51: How to teach private yoga lessons

For Yoga Teachers

23-08-2024 • 12分

Yoga teacher, if you’ve been hoping to pick up reliable, repeating private yoga clients, but it’s not (yet) happening, this episode is for you.

You’ve been posting about your services, you’ve mentioned them in classes you teach, you’ve even included it in a newsletter - but it’s not working.

Does that resonate with you?

The good news is that setting up private yoga clients is actually pretty simple, in-fact, in just five simple steps, you can be feeling totally confident about your private yoga lesson offering. And this episode is the first of a three-parter that breaks down every part of getting, and retaining, a solid private yoga client base.

So yoga teacher, if you’ve been looking for a step by step guide to set up a solid, reliable private yoga client base, this three-parter is exactly what you need to make it happen!

Useful links:

Episode 6: Sharing your yoga

Episode 27: Setting up your own yoga classes

Episode 32: Teaching yoga workshops

Episode 8: Renting a space for yoga

Your free ebook: A complete guide to teaching private yoga lessons

🤝 The Base
A community for yoga teachers Take a look

📚 Training for yoga teachers

300 hour yoga teacher training, starts March 25
Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga, Mar 25
Yoga and The Neurobiology of Stress, June 25
Yoga Nidra with Yoga Wisdom, Sept 25
Restorative Yoga and Polyvagal Theory, Jan 26
Yoga for resilience, March 26
Teaching yoga for anxiety & stress, June 26


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