Ep.124 Mike and Kim Barnes, Parenting Aging Parents

Calm the Chaos

08-08-2022 • 44分

Over the past five years, Mike and Kim Barnes found themselves navigating problems they never saw coming from their parents: Alzheimer's, pacemakers, COVID pneumonia, and the tough decision to move parents into retirement communities.

They've learned to balance the many facets of parenting aging parents, including medical, financial, and everyday-life decisions, emotional rollercoasters, protecting their parents from scams, and more, all while parenting their college-age kids, and building their careers.

Mike & Kim each spent 30 years on TV. Kim's TV career includes 15 years as an award-winning reporter and news anchor and Mike's includes 29 years as an award-winning sportscaster.

They've realized that so many adult children go through the same trials with their parents, yet hardly anyone talks about it. Most struggle in silence. That's why they created a community to provide information, resources, and support.

We are all aging gracefully including our parents! Now is the perfect time to get ahead of the game and start having conversations with our parents and children about not only the legal aspects of our estate but all the other pieces of our lives that we need to know in order to transition to being an advocate for our parents!

This information doesn’t need to be a mystery!  If everything is summarized in one spot then it will make the journey smoother for everyone!

Mike and Kim have created a community, Parenting Aging Parents where you can access information, resources, and a Facebook community so you are never alone.

Here is what we explore in this episode!

  • Mike and Kim share their journey as they navigate these waters with their parents!  You don’t know what you don’t know!
  • How to balance Kids, careers, and aging parents
  • Navigating these waters with their parents has ensured that they have their “ducks in a row”  for their children.  We can be better prepared for our children!
  • What are those practical questions everyone 40+ needs to ask their aging parents?
  • Make sure you are on the same page with your siblings about expectations for your parents' well-being.  This can solve a lot of miscommunication and hurt feelings going down the road.
  • Besides the financial aspects do you know the passwords for the computer and bill paying sites?  If you had to step in on a moment’s notice, would you be able to pay their bills for them?
  • How to protect your parents from internet scams!
  • How to communicate to your parents how you are trying to help and give them a gift in helping.
  • How Mike and Kim are working towards making this community to the workplace.  As employees with aging parents, it’s important to be informed and be prepared so employees are not worried about “what if”. It makes for a more productive employee!  Can you introduce Mike and Kim to your organization?

Where is the best place to go if you are wanting more information on helping your parents?  Go to their website: https://parentingagingparents.com/ from there you can access the interviews, resources, and their handbook: The Caregiver’s Key

This information will help you to deal with the crisis at hand with your loved one and you won’t be needing to scramble with all the other details of their lives as you’ll have their booklet.

Resources and Links

Connect with Parenting Aging Parents

Grab The Caregiver’s Key

Connect with Deborah Voll

Take The Midlife Quiz

Passion and Purpose Digital Workbook