Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out

Feeding Fatty

19-10-2021 • 48分

Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out Featuring Sherry Diamond

It's so important to strive for balance in life. This is from eating in general, to what you eat, when you eat, how much you move, sleep, drink water, and much more. Combine this with living clean, eating clean, and using clean products we can certainly improve our health and our outlook on life. Living from the inside out certainly has its benefits.

About Sherry

At age 64, I found myself waking up two to three times a night, and in a “brain fog” in the morning. I had bumps under my skin, and not feeling at my full potential. When I went for my annual medical checkup, my doctor informed me I was “knocking on the diabetic door” and needed to change the way I was eating.

Since I am terrified of needles, I knew I needed to pay attention. I couldn’t imagine having to give myself injections of insulin every day. Around this same time, my brother started teaching me about bacteria, how it forms in our bodies, and that it eventually causes high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as the negative effects it has on people with autoimmune diseases.

This resonated with me because I have had Hashimoto’s Disease (a thyroid problem) for 27 years.  I immediately started to eat cleaner, and honestly, after about 10 days, I already was feeling so much better and sleeping better too!

By the time I lost the first 40 lbs., I could feel “the shift” in my brain for the first time in my life. I could picture what I would look like when I reached my goal weight. For the first time in my life, my brain and my body were becoming friends. I started feeling good from the inside out.

This is when I began researching cleaner products for my personal use and at home. In the Stay Balanced 4 Life program, I will share all of these products and the information I’ve learned about them with you. I am not paid for any endorsements of these products.

The best part of reaching my goal weight is that I feel healthier at age 67 than I did at 47. I have more energy, more confidence and I’m moving through life at my full potential now. Once my brain and my body became friends, there was no stopping me. I finally gave the 232 lb. me a permanent eviction notice and she is never allowed back in my house again! This program is individually designed for your unique needs to help you feel better from the inside out.

Full Transcript Below

Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out Featuring Sherry Diamond

Sun, 7/11 2:08PM • 47:52


eat, people, day, food, ice cream, life, roy, sherry, sleep, bad, journey, thyroid, drink, doctor, diabetes, margarita, noticed, good, night, sit


Sherry, Terry, Roy Barker

Roy Barker 00:00

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. I'm your host growing and I'm Terry,of course we are the podcast journaling chronicling our journey to health and wellness that can consist of, you know, our diet, what we eat, not necessarily a diet and then also exercise in movement, which is imperative for us, we do not move enough. And then also, you know, our mindset and being able to sustain our changes, we really have to get our minds right and wrap it around. So you know, and we also talk about our journey a lot and some different things like diabetes, which I struggle with. And then we also have professionals in the field on And today, we are glad to have Sherry Diamond with us, Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce Sherry.

Terry 00:00

Sherry Diamond is an entrepreneur and a coach for her program balance for life. She teaches others how to live from the inside out and not the outside in how to eat cleaner and use cleaner products, no matter their age or ailments. She developed the program three years ago, after much research and lost 103 pounds. She is 67 years young and does not take a lot of medication. And Sherry, I'm gonna let you talk to us a little bit about your journey. Three, almost four years ago, how you started out and and why you ended up where you are today. And how you did that.

Sherry 00:00

Well, hi Roy and Terry, it's so fun to be with you. I was so looking forward to today, because we've talked a few times. And you know, you guys resonate with me. So it's so fun to be here with you today.

Roy Barker 01:43

Thank you for that. Thanks for your day. Yeah.

Sherry 01:46

So my journey has been, you know, as I've told you, I come from a Jewish family where food is everything. It's like our life. And how I was socialized as a child really is what got me to be a yo yo diameter and be overweight is it most of my life, but really, as an adult in my 40s and 50s is when I think I was really at my worst. Um, and it's funny, because when I look back now how I was socialized as a kid, you know, if we were all together with our family, and everybody was eating or having ice cream, and it was a party, perfect, eat whatever you want, but come home from school and put your hand in the cookie jar. And my mom or my grandma would say, Yeah, I don't think you should be eating that. You might be getting a little too fat. And they said those words to me when I was a kid. Oh, by the time I got older, you know, I didn't know if I was supposed to eat the food, hide the food or what I was supposed to do with the food. And a lot of times I suffered in silence, but not terrible. Because I have to say, being overweight never stop me from anything like I dated. I got married, you know, men like me. It wasn't like people looked at me like I was a horrible, obese person. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, it didn't affect me that way. But when I was 64, he went to the doctor. And she told me that I was knocking on the diabetic door. And up until that point, and still now the only medication I take is for my thyroid because I have I have hypothyroidism. And that's the only pill I take. And I'm grateful for it. So I thought you know what, if I'm knocking on the diabetic door, I'm terrified of needles, I am not going to take insulin. So I better start looking at what's going on with food. And honestly before that, maybe a couple years before that I had a bad rotator cuff. And it was I was in terrible pain. And they didn't know if I was going to have to have my shoulder operated on but I did it. And I started researching foods that were going to help heal my shoulder and it was all about antioxidants. Because antioxidants are just you know everything blueberries, strawberries, all the dark berries, they're great for us. You know, spin is everything that has antioxidants, it's one of the best things you can eat. So I started doing that. And I learned that certain foods I was eating especially with too much sugar are terrible if you have problems with your joints or anything like that, and everything that causes inflammation. So I went on this journey and my actually my brother's the one that started me on the journey and started talking to me about eating cleaner and plant based and different things. And I did and I lost 103 pounds. I'll never get fat again and I tell everybody that I killed that fat girl I buried her and I watched her die and she's ever allowed back here again.

Roy Barker 04:42

Yeah, what a good feeling and you know, talking about the family not in this isn't placing blame but, you know, we kind of I grew up in that same situation, but it was more of the emotional eating like, you know, if you came home and had a bad day, it's like, oh, no, well, let's have something to eat that'll fix you up or it's like You know the celebration like yay things were awesome for you Let's celebrate and I know I kind of have a an addiction to ice cream and I love ice cream could eat, you know, just a ton of it all I can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. And you know, we've kind of talked a lot about it and I think I figured it out is that you know, whenever I would be with my grandparents, or my dad whenever I would work with them in the summer, like either helping them on their job or maybe just mowing the yard for them. You know, both of my grandpa's would be like, Hey, you know we've worked hard enough today let's go down to one of them went to the Dairy Queen and one of them went to the drugstore. Let's go get an ice cream and then you know, I

Terry 05:41

think back back when drugstores used to have ice cream. Cover wagon days. Sorry. Yeah, no, I

Roy Barker 05:48

mean, you know, like with my dad when I would go to work with him in the summer I can remember vividly setting in the Dairy Queen with the jukebox playing a Van Morrison song, you know, eating an ice cream sundae taking an afternoon break from you know, being out working hard. So, you know, when you think back about that, you know, that's, I think it's partly the ice cream. That's good. But it's that relationship. It's the happy times. It's just, you know, so much wrapped up in the emotion of it. No,

Sherry 06:16

you know what, right? I knew there's a reason I liked you. I came from a family where my dad, my dad literally could sit down after dinner and eat a bowl or to have ice cream and lay down on the couch and take a nap. Right. And ice cream was like, I love ice cream. And up until probably I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I will is that up until maybe 10 years ago, eight years ago, it was no problem to sit down and eat a pint of Haagen dazs peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. It was delightful. But guess what all but all we were all we're doing. We're just stuffing everything that we're not dealing with down in the form of food and happiness. And we're calling it something else. And that's really what it is.

Roy Barker 07:06

Yeah, yeah. And I can say that was one of my bad parenting skills was you know, because we would go out we get the kids one of those, that the pots like that, of course, I would come home and eat mine before they even get the spoon out of the drawer. You know, and they were like normal eating people. So they might take a few spoonfuls out and be like, Oh, I'm gonna save this for later, may put it in a freezer, well, then when they get sent to bed and I get hungry at night, you know, I'd go in there and scrounge around and eat one of theirs, you know, then they get up all hacked off the next morning and my daughter she finally caught on. And so she'd start buying flavors that do I didn't like and wouldn't go in there and eat. Yeah. So anyway, you know, I think, I think our you know, it's, I don't, like I said, I'm not placing blame, but I think it's just patterns that we have grown up with in our lives that, you know, some of us have probably taken to the extremes and don't do well with and so, you know, that's part of what I'm trying to do is, you know, the ice cream has to go. But you know, it's funny, even now To this day, you know, sometimes when I you know, I'll be out working in the backyard, and I'll come in like, Oh, you know what, why don't we go get an ice cream, you know, goes to the store. That's just my go to thing. So.

Sherry 08:24

Right. But what's funny about what you just said about let's have ice cream, and about blaming, I never blamed anybody. Because honestly, when you sit and you look back at why you do the things you do, it all comes from a place of love. Because our parents, our parents didn't know any better. That's what they did. So they taught us what they knew. But for some of us like me, it was you can eat it when we say you can but then there's other times when you can't, because you're getting a little too chubby. Yeah, yeah. You know, but I will say that the ice cream. You're right, right. It has to go.

Roy Barker 09:02

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's gone. It's hard, but Terry's good about helping me with that for sure.

Terry 09:09

Oh my gosh, I try not to have any snacky anything. You know, it's hard. You have to have snacks. You just have to have good smell. I know. She means Ron. Yeah, I just mean Yeah, the the bad stuff.

Sherry 09:24

I'm gonna send you a recipe that's delicious. For dark chocolate peanut butter cups. And they're made with almond butter and they taste the next best thing to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. And that can take place of the ice cream.

Terry 09:39

Okay, I want that. I want that because I am a peanut butter chocolate person when you're talking about the Haagen dazs peanut butter chocolate that was mine. That was my go to

Sherry 09:50

write in fact, when I make them which I don't very often but I make them when I feel like I need something sweet because I eat dark chocolate. Yeah, and um When I make it, it makes like 24 or 30 pieces, and I will eat two or three at a time. And I can't do that. So I give most of it away to my neighbor or a friend. And then I keep like five pieces. So I eat it once in a while, because it'll keep for a month.

Roy Barker 10:15

Right? Okay, good. So when you when you decided to make the change, you know, I understand the points that led up to it. So what are some things that you did? I guess, you know, in the first few days, or first few weeks, what are some of those initial steps that you took that you've been able to stick with?

Sherry 10:35

Well, I would say a lot of it was that mentally, I made a decision. Because I realized that you know, as much as we don't want to admit it, situations that I've been in, or people I've been around, or relationships, whatever it is, that aren't really good for me. There's people that are trying to enable us, you know, and being around the food police. And I noticed that it was around food police, if you like, are you supposed to be eating that? Well, meanwhile, they shouldn't be eating it either. And you don't I mean, if they're saying to me, sure, they're watching me what I'm doing. And I decided I wasn't going to tell anybody what I'm doing, I'm just going to do it. Because then you don't have to listen to anything anybody has to say because it doesn't matter. But what's interesting is, then when you start to change, some people don't like the change that you're making. So they're not supportive. And I made a decision that I'm the only one to be going forward in my life around people that are supportive of me, that are my cheerleaders that want me to do better in life. And if I make a mistake, they're going to say to me, you know what, here's where you missteps. But I'm still your friend, and I love you. And that's the kind of people I want around in my life going forward, not the NACA people who are creating all this negative energy and Oh, woe is me. And, you know, because they don't want, they don't want to change or no, they should they try to make me feel bad. Because I did know, this isn't about this isn't about anything else. I did the work. And that's it. And I and I never say to anybody else ever when I go anywhere, and anybody who knows me will attest to it. I never say to people, you know, you shouldn't be eating that. That's not good for you. I never say that. Because people have to live my mother used to always tell me you have to live and let live. Right. And whatever you do, you do Just don't tell me what I should be doing. Because obviously what I'm doing is working.

Roy Barker 12:36

That's right. Yeah, no, it's it's become a lot more important, not only in this journey, but in a lot of things, a lot of other things that we're going through, it's just, you know, you got to stay in your own lane, run your own race and right you can't and I think you know, in business we talk about you are the some parts financially and in your career, but were the people you surround yourself the five people you surround yourself with, you know, that their average income as well as is and but I think it's the same in this wellness journey as well. We have to really protect ourselves from all this negative influx that others can tend to get to you. And it's it's okay to be selfish and say, You know what, we just don't want to be around, we can still love you. We can still like you. But we don't have to be around that constant barrage of negative. And, you know, I understand that. Because sometimes I take it as a backhanded passive aggressive, like, Oh, well, you know, I know that you're eating a certain way. So we cook this or, you know, what can you eat on your certain D and I'm like, you know, there's really no certain deal. It's just, you know, for us, we're not on anybody's plan or anything, we're just trying to eat healthy, trying to do more, you know, plant base, not that we've cut out all meat or fish or whatever, we still have it if we want it in a good combination. But instead of making the meat the focal point of the meal, you know, more the plants the focal point of the meal and then a little bit of protein But anyway, it's not. I

Sherry 14:17

guess, it's not about the meat in it. I eat grass fed beef. I eat fish. I just don't eat chicken because it's a preference. I don't eat turkey. I eat omega three eggs. So you can still you see that's the misconception. plant based means you can't have anything that's meat or fish. No, you can. But you see the people that are saying that to you, boy, they're going I know I shouldn't be eating this. But let's make it about you. Right. Right. Good for you that you don't respond.

Roy Barker 14:49

Yeah, I mean, I just have to say look, this, it's we're just on a path of our own environment. To be honest, if I want a piece of chocolate cake, I'm going to sit down and eat one Should I eat one? And do I choose not to try very hard? Yes, the past that stuff up. But you know, I think the point that we tell ourselves are try to tell ourselves, you can't do something. You know, some of us are strong willed enough to say, I will show you that I can eat not only one piece of that cake I can play.

Terry 15:20

Oh my gosh, you tell me I can't do something I'm doing.

Sherry 15:24

Yeah, I understand that. I'm a rebel child, when you know every time you tell me. No, no, it's been my favorite words. since I was three years old. All you have to do is tell me No. And inside. I'm going really?

Terry 15:36

Show You heard me too. I so do that. Oh, my gosh.

Roy Barker 15:42

Oh, go ahead. No, I was gonna go ahead.

Terry 15:45

Oh, no, I just wanted to talk. Okay, so you said that you are you? You have hashimotos? Is that correct? Correct.

Sherry 15:53

Sorry, I'm hyperthyroidism. My thyroid doesn't move. Really?

Terry 15:58

Yeah, that's this the same as me, you know, I I have been taking, let's see, when was I diagnosed probably 2020 to 25 years ago with that. And I, I do like you I did, I'd lost about three or four years ago, I lost about 8590 pounds. Wow, I just quit taking every medication I was on. And the separate was one of them. But I did end up going back on it because because my blood work showed that I need to and I fluctuated you know, five to 10 pounds here and there more. But I've tried to balance like Roy's type two diabetes with my hyperthyroid his and his hypertension, you know, trying to incorporate everything all in one meal for you know, to address those certain situations. It can you do that? Do you have to address every thing? No, currently can it all? It all can kind of be the same thing? Do you have any words of wisdom for that? Because?

Sherry 17:19

And the answer is yes. Yes. And yes. There. It's one program for everything. Okay. Okay. So for me, I can't get off my thyroid medicine. The only thing that's happened to me which is good, is I you know, that's my goal is to get off of it. But I don't think I really ever will because I should have taken it when I was a kid. But our our doctor told my mom when I was a preteen and going through puberty, that No, it's just baby fat, and she'll grow out of it. We don't need to test your thyroid and my mom listened to him. And I didn't get diagnosed until I was almost I was 4041. My hair was falling out and I didn't have any energy. And I was sleeping at five o'clock in the afternoon. So I went to the doctor and found out that my thyroid completely shut down. And I started taking medicine. So I've been taking it for 27 years. But I am going to tell you that hypothyroidism, any kind of thyroid, autoimmune, any autoimmune disease, it doesn't matter what it is high blood pressure, diabetes, anything that you take any medication for, other than maybe an occasional aspirin is all about the food. And this is like you know what, we've talked about a million times about food being medicine. I used to go Oh, yeah, I'm so sick of hearing food is medicine. And guess what? I was such now. Now I'm almost like a hypocrite because no, really because food is medicine. Like what was wrong with me? I wasn't I didn't need I wasn't ready to listen. But you too, and everybody in the world that wants to eat better. All you have to do. There are certain foods that I teach you in my course you just have to let go of and everybody thinks this is a horrible thing. Like people say to me, does that mean I can eat cottage cheese every day with canned pears for lunch? That's right, you can't. So if that's so terrible to give up? Because you're going to swap it with food that's going to not only keep you full longer, it's going to take away your cravings. Yes, just give me one week to show you. And I promise you everybody feels better. My primary care physician

Terry 19:34

is on my program. That's amazing. When I read that, oh my gosh. How did that transpire? Me You went in

Sherry 19:41

and I inspired her because because I'm the one she's the one that told me I was knocking on the diabetic door.

Terry 19:48

And then,

Sherry 19:49

you know, and every year I come back and she's like, Oh my god, and then when I came back a few years ago, she's like Sherry, you are like an inspiration. She only needs Lose maybe eight pounds. But she told me she's got a lot of belly fat. It's because she's stressed out and all kinds of other things. And then she's not eating good. So she's she said, I need to be on your program because I know you know what you're talking about. And I need to listen to you. I was like,

Terry 20:16

I was floored. That is a great, Oh, my gosh, you can't get a better endorsement than that.

Sherry 20:23

Yeah, and she doesn't have she's not on any social media. So I can't get her to do a testimonial. But right now she's going through some personal things. So you know, the only thing that I have is I have her permission, but I don't really want to do it is to show her email that says, I need to be on your program. I'm bloated. And you know, and she gave me permission to talk about it. But I don't really like to put people's business out there. You know what I mean?

Terry 20:51

Yeah. Right. Yeah.

Roy Barker 20:55

Also, what are some other long term things or, you know, as we start through this journey, you know, I know that we we start down one path and like us, you know, we've made not major shifts, but we just, you know, we try to shift a little bit to make things work out for us. So, what are some other things that you've done for yourself?

Sherry 21:19

So one of the things that I think everybody needs to do, you know, one of the reasons I put together my plan is people would say to me, Wow, you look so good. You probably, you know, feel like on top of the world, and honestly, the best part of losing 103 pounds is no lie. When I look in the mirror, I go, yeah, you look good. But I'm not I'm not the type of person that goes, Oh, yeah, you're like all that and a bag of chips? I really No, really, I'm not like that. The thing that's so rewarding for me is that I have never felt healthier. Because one of the things that I that happen is people were saying to me, you know, I'm so busy. I'm so busy, I can't do this, I can't do that. And I thought, Wait a minute, this is why everybody's running around with their chicken with their heads like a chicken. Okay, what's the same chicken with their heads? Thank you. Oh, my gosh. And I said, It's not easy if it was easy with people do it. So I made it so easy that if a six year old in your house can read my food list, anybody can do it, I made it so easy. That was a and b, I realized that people have to make time, you can't get up and work 14 hours and take care of kids and do this and do that you have to take an hour a day, you have to go for a walk, you have to do some kind of exercise. Because once you start eating better, doing better, thinking better and moving a little better, your brain becomes clear. And you think better, right? And the next thing you know, everything in life is skipping along and all of a sudden, you go Wow, I've never been this happy with this much energy on top of the world I could do, there isn't anything I can't do. And that's how I feel. So you have to do

Terry 23:10

a little bit of everything. And sleep is a huge component as well, I'm you

Roy Barker 23:17

should have we should have just muted or when I had the chance,

Terry 23:21

oh my god, he can stay up till you know, one two o'clock in the morning. Because he has to get so many things done on his list. But then he'll just be so exhausted, he'll come to bed, you know, and of course, he's a dude. So he falls asleep at the drop of a hat. You know, as soon as his head hits the pillow, he's out. And then, you know, then then a few hours later, he's up again, trying, you know, and I know, well, I have issues with it too. But Sleep Sleep is just such an important component of being able to complete, complete the whole picture, you know?

Sherry 24:01

Well, I am gonna say you're absolutely correct, Terry, but I understand why.

Terry 24:07

Sorry. Well, I

Sherry 24:08

understand how Roy is because I used to be like that. I was like that at a time in my life. Where it was like one more thing and one more thing. And one more thing. And before I knew it when I was in my late 40s. I was suffering from sleep deprivation. Because I was going going going I was telling people Oh yeah, I can get away with four hours of sleep. No. And then when you cut out all the noise around you, and you try to go to sleep and you start eating cleaner, you get tired. You go to sleep, I sleep seven hours a night, sometimes eight, and I never I hardly ever wake up I sleep like a child.

Roy Barker 24:50

Yeah, and it's to me sleep. And I know this and you know Terry's jokingly given me a hard time because I know this sleep is a bad term. For me, because when I wake up in the morning a little bit tired, then I want to eat more all day or, you know, at 10 o'clock at night when I've got a few more things I want to do, like if I just have that snack, so it to me, it sets off really bad eating habits. And I trade it. I've said this before, I think on an earlier episode, but I traded in my bigger, well known watch fitness watch. And I just didn't like it because I didn't use the bells and whistles on it went back to the Fitbit. And they have got a really good sleep score component. And I actually hit an 83 last Wednesday night, I was so excited because usually not that good. But anyway, I've really tried to start monitoring all of this, because we there's an old saying in business, you know, we can't change what we don't monitor. And I think that's good for us in health, the sleep, the steps, the blood sugar, you know, all of these different things that we may know about that we need to monitor because you know, when I have some really bad sleep scores, my next days are not that good, because I'm tired. The brain fog eating worse than I don't want to exercise because I'm tired. And I've eaten but it's just

Sherry 26:14

And can I just say one other thing for you, Roy, because you do have diabetes, that not sleeping produces more cortisol, the cortisol in your produces belly fat. And when you have diabetes, it's not good. So you're producing more cortisol by not sleeping good. And that's why the brain fog and everything else I know about the brain fog, when I remember, when I was in my like, late 40s, early 50s. I was working for a big telecommunications company. And I was working 1012 hours a day at home, working, working, working. And then I would go out at night with my friends and eat pasta. And I get up in the morning. And I felt like I was in a coma from food. But it's a food coma. Right. And so you really need you should be careful, because that is a that is a key that's going to be key with you along with food.

Roy Barker 27:14

Yeah, and I noticed the last month has been terrible. We've just been assaulted by ones and zeros of the world, the digital stress that we've been through has been crazy. But you know, I had very little sleep. And I noticed that my blood sugar was extremely high. And extremely pro long time I was having trouble controlling it. But it's funny, because that night, you know, last week when I finally there was a couple nights in a row that I was pretty close to being in the 80s my blood sugar was way down, it was much more easier to manage. So definitely saw that for sure. And in the food coma, you know, like ours around here is going to the Mexican food restaurant with the chips. And the Margarita is they have a lot of these flavored ones, they have this syrup. That's just very, very sweet. And so what I would notice is the next morning when I would wake up, you know, sometimes it'd be till like 10 o'clock, my head would be so clogged up. I think I have a food allergy too, because I could actually, you know, it's just like a some kind of allergy that my head would be so stopped up till 10 or 11 in the morning before I can finally get out from under that.

Sherry 28:31

Well listen, nobody loves chips and salsa and some beers better than the other Not anymore. But you could still go out and drink and have fun. You just can't drink margaritas. Right? What you drink tequila?

Roy Barker 28:49

Well, that's what we talked about, you know, it's been a month or so ago. We maybe as a table it was it was May 5, we went up to the local restaurant and we were eating had a margarita too and came home the next day felt bad. And I just told Terry, I'm like, okay, here's the thing. We went up there for socialization for me and you to, for me and her to sit and talk. We didn't need the chips or the Margarita, you know, why can't this is the thing for me. I'm not saying everybody but for me, why can I realize that? It's fun to go up there and sit on the patio and enjoy. I could do that with a glass of water glass of tea and eating a piece of grilled chicken or a taco salad, you know, make healthier choices, be in the same atmosphere and have just as much fun. It just doesn't sound that much fun.

Sherry 29:38

But it is but you're absolutely right. Because I go out and I go out to eat and I go out with my friends. And you know one of the things that we'll say about alcohol is that depending on how long you've been drinking, you get to be a certain age and I noticed this when I was starting to eat cleaner, that drinking a beer was horrible and doing different things. And so I stopped doing it. And the only thing, the only alcohol that I like to drink, I like to drink champagne, and I like to drink tequila, and champagne, you can only have one glass. So I cut that out. Because if I can't have at least two, sometimes three, then it's not a celebration. Right? And so now I just drink, I could sit by tequila for a couple hours, and I'm good. But when I feel like going out and drinking, you know, which isn't very often, I'll have more than one. But that's it, because then I know how I need to eat during the day. So I don't have to worry about the scale. And and I never do because you don't have to count calories on my program, you just have to eat clean in you know, certain times of the day. That's all it's so easy. I mean, it's so easy.

Roy Barker 30:53

Yeah, and people don't think about the caloric content. I'm not a big drinker. Anyway, we may go out once in a while and have one but, you know, I referenced this as a friend that she had had the lap band put on and we used to my high school class used to meet every Thursday night, you know, we just have a little get together. And she had had the lap band in, she got to where she started gaining weight. But what I noticed was that these little get together, she you know, she might have three or four of these margaritas. And so I asked the guy one time, not in front of her one trying to embarrass her, but I asked the guy, what's the caloric content of those things? never really thought about it? About 12 to 1500. So, you know, or somebody that was assuming, you know, 4500 calories, just in drinks alone in one evening. And so, you know, we don't think about our I don't never really thought about the impact of things like that.

Sherry 31:52

Yeah, it does have an impact. And as you get older, you can't I mean, for me, I rarely drink. Um, and I don't feel like it because it feels different now that my body feels so healthy. It actually gets in the way.

Terry 32:09

Oh, yeah. That That makes a lot of sense. Well, and, and really, it's not too late, ever to start.

Sherry 32:19

This thing, nobody knows that better than me. You know, I started in my 60s. And everything fantastic in my life, including my program, and my business partner, Karen and working with her and everything we're doing together, this is going to be when everybody's retiring and hanging out, I'm doing exactly the opposite. I'm going to be working and having the best next five to seven years in my life. And then I'm good. And you found something that you love to do. And some people it takes a lifetime to do or they never find that balance, you know, to do something that they love. And to make a living at it. No. Well, I always knew I'd wind up here, I just didn't know when it really because my whole life when when I this is why I teach people about living your life from the inside out. When I look around me now and this isn't a bad thing. And I'm not saying anything bad about anyone. So I want to make it very clear. But for me personally, when everybody was chasing the marrying the richest guy and having the most money and having the cars that everybody says oh, look what you can afford. That stuff is all nice look, I like nice things like everybody else, but I wasn't chasing it. I was chasing happiness and being myself and being who I am. And you know, I moved away from home when I was young, and all that stuff. I just wanted to be on the journey of me. And here I am at 67 and I'm the best I'm standing in the best legs I have ever been in and doing exactly what I love and want to do for the rest of my life. And I I couldn't be happier.

Roy Barker 34:06

Now that's awesome. It's an awesome thing to remember sometimes when we ask ourselves but why if the Why is just the money or the fame or the fortune probably need to rethink that when you because you know when you get to a certain age like like I am you start realizing it's the relationships it's the time you know, like yesterday. I hope that told the story once I hope it's not repeating myself if I am you can stop me but you know we had a taping that canceled yesterday afternoon so we loaded up the dogs and just went for a walk and it was the best thing you know, we haven't done that in for ever. But you know, try it. I guess this last week you know making a resurgence and thinking about us more our health and doing those but instead of us saying hey, let's go eat somewhere was like, let's go for a walk somewhere. And it was a much better decision for us.

Sherry 34:58

Well, yeah, and you change the person of your brain. I'm going to tell you every single day, every single day I fit it in, whether it's morning, afternoon, the evening, it doesn't matter. I take my headphones and plug them into my phone, and I go for an hour to a two hour walk every day and listen to music and think and read, it just resets your brain and you think about all kinds of things. instead of staying up half the night, go for a walk and listen to music or just sit down and meditate or go sit outside in the backyard and lay in the grass, you know, anything, just something that's completely different. And you'll see how your perspective and everything changes. Right? Exactly.

Terry 35:41

Yeah, that's that's really important. And meditation, you know, we've been getting into meditation a lot more. Well, this year for sure. But that helps so much. And I gotta tell you, I I love to listen to loud music with my headphones. But I love to scream, sing and I try not to do it to Roy but every once in a while I'll blurt something out. off key for sure. But I just love to scream sing and my you know, if I'm in my car, I'm like, I'm cranking it up. And that release. Oh, there's nothing like it. It's awesome.

Sherry 36:18

I love it. I do that to me. That's all I do. I just blast the music and let's go right.

Terry 36:24

That'd be fun. And somebody walk in, you know, scream sing. I'm gonna have to try that one. I'll do it with Roy. That'll be fun. We'll get some good looks.