tunnel.Calculate Your Moon Sign Vedic Tropical/WesternEach system is equally valuable. One centers wo/man, the other the galactic center, Divine Mother. None is superior to another. These variant celestial approaches—as above—reflect our internal polarities (geocentric:cosmic, science:spirituality, ego:soul, etc.) —so below…While Saturn Moon is our birth chart signature, your unique moon sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, etc.) shows how you are wounded, or in lovingly detached terms, “maternally maladapted”. (Listen to Saturn Moon session).Because we are dearly loved divine children of the Great Mother Father God who are never judged, condemned or left alone—no matter how, when, where, or why we trip on this journey— we have a way out, upward and onward toward greater and greater healing.This is the first session of a series about the signs and symbols of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck (MDTHOD) where we deep dive into the inner world, collective unconscious, and universal hologram as healed by empaths with the mother wound.Infinite Waters’ Ralph Smart, the man who coined the term deep diving, says “Those afraid of going to hell seek religion. Those who have already been to hell seek spirituality”.Religion is a system of beliefs one uses to govern faith and worship of a deity. Spirituality pertains directly one’s soul and one’s internal alignment with that spirit.The moon sign symbol of the Mama Drama Trauma Healing Oracle Deck (MDTHOD) is prominent because Great Mother speaks to us through our moon sign. Indeed, the mother of all mothers is the inner light that always lets us know we are home.Additional Resources:New Moon Astrology: The Secret of Astrological Timing to Make All Your Dreams Come TrueMDTHOD 6 Suit playlist Get full access to MDT Academy Newsletter at