Episode 159: The benefits of risk-taking for children and teens

Natural Super Kids Podcast

06-04-2024 • 25分

This week on the Natural Super Kids podcast we are talking about risk-taking, risky play, and risky activities in kids. Back in January, I shared some stories on Instagram about my children jetty jumping, and it led to a conversation about how parents feel about risky activities such as jetty jumping, most parents said risky activities made them very nervous.

So I thought I would touch on this topic of conversation further, and dive deeper on the benefits of risky play. In this episode, I share:

  • What is risky play;
  • The big reason I prefer my children to take risks when I am around;
  • I dive deeper into the 6 categories of risky play which include:
    • Great heights;
    • Rapid speeds;
    • Dangerous tools;
    • Dangerous elements;
    • Rough and tumble;
    • Disappearing or getting lost;
  • The benefits of risky play;
  • The teenage brain when it comes to seeking out risky behaviour.

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