44. Should yoga teachers care about competition from other yoga teachers?

For Yoga Teachers

05-04-2024 • 12分

This episode is looking at a niggle in the yoga teaching world; competition from other yoga teachers.

We’re looking at

  • why a bit of competition is a good thing
  • how to not let it get the better of you - with practical, implementable tips here as always
  • how to stay in your lane
  • how yoga philosophy can help
  • understanding that more than one yoga teacher can thrive at a time
  • how we can build a network of collaboration over competition

Let’s do this!

🤝 The Base
A community for yoga teachers Take a look

📚 Training for yoga teachers

300 hour yoga teacher training, starts March 25
Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga, Mar 25
Yoga and The Neurobiology of Stress, June 25
Yoga Nidra with Yoga Wisdom, Sept 25
Restorative Yoga and Polyvagal Theory, Jan 26
Yoga for resilience, March 26
Teaching yoga for anxiety & stress, June 26


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