Redefining the Meaning of ‘Adventurer’ with Dean Stott

Pushing The Limits

01-07-2021 • 1時間 16分

Have you ever wondered what it must feel like to be a world record holder?

It may seem like their experiences are so different from yours, but you’ll be surprised with how alike they are to you. They may share the same hobbies or be in the same industry as you before they made their record. Or they may have faced the same struggles you're currently confronting. No matter where they come from, great people are still people, just like you.

Today, ex-Special Forces soldier, security specialist, and record-breaking adventurer Dean Stott joins us. He shares his experiences, from his military background to his Pan-American Highway cycling adventure. His is an inspiring story of pushing the limits and redefining the meaning of ‘adventurer’. Just like everyone journeying through life, he has also faced challenges on the way to the finish line. After listening to the episode, you may gain the motivation to try something you've never done before.

If you’re thinking of one day achieving a world record or if you want to know the meaning of being an adventurer, this episode is for you.

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Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Find inspiration as Dean shows us the meaning of adventurer.
  2. Realise your similarities in experiences with a world record holder.
  3. Gain insight into how long-distance cycling is both a physical and mental feat.


Episode Highlights

[04:53] Dean’s Background

  • Dean’s father was a tracksuit soldier or the football manager and coach in the army.
  • Dean was an active child growing up.
  • While he was never forced to go into the military, he ended up joining anyway.

[09:00] The Fruits of Dean’s Military Training

  • Dean’s time in the military helped him put on some muscle and gain height and weight.
  • He didn’t feel pressure to choose a department because he wasn't aware of how difficult each option would be. Dean ended up in the SBS (Special Boat Service) as he was more comfortable with water.
  • He learned that rehearsing over and over helps you prepare for different scenarios.
  • Dean’s training also prepared him to expect things to never go according to plan. He was taught how to react and plan for the best outcomes.

[16:57] Dean’s Turning Point

  • Unfortunately, Dean had an accident while on an aircraft jump during pre-deployment training.
  • Luckily, he landed successfully. However, he tore numerous supporting muscles, particularly in his knee. He couldn’t even run 100 meters due to these injuries.
  • Dean left the military. After retiring, he experienced an identity crisis.
  • Dean's wife, Alana, was also pregnant. So, he was under a large amount of mental pressure.
  • Alana helped him during this challenging period.

[22:35] Experience in the Security Industry

  • With his training from the Special Forces, Dean went on to the security industry. He carried out projects for the British and Canadian embassies.
  • Dean bought weapons and communication tools to sell to his clients. Additionally, he also made and sold evacuation plans to oil and gas companies.
  • Ad-hoc security projects were a better option for Dean as he didn’t want to join organisations.
  • He helped in the aftermath of the Benghazi assassination of the then American ambassador. With his safe houses and contacts, he was able to transport people from Benghazi to Tripoli.
  • Despite the numerous tribal and ideality differences between these two places, Dean helped people safely reach their destinations. He did this by communicating respectfully and humbly with the locals.

[31:33] The Effect of Fear

  • The media largely contributes to the world’s perception of high-risk places.
  • Dean is fully aware of the threats present in his job. But he learns to appreciate and look at another perspective.
  • Despite terrorist threats and danger, these high-risk cities have hospitable people and lovely surroundings.

[37:03] Looking for the Meaning of ‘Adventurer’

  • Dean became fixated on working to gain money. Then, he realised he was losing physical and mental wellness.
  • Before turning 40, Dean experienced a midlife crisis. He wanted to leave a legacy. And so he chose to break a world record on cycling.
  • Dean chose to cycle from South Argentina to North Alaska via the Pan-American Highway, the longest road in the world.
  • To beat the record of 117 days, Dean's goal needed to cover the distance in 110. So, he trained to cycle in different weather conditions and altitudes.
  • Dean cycled for Heads Up, the mental health campaign of Prince Harry, Prince William, and Kate. He set a target of  ₤1,000,000.

[48:11] Preparation Phase

  • As Dean was doing his research for cycling, he also spoke to previous record holders.
  • He asked them questions that he learned from his experiences in Special Forces debriefings.
  • Dean learned that the previous record holders experienced issues in South and Central America, the second half of the challenge.

[49:27] Dean’s Journey Across South and Central America

  • Dean decided to start in the south first to get all the issues out of the way. His adventure began in Southern Argentina.
  • He became physically and mentally stronger after four weeks on the road. Most of the time, Dean would also go beyond his daily-set kilometres and hours.
  • He divided his milestones into countries, cities, and days. He also divided his days among four stages.
  • With smaller and more manageable milestones, Dean didn't feel overwhelmed. He instead felt like he was training, nothing more.
  • Dean looked forward to small rewards after each milestone. These motivated him to move and be better the next day.

[55:47] Dean’s Trip Across North America

  • By this time, Dean learned that he was invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. This meant he had to finish the challenge in 102 days.
  • So, he cycled at night.
  • Dean also saw a post of a recent world breaker, saying he’ll break a record within 100 days.
  • Dean’s family was also at the end to greet him; this thought motivated him.
  • So, Dean cycled for 22 hours every day, even at -18 degrees, to beat the record.

[1:01:50] The Cycling World Record

  • Dean's adventure lasted for 99 days. He spent ninety-four days cycling and five days on logistics.
  • He averaged 147 miles a day with a speed of 16.8 miles per hour. Dean also lost 12 kilos.
  • Most importantly, he raised $1.2 million, or  ₤900,000, through corporate donors and sponsors.
  • He was even able to attend the royal wedding.

[1:03:19] Events Following Dean’s Adventure

  • Dean experienced two highs in a week and felt a depression phase after.
  • Dean did a Q&A with Prince Harry shortly after returning to talk about the amount they raised.
  • It's weird for your family to go on with their everyday lives while you’re still riding the highs of your success.
  • Dean feels lucky because his family is involved in his activities. So, they can be with him throughout his journey.
  • Anyone can do a world record when they have the luxury to just focus on their craft and immediate goals. Mortgages, physical health, and family responsibilities may get in the way of those goals.

[1:08:44] What Lies Ahead for Dean

  • His next goal is to kayak from Rwanda to Egypt, which is a 4,280 mile-long feat.
  • This time, he will raise awareness on issues such as human trafficking, modern slavery, and pollution.
  • This new feat will also promote African people and their beautiful and natural environment.
  • Kayaking is more skill-involved since he'll be encountering wild animals and overcoming water currents and waterfalls.
  • Listen to the episodes about the specifics of Dan’s preparations.

[1:14:54] Final Thoughts and Advice

  • Don't compare yourselves to other people, especially on social media.
  • Anticipation is worse than participation.
  • Start with small steps and progress from there.

7 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

‘If someone disagrees, “I didn't think you're gonna do it”. The best way to prove them wrong is actually physically doing it.’

‘You can't control the uncontrollables, you know, as long as you have a plan. One thing I saw, really take from the military is that meticulous planning and detail that goes into it.’

‘What I really took from the military is that unrelenting pursuit of excellence, trying to be the best you can be.’

‘The world's very quick to tarnish certain societies with one brush because of what they've seen on TV.’

‘Before you get, sort yourself out, you know, we'll sit down, and we'll ask three questions: “What worked? What didn't work? And if you're going to do it again, what would you do differently?”’

‘And then it was just, look at the next two hours. Look at the next stage. I didn't look at the afternoon, didn’t look at the next day. And before you've done it, you've done a day, you've done a week, you've done a world record.’

‘Don't worry about what other people are doing. Just focus on yourself. You know, I always say anticipation is worse than participation.’

About Dean

Dean Stott is a former member of the British Special Forces, where he travelled to dangerous places for 16 years. After an accident, he was forced to find other ways to use his time and skills. With his experiences in the Special Forces, Dean is now a world-leading security consultant and avid adventurer.

Indeed, Dean redefines the meaning of adventurer in everything that he does. He has set the world record, cycling the entire 14,000 km Pan-American Highway in less than 100 days.

Apart from these successes, Dean is also a motivational speaker who helps others overcome fear and adapt to change. His positive mindset and wide range of skills also enable him to work with brands and charities. He also incorporates advocacies into his adventures, with his most recent world record supporting mental health.

Check out his website if you want to know more about Dean and his next adventure. You can also reach him through other platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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To pushing the limits,


Full Transcript Of The Podcast

Welcome to Pushing the Limits, the show that helps you reach your full potential. With your host Lisa Tamati, brought to you by

Lisa Tamati: Welcome back everybody. Lisa Tamati here, your host. Fabulous to have you with me again for another crazy episode of Pushing the Limits. Before we get underway with today's guests who I know you're going to find very, very exciting and interesting, just a reminder, to check out our epigenetics program, our flagship program that we do. One of our main programs besides our online run training system, where we look at your genes and how to optimise your life, your nutrition, your food, your exercise, all aspects of your life, including your social, your career, what parts of your mind you use the most, your dominant hormones, all this information is now able to be accessed and we can identify the lifestyle changes and the interventions that we can make to optimise your life. So if you want to hit know a little bit more about that program, head on over to, hit the work with us button and you'll see our Peak Epigenetics program, go and check that out.

I also like to remind you about my new supplement, NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide. A bloody long name I know, but it's about longevity and anti-ageing. There is a ton of science that has gone into the research into NMN and as a precursor for NAD, which is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. I've had a couple of podcast episodes with Dr. Elena Seranova. I'd love you to go and check those out. She is the founder of the company and I'm importing it now into New Zealand, Australia and down the center of the world. So if you want to check out that anti-ageing and longevity supplement, I spent months trying to get it so make sure if you're down in the world and you want top quality, independently certified, scientists-backed supplement that really does what it says on the label, then check it out. Go to,, and find out all about it.

Right. Today's guest is oh he's a bit of a legend. Dean Stott is his name. He's a ex-Special Forces soldier, he was in the special boat service, British Army's where he came from originally. And he spent 16 years going into the most dangerous places on the planet and doing his job as a frogman. That's his nickname on his website. Even, as The Frogman. He is the author of a book called Relentless. Go figure, we've both got books called Relentless. I think we knew that we were going to get along. He's a motivational speaker. He's also a world record holder. Most recently he cycled the entire Pan-American highway. What are we talking- what is it, 14,000 miles or something ridiculous. And he did it in under 100 days. He's an absolute legend. And he had to get it done in time to get to Harry and Megan's winning. So he was desperate to get it done under 100 days. It's a really interesting story. This is a guy who's lived life on the edge in every which way you can possibly imagine. So I'm really looking forward to sharing his insights and his story with you now. Right, over to the show with Dean Stott.

Well, hi everyone and welcome back to Pushing the Limits. Your host Lisa Tamati here, sitting in New Zealand and ready for a fantastic interview today. I have a bit of a hard ask with me. I think it's a bit hard to describe this man, what he's done. I have Dean Stott with me. Dean, welcome to the show. It's fantastic to hear you. Yeah, you're sitting in Orange County?

Dean Stott: I say, yeah moved to move to Orange County in California six months ago, actually in the middle of the pandemic. Just took advantage of the world pause, and just changed scenery.

Lisa: Just change the scenery. Right, Dean we're gonna have a really interesting conversation because when I discovered you actually through another friend's podcast, My Home Vitality, shout out to Sean and everyone over there. And I realised that we had the same title of our books, was your one right?

Dean: Yeah.

Lisa: My one's been smaller. I thought, you, ‘This guy's probably right up my alley’. So you are known as the frogman, you've been in this Special Forces, Special Boat Services. You have also become an expeditionary athlete and adventurer and, in many years. But I want to go back a little bit, and it's starting to, were you always this determined and crazy and head through the wall type of person? And tell us a little bit about your background for starters.

Dean: Yeah, so I don't know whether I was on reflection, you look back and think maybe I was slightly, you know, you touched when I was in the military, my father was in the military. And I grew up surrounded by that, in that environment, but was never forced upon me to continue any sort of tradition and things like that. My father was the army football manager and coach. So he was very sports-oriented, what we would call a tracksuit soldier. He very much that, you know, his career was based on his sport and abilities. So there was that competitive drive anyway, that I had from my father. My parents split up when I was a young age. And when I was about eight years old, I moved away with my mother for a couple of years. My father then got custody of me and my sisters, we went back to live with my dad, so I only had the single parent, and we just went everywhere with him. And it was all with the military and all these sporting events. I wasn't, you know, the children of today, with technology, you know, when we were younger, as you will know, we know you weren't allowed in the house unless it was absolutely raining.

So we had some natural physical robustness. And by, I joined the military, I approached my father and told him my intentions of joining the military, when I was 17. And he, he told me, I'd last two minutes. I don't know whether that was reverse psychology for me to push harder and prove him wrong. And, but I was about 65 kilos, and five-foot-seven, so I wasn't, you know, the figure, the man that I am today. And, but when I did join the military, I then went through training and things. And I didn't have aspirations of being Special Forces or commandos or anything like that. And I didn't, I wasn't really aware about the structure of the military anyway, because it was just sport. That's all I've seen where my dad, I hadn't seen the bigger picture. So then when I pass basic training.