Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp

Feeding Fatty

08-02-2022 • 1時間 9分

Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp Featuring Karen Theimer

It’s easy to feel stuck in life. Especially once you reach a certain age. You have been raising kids and/or working. It’s very easy to lose yourself over the year. You lose sight of what you really want to be. What you really want to do. Sometimes its easy to give up that you can ever do anything except what you are doing right now. I can tell you for sure, there is hope depending upon how much you want to change. What are you willing to risk. Its not to be taken lightly for sure. Once we reach a certain age our time horizon becomes much shorter. Not that you shouldn’t try, but you have to be careful and calculated. Don’t be shy about reaching out for help.

About Karen

I turned the BIG 5-0 and My whole world completely shifted. I'd heard how reaching mid-life can trigger some pretty Big changes and awakening for most women.

As my 50th birthday approached I found myself thinking.." Wow..where did my life go... how do I want to live the second part?" From going through a divorce to overcoming Thyroid cancer my journey has definitely kept me on my toes But this has all led me to my Path of Freedom.

I began my career as a business owner several decades ago as a dog groomer. And I loved it. However, 23 years later  my body was hurting a lot and I was burnt out.  What the heck was I going to do at the age of 40 with No university or college degree?

I decided to go back to school.  to become a Registered Massage therapist and later became a Holistic nutritionist, Network Marketing Leader, Global Speaker and Freedom Coach.

Over the years from what I have learned and experienced from my own healing and coaching journey plus coaching others through their life's challenges I now coach women to find their freedom.. that they have been searching for.

I am here to tell you that it is possible to find freedom and I know you can do it. I have done it too!!



Full Transcript Below

Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp Featuring Karen Theimer

Sun, 8/8 12:05PM • 1:09:09


people, day, called, life, learned, thought, big, talking, stuck, terry, esther hicks, hear, journey, listen, find, karen, path, teach, journaling, thoughts


Karen, Terry, Roy Barker

Roy Barker 00:03

Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty This is Roy

Terry 00:05

this is Terry

Roy Barker 00:06

Of course we are the past podcast that is chronicling our journey to wellness diet. Not necessarily a diet but just what we eat also exercising, moving, doing a lot of different things there. And mindset. You know, as we've come through this journey this far, you know, mindset has been one of the bigger issues that we seem to identify we, we know things we should be doing but actually doing them and then actually making them sustainable. There's some big gaps there. Also, we talk to professionals in the field from time to time and today is no different. I'm gonna let Terry introduce Karen for us,

Terry 00:43

Karen Theimer it she turned the big three big three Oh, there you go. Karen

Karen 00:49

I wish

Terry 00:50

turn the big five oh, and her whole world completely shifted. she'd heard how approaching midlife could trigger some pretty big changes and awakenings for most women. As her birthday her 50th birthday approach she found herself thinking, wow, where did my life go? How do I want to live the second part? from going through a divorce to overcoming thyroid cancer. her journey has definitely kept her on her toes. But this is all led her to her path of freedom.

She began her career as a business owner several decades ago as a dog groomer, which she loved. However, 23 years later, her body was hurting a lot and she was burnt out what the heck was she going to do at the age of 40 with no university or college degree. She decided to go back to school to become a registered massage therapist and later became a holistic nutritionist, network marketing leader, global speaker and freedom coach over the years from what she's learned and experienced from her own healing and coaching journey plus coaching others through their life's challenges.

She now coaches women to find their freedom that they have been searching for. And she's here to tell you that it is possible possible to find freedom. She knows you can do it. She has done it too. Karen Theimer. Welcome to the show. We're so happy to have you here.

Karen 02:11

Oh my gosh, thank you. I was gonna say Tori, Roy and Terry. I so appreciate it. And it's a. It's always inspiring and always interesting to hear somebody else read your bio. Right? Because you're like, wow, I have overcome a lot in life, haven't it? Right. It's always a good reminder. Right?

Terry 02:31

Who is that that they're talking about? That's really me. I can't wait to hear her speak.

Karen 02:39

So thank you for having me on today. I'm really excited to have this conversation. And

Roy Barker 02:44

yeah, thanks for taking time out of your day. It's, uh, yeah, it's a great, you know, what we'd like, audience or guests with good stories. So you've got a good story, it's like that you're on a good path. So, but tell I know that Terry, read a little bit of your history, but tell us a little bit more, you know, kind of about the path that you were on what made you you know, decide to finally take some, it seems like some action to help you kind of move in a different area. So tell us how those decisions were made.

Karen 03:15

Okay, um, I'll try to keep it short. But yeah, like you said, like, when I turned 50, I was kind of thinking, like, like, really was like, Where has my life gone? You know, I know a lot of women think the same. I don't know how men think. But I know women were like, like, Where did life go? Right? So for me, it was just thinking, Okay, well, what am I going to do with the rest of my life? Because I felt stuck. And life's threw me a curveball at 50.

And I became single. And, and at the same time, I actually got introduced to network marketing as well. But I just, you know, and then and then, so life just happened. And I thought, Oh, my gosh, what is going on? You know, here I am, you know, becoming single, having a single income, you know, having to sell our house move out, and just life. You know, I mean, obviously, when you get married, you don't think you're gonna get divorce, right? Nor vendure out. It's interesting how we manifest stuff. But anyway, so for me, in 2018, actually, it was in 2017, I thought, I got to go on a healing journey, because I was so stuck in my past.

And I had a hard time letting go on my husband, even though I didn't want to be in the marriage. Right. And I'm very grateful him and I are still friends. But I had a hard time letting go of that and plus some other things that were going on in my life. And I thought, Hey, I'm going to go on a healing journey. So I originally was going to start at the end of 2017. But then life happened, and then I went okay, that's it. My theme for 2018 is about finding Karen.

And let's go on a healing journey. And that's when I decided to learn more about how our mind body spirit works. And I had no idea that my life would end up where I'm at today. Like, if you had asked me five years ago, if I'd be doing being a podcast, I'd be like, you're not. I can't talk. I don't know what? Who's gonna listen to me? Right?

So, yeah, so I just started diving deep and understanding, you know, like, how does our mind work, you know, and then I, and then I learned how, you know, we're programmed from children, with all kinds of, you know, thoughts and beliefs and all that. And then I realized, I learned that when, when we have a thought it releases a chemical, and then we get an emotion, and then that releases another chemical. And then you get another thought, and it just spirals.

So from there, I just started diving deep into my own journey, and just was like, Okay, I got some stuff I need to heal from my past, and growing up and with my family, and my parents and whatever. And, and that's what led me on this journey today. And I realized we really can do anything we want. Like, we really can, you know, we just have to dream bigger and, and work on that belief on ourselves. So that's sort of how I got on this journey.

Roy Barker 06:16

It's interesting that, well, I'm gonna speak for me from people of my generation that, you know, we, you went to work somewhere, work there. 30-35 years, every, you know, you lived in the same house lit, same town. It was just pretty routine. And I think something that I learned that, uh, you know, not probably not young enough, but at an earlier age is that change is okay. I mean, I worked at a huge company, you know, decent job, but it was one of these golden handcuffs, jobs that people stay because of the benefits of retirement.

And at some point, I was like, I just can't do this anymore, you know, banking on that, heck, you could die tomorrow and not get any of that. So the thing about, you know, being happy finding who we are, I think, and the other part is that it changes I mean, this may be who we are today, things may happen in a year or two, that we pick another path or we go somewhere else, and that's totally okay. We're not, you know, it's not like you make a decision when you're 18. And you have to live with, you know, for the rest of your life.

Karen 07:22

Oh, my gosh, it's so true. And I've changed my career. I mean, like you said, like, I've been through dog grooming, went back to school at the age of 40, you know, got into massage therapy, and then had cancer and then went, Okay, well, maybe I should learn something about nutrition. And that led me on, you know, this path. Right. So yeah, I mean, change is good. I always like change. I was always

Roy Barker 07:45

the message that comes out of the show, I hope that we can just tell that if there's just one person that hears out there that is contemplating changes, just, you know, you need to be methodical about we can't just discard things and you know, get a fresh start. But there are ways to do that. And I just encourage everybody to really evaluate that

Terry 08:04

and doing it with small steps. I mean, that's, that's how you did it. Right? Yeah, you had to and change is inevitable. I mean, my gosh, all the things that you went through your cancer journey and all I mean, that just sheds a whole new light on what your life purpose is, and trying to find it.

Karen 08:23

Yeah, yeah. And it is it is baby steps. And this is what I coach people on it, right? Like, it's not an easy journey. But it's so worth it. It's so worth it to claim your life back, right and find that joy, and my mission in this world is to teach people to find that joy again, especially right now, because a lot of people are just feeling stuck and they're lost.

And they've lost what it feels like to have fun again. Yeah. And I'm all about you know, we I looked at a Charlie Brown and Snoopy cartoon one day. And it said, because I always said, Oh, you only live once. And I love what the cartoon said. It said, No, you die once you live every day. Right? And that has stuck with me. And it's true, like take every day and just live it to the best you can. Right. But be kind to yourself.

Roy Barker 09:11

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I like your positive spin on, you actually call yourself a cancer. thriver Yeah. And I think that, you know, we talk about surviving, and then, you know, we can kind of set us in a mood of, you know, a lot of times you wait for that next shoe to fall like, Is it going to happen again, and we spend time worrying about things. We call it borrowing trouble, and you know, we can sit here and worry about things that may or may not happen and we forget to live to the day today the day that we do have for sure

Terry 09:45

in the present, right. Yeah.

Roy Barker 09:48

Yeah. You know, I would encourage everybody to go on take a four mile walk in the August heat, just

Terry 09:58

miles yesterday.

Roy Barker 10:00

We had a we had a little come apart yesterday, I was a little overzealous, and I thought we had this place around the bed. I had this place, I wanted to take her so bad, but it was a little further than I remembered. So anyway. But, you know, it's one thing to it's that we did something yesterday, we wouldn't have normally done. And it was we're still healing from that. But it was fun. We've got great memories of that walk. And you know, that's the thing. I think that when we get older, you know, we start thinking about all these great memories that we've had in the fun things that we've done, we just can't lose sight of that.

Karen 10:35

Yeah, yeah. And sometimes we just have to, you know, you're gonna have your good days, you're gonna have your bad days. And sometimes it's just surrender. Like, this is one of the biggest things I've learned this year is just surrender. Right? If my day is not going the way I planned, it's okay, I surrendered to what shows up, right? Instead of going, Oh, my God, my day should have been like this, I should have done that.

And that's just beating yourself up, right? Sometimes the universe, your higher spirit, whatever you believe in, sometimes the saying no, like, you need to slow down. You need to just maybe get connected to nature. Go hug a tree, if that's what you have to write. I used to always joke about that kind of stuff. But then I learned that it's really good for you. But yeah, it really does. People are surprised, like, you'd be surprised if you actually go hug a tree how you feel right? But you know, and it's just just because like, my biggest thing right now is just be kind to ourselves, because we are, nobody can bully us more than ourselves.

Roy Barker 11:36

That is so true, talking about surrender, I hate to use the immortal words of cheap trick, but there is there is a dividing line between surrendering and give yourself enough giving yourself away. And that's always been a line and that song that stands out that surrender, but don't give yourself away. And there is a way to surrender to the day to surrender to the circumstances around us that we can't control. But we don't have it doesn't mean we have to set us on a whole new path. That just means that we have to listen to the universe, listen to the energy and everything around us. And not fight that sometimes I think we can do you know, it's kind of part of that being unkind to ourselves, but we can battle ourselves so much that we just get beaten down. Yeah,

Karen 12:24

it's so true. It's so true. And that's one of the biggest things I've learned this year is to just, and I laugh sometimes, right? Like if my day is going completely opposite, and everything seems to be blocking me from what I want to do. And I just once I catch it, because it's around awareness, which is what I teach people as well, right? And sometimes I just catch it, and then all sudden, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, and I started laughing because it's kind of funny, right? It's being shown to me every which way? Yeah.

Roy Barker 12:55

I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Karen 12:56

Oh, sorry. Um, you know, and I teach people as well, like, especially in massage while in coaching as well that our body speaks a language. So does the universe right? Our body speaks a language and it said, and it will poke you, right? Does this hurt? Does this hurt? Now like say you get a little back twinge, right. And then all of a sudden, you know, I'll get people when they all of a sudden can't walk. And they're like, my back went out. I don't know what happened. But they've probably been experiencing over.

I don't know how long little twinges, little twinges. And we ignore it right. So the body will be like, are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Same with digestive issues, like all kinds of stuff, but just to keep it simple? And it'll be like, are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Are you paying it? And it will get louder? and louder? And then it takes I say it takes a two by four to you and say are you paying attention now? And that's usually when your back gets that goes out? Or you get some disease or whatever, right? So it's always, you know, we listen to our body when it gets too loud. Most people not everybody, so yeah, did you? Oh, I'm

Terry 14:01

sorry. No, no, go ahead. No, I was gonna say did you uh, did you find yourself changing your diet, eating habits and eating different foods than you had before? I mean, did that help with your whole body experience and awareness of what's going on with your body?

Karen 14:23

Yeah, so when I had when I found out I had cancer, right, like, I just was massaging my neck one day and felt this lamp and I was like, Oh, I didn't think anything of it. Right. And then, you know, to make a long story short A year later, and that's when I found out Actually, no, it wasn't even a year later that I found out I had cancer, and I was a big smoker. I ate a lot of fast food.

And I remember being in massage school, like how can I treat people with massage and the holistic approach and be a smoker and eat fast food, right? But when I found out that I had cancer, I was like, Okay, this is my wake up call because I remember every day I was quitting smoking. Every day I'd light up a cigarette. One day I quit for like, four, four hours. I was all excited, found a cigarette, lit it up. And I was like, You idiot, like, what would it take for you to quit smoking?

Roy Barker 15:11

Because it was so easy to quit. I'll just have a few more. Because there's like, it was so easy. I'll just have a few more I can quit tomorrow.

Karen 15:19

Yeah. So that led me to quitting smoking, because that was my wake up call. I'm like, okay, I hear you, right. This is like, be careful what you ask for, because you will receive it. And then I decided that I'm going to learn about nutrition. And I met this holistic nutritionist who said, you can heal the body through nutrition. So I was like, oh, okay, I didn't know that. Right.

So that's what I went back to school, became a holistic nutritionist. And now I'm partnered with a bunch of, you know, like many different professions, some people are functional medicine, practitioners and stuff. So I started learning even more about how our body works, and the food we eat. So it's, it's amazing, like, we really are what we eat. Yeah, that is a real thing.

Roy Barker 16:05

That is something that we have learned, I think, one of our very first guest, he was a, an actual doctor card and cardiologist in but talked about food. And you know, so food is medicine, and that it's very true.

Terry 16:21

And he was a chef, he was a chef, as well, at University of Montana. He was in charge of that nutrition program. And we called him chef, Dr. Mike is I Well, I kept getting it all confused, Chef doctor, but but good. I mean, talking about all the different nutritional aspects and what what to, you know, put turmeric with this, and we have different ailments. So, you know, just working with type two diabetes where he has and I have hypothyroidism. I was going to ask you also,

Karen 16:55

did you have any thyroid issues? Then? I was hypothyroid as well. We're so had you been

Terry 17:01

on like Synthroid or levothyroxine for years. And?

Karen 17:07

Yeah, I did. I did. And it's funny because they they say, I don't know that. Out of all the cancers. thyroid is not, or I guess smoking is not contributed to, to thyroid cancer, but I wouldn't quote me on that. It's just Somewhere I read that I was like, really, that's weird. But what's interesting when it comes to disease in our body, is that I say it's from a stuck emotion. Like nutrition definitely is a big part of it. But thyroid, like anything to do with your throat area has to do with your voice not being heard. And you're not speaking your truth.

Roy Barker 17:41

Hmm, interesting, huh?

Karen 17:43

That I may have made so much sense to be graded out. Wow, that's a whole lot could be a hold on.

Roy Barker 17:51

I'm gonna be having a treat this afternoon.

Terry 17:56

I'm gonna get into the discomfort. Oh, yeah.

Roy Barker 18:01

Yeah, there's so much about that the, what we hold in can be so damaging to us. And there's, you know, we don't, I don't think we, I think there's a path that we could take to not necessarily be a raging maniac. But there are ways to, you know, get that out in a pleasant and

Terry 18:23

I don't say control, but you know, just in a way that we don't have to, you know, chase people off from us, but we can do the things to let things out of our body just like, lean into the fields and then not let it just stack a stack upon one, you know, one after the other to where you do feel like a raging lunatic. Yeah.

Karen 18:43

Well, we're really good at baring our feelings, because we're taught that as children, right? Don't cry. What do you need to cry about? Put on your big boy pads? You know, big boys don't cry, you know, like, so we're shut. We're taught to shut down these emotions. What do you need to be angry about? You've got everything here. You know, like, you know, so what we've done is we've just buried those emotions. How that shows up later in life is it can be mental health, it can be, you know, disease, disease in our body. It can be all kinds of stuff, right? Oh, it's okay to feel the feelings because they're there to teach you something.

Terry 19:21

Yeah. Children should be seen and not heard. That was a big actually. Right. thyroid. Child. Yeah, that's right.

Roy Barker 19:29

Well, the, I guess there's something else that we talk on on my business show I've talked about before is its reaction versus response. And I think this is a good thing. You know, kind of it's something good to remember sometimes we have to respond on people. I'm not saying that we don't sometimes we just have to call it out like it is. But in a lot of times, it's okay to react and to feel the way that we do but sometimes we need to count like 12345 or 10 Before we actually make the response, make sure we think about it.

And we're responding from that logical place, not, you know, just the emotion flowing out. And I think that's the, that's the part that sometimes we miss is we think that emotional, rad responses, getting it out. But I think there's a place somewhere in between where we can actually preserve relationships that need to be preserved. Now, I'm not saying that there's some times that some of those need to go away. You know, because we, it's like you, the people that you surround, you're the average income of people that you surround yourself with. Also, we can say, where the average happiness and health of those people that we surround ourselves, it's very important, a lot of influence lots of influence.

Karen 20:47

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And it is important to Yeah, I mean, sometimes we need to control I guess those emotions, depending on where you are and who you're with, right? But then when you're by yourself, or you're going wherever you are, then it's like, Okay, why did I react like that? Like, why was that such a strong reaction? Yes. Okay, maybe I had to, you know, do the counting, right? You know, because maybe you're in a public place, and you don't want to have a tantrum, right? or whatever it is, or take it out on that person or whatever. But it's also thinking like, Okay, why did I feel that? Where is that coming from? Cuz that's that person just triggered you. That's it. Right? So, and with dudes, it's

Roy Barker 21:30

different, because, you know, I still learning even at my age, I'm still learning, you know, we always want to fix everything. And sometimes it's just, so a lot of times I have to ask Terry, is this just a vent? Or do you need a solution? That way? I

Terry 21:43

know. I love it. That's perfect. We forget to do that. It's like, Okay, are you Yeah. Are you just talking to talk? And do you need feedback? What's the deal, man, I'm just like, No, I just think that. Girls, Girls, Girls like us. We're all with the way that we respond. Is, is considered, you know, we're just always labeled emotional because we're females. And you know, it's got to do with their cycle or their menopause or whatever. You know, okay. Well, might have a little bit to do with that. But no, you're just being a jerk. Or, you

Roy Barker 22:26

know, no car. Stepping.

Karen 22:32

Oh, my God, you guys are flooding. I always say what did I there, there was a comedian that I enjoyed listening to on YouTube. What was his name? Mark, Mark Gunther, I think is his name. And he talks about how wet men and women are different, right? And how we think different, right? You know, and I don't know, man, depends on how you want to take this, but I my interpretation of it is, yes, men are the fix. It's right. And they want to fix everything. And women are the gatherers. Right? There is also another play called defending the caveman.

That was amazing. Oh, my God, it was so funny. But But the way I see things and whether it's right or wrong, I don't know. But it's like, it's almost like, men need to know that they're doing a good job. Yeah. Women. I'm sorry, my battery's about to die over. And women, you know, we just want to know, do you have our back? Right? Like, you know, we want to know, is everything going to be okay? And sometimes that's all we need? Right? Do you hear what I'm saying? And is everything gonna be okay? You know, so that's my That's true. My very short version of that, right? So that's wrong, right. But that's my interpretation. And

Terry 23:46

true. And there's a lot of there's a lot of truth to that. I agree. Totally.

Roy Barker 23:51

I want to take a step back for just a minute when we were talking about, you know, when our days not going well, and I'm not good at this. So I'm not saying this is not me telling this is what I'm learning as I go, is that, you know, sometimes we bump up against that stuff, and we try so hard to make to fit a round peg into a square hole. There is a fine line between, like we said, surrendering or pushing forward and just bull you know, bolon our way through.

But I have, I've got such an awesome example of this thing that happened a couple of weeks ago, there's a software that I use regularly. And I used the free version, and I wanted to upgrade to the paid portion that had a little more features so could not for some reason I could not get the purchase to go through. wouldn't go through and this was like, I don't know, not that much money. $85 $90 somewhere in there. A credit card. Oh, I know why my credit card failed because it was overseas, so they're like, hey, do you sure you know, we just want to make sure this is legit. Yeah, it is. still wouldn't go through, wrote the people anyway. This was just like going on and on. But in the midst of this, check in there stuff out, I found this other component, that standalone was like another $90 that I'm like, Oh, I would really love to have that.

And then I found a bundle. I could get them both for like $120. I mean, it was amazing. But the way I look at this is, you know, the universe was protecting me a little bit by holding up this transaction. And look what I found, I got a better deal for what I wanted in something else. And sometimes we don't always find that answer. But sometimes, you know, there is a reason why things don't work out the way we want them to.

And sometimes we have to be thankful that somebody out there some, you know, force or energy, if you have a God, your God is looking out for you. That keeps us from doing those things. It's hard. But if if we will take a look back and see the benefits of why that didn't work out. Usually there's always an explanation, I think, personally.

Karen 26:05

Oh, my gosh, I totally agree. I absolutely agree with that. Because sometimes if we're just hitting these roadblocks all the time, whatever that is, right, like whether you're trying to purchase something or anything in life, if we keep hitting roadblocks, that's because you're not on the right path. Right? not in alignment, what you're supposed to what your purpose is, right? And it's like the the like you say, the universe, God, whichever has a different has a bigger picture for you. Right? Not going that way. It's going that way. Right?

Roy Barker 26:41

Yeah. And we have to be sensitive to that. Because, again, there's fine lines with all of these theories, because, you know, there's the listen and see that it's hard. And then there's sometimes there's that, where you got to, you know, you have to break through. But it's like, if you've tried to break through five or six times, you know, sometimes you have to question Am I on that right path? Because there's also the theory, if you're on the right path, things just seem to fall into place.

And it's much easier. So I don't know. I don't know where I come down on that. It's a question that we discussed quite often, you know, with things that we have going on is okay. Is this the push through moment? Or is this the You're not? Not on? Right, bad moment? It's hard. It's hard.

Terry 27:25

It's hard to focus on the goal. If you're getting all those roadblocks. And there's a lot of those sometimes and being able to understand you just be aware that, hey, that is what happened is I was being blocked. You know, like with Roy's story about the software. I mean, the fact that you can realize that that was what was happening, you know,

Roy Barker 27:53

yeah, well, this just wasn't I'm not saying that. I didn't just like put in my card and hit the thing. And it failed. Oh, no, no,

Terry 28:00

  1. And everybody,

Roy Barker 28:01

I was calling everybody, I tried this transaction no less than 10 times. You know, I did this I did that it was just, I was a maniac almost there for you know, for a couple days trying to, it's like, I know, I can get this to go through and it just one way or another? Gosh, darn it. Oh, my gosh, yeah. But yeah, I think it's so yeah. And then what that did it. You know, it kind of hampers you in your efforts. Because not only did I get off track because that was when I was singularly focused on for a few minutes.

But there was also a lot of negativity with this, like, what the heck is going on? And how can I fix this? And sometimes we just need to set with ourself. And that's kind of what I ended up doing way too late in the process. But I ended up just sitting with myself for a minute and saying, okay, something's not right here. It's going to all manifest. And sure enough, you know, when I got back on and got an answer, it all came very clear. Yeah.

Karen 29:00

And sometimes that's what we have to do, right? Just take a step back. Just Okay, let's breathe, right? And then just let the answer come in. And there you go. We make things so we can make it very complicated at times. Right. Now, I

Roy Barker 29:14

want to talk about your steps to intention. So don't let let's not forget that. But before we do that, you brought up laughter and we have a mutual friend, Kathy, that Okay, so one thing we've learned from this sheet for those of you that haven't listened, there's an episode out there. Kathy Nesbitt. laughter yoga.

We may not have even published it. I think it's coming down and you need to go listen to this because the short story is that, Terry and Kathy, Kathy, yeah. Karen, Cathy hooked up and so Terry's going to sit in on the laughter yoga session, like what is the and so across the room, and I hear all this commotion. Over there, and I had to stop what I was doing to just walk over and see what this was about. And at first I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is this is, this is something different.

And but after we got going through it, it's just amazing how we transformed where we were that moment. And as we use this as a follow up, you know, when I have to admit, sometimes I can probably be a little intense when I get focused in on something and do things. That's okay. I can admit that. But Terry will start this. Laughter this crazy laughter and it no matter what it makes me stop and start laughing, and it's funny how it changes the trajectory of the rest of that day.

Because there are times that I can just go off and go down in that hole and stay there all the time. But anyway, to your point, laughter and being able to stop and just laugh at ourselves laugh at the situation. It's so important to our mental health going forward from that point. Oh, my gosh, yes.

Terry 31:07

And the breathing, I mean, just the breathing aspect of you know, that deep breathing all of the, you know, working on your meridians, and even she throws in some tapping sessions and things like that. Are there What, What kinds of things do you? do you advise to do? Like, if you're in a Bosu, ball of stress? I mean, what kind of things can people do to try to take it down a notch so they can become self aware?

Karen 31:42

I'll give you a great, that's a great question. Because the laughter yoga is a great one, because you can just start laughing for the sake of laughing right? Some people feel awkward doing it right. And, but the more you do it, then it's less awkward, right? For me what I do, so I'll either go to that, or I go to music. And I'll give you a great example.

Because this morning, it was just like I said, it was one of those days that just things kept shifting, and I started getting in a bit of a cranky mood, right? And I'm like, okay, I can't be in a bad mood. about to go on a podcast. That's right. Because that just doesn't energy. You know, people pick up on energy, right? Me I listen to music, so I listen to music that brings me joy, that makes me smile that makes me want to dance and that kind of stuff.

So all I did before this was to throw on some music. I like Soca Music, right? So I just put on some music and I'm dancing around my apartment. And it just shifted that energy. That was it. Right? And then it made me smile. It made me feel good. And then I was all set to be here today. That's what that's my go to is music. Yeah. Because

Roy Barker 32:48

you mentioned that because we have the same thing. I mean, that's so funny. We woke up this morning, just be down from our admin. From my adventure. Yeah, even the dogs are like, Oh my gosh, I can't even get up. I don't even didn't even in our face to eat, you know, at seven o'clock this morning. And we were so dead. I told her I said, you know, we got a podcast today, we have got to raise that energy up. And she's like, we need music. And so we put it on, within a couple songs. You know, we were both singing and dancing and just, you know, it just really turned the day around,

Terry 33:22

man. Right. You know, thinking back to good memories go into concert? Oh, yeah, I saw them. I saw that. You know, that's always my go to Oh, yeah, I've seen them in concert in it five times. Okay, what do you say? What kind of music Did you say souca.

Karen 33:35

souca. Like, I like the I like like the, the Latin music like, I mean, I like reggae, like I like all kinds of music, you know, if it's got a good beat to it, and I can dance to it. I love it. Right. So that's usually my go to and that just happens to make me smile, and it makes me want to be on vacation. So, you know, it's just brings back those memories of being on a beach with palm trees for me.

Terry 34:00

Me too.

Roy Barker 34:03

So, yeah, I wanted to talk about intentions. Is there how can we become more intentional? You know, through our days through the week through our overall you know, bigger picture, what are some tips that you have for that?

Karen 34:19

Well, I teach people, one of the things I teach people is awareness. So check in with yourself throughout the day. I tell people check in three times a day, because people can usually remember something. Three times I find if you tell somebody five times a day, they're not going to do it. Right. So things like when you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? What kind of mood you're in? It's amazing how you can wake up in the morning you can have the best sleep and you wake up in the morning and all of a sudden you're in bad mood, or you're depressed or that kind of it's like Where did I go last night? Right?

I had a great sleep. Why am I waking