Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food?

Feeding Fatty

28-09-2021 • 57分

Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food? with Katie Chapmon

And that's where that's weird, kind like of concrete. As you get older, and as you're potentially trying to work out of these habits it's hard. It's like, I know, these things are good for me. Let me just, yeah, there's a problem. You have these really strong connections of like, I don't know if I like this. I don't know if I have a good feeling around us.

About Katie

Katie Chapmon, MS, RD is an award-winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in Bariatric Nutrition, GI Issues and Hormonal Health with 10+ years of hands-on clinical experience for leading medical providers.

She is the proud recipient of the 2010 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award and 2018 Excellence in Weight Management Practice Award through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Katie empowers individuals and businesses alike toward the next steps in their growth.  She has a virtual private practice and provides continuing education for integrated health providers.

Prior to transitioning into private practice and consulting, she served as the Bariatric Nutrition Lead and Bariatric Medicine Department Manager for Kaiser Permanente Southern California.

Katie is currently updating the Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy chapter in the 3rd Edition of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Pocket Guide to Bariatric Surgery and has presented educational webinars for various organizations.

She has written numerous articles surrounding bariatric surgery and nutrition for both professional and consumer publications.  Katie also served as education co-director, as well as presented at several American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Obesity Week sessions.

Katie is currently the Chair of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health Clinical Issues Committee. She has also served as a mentor with the WM DPG mentoring program to guide dietitians who are new to this exciting field.

Full Transcript Below

Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food? with Katie Chapmon, MS, RD

Sat, 7/3 1:22PM • 57:37


eat, people, supplements, talking, bouncer, smoothie, food, fasting, dietitian, probiotics, big, health, feel, Terry, meal, Katie, diet, support, nutrition, bacteria


Katie, Terry, Roy Barker

Roy Barker 00:08

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. This is Roy

Terry 00:11

This is Terry.

Roy Barker 00:12

So we're the podcast that brings you a just chronicling our journey through health. And, you know here lately we've we've kind of talked a lot more about mindset. You know, we started in the beginning talking a lot about diet, not necessarily being on a diet, just our food intake. And we've talked a lot about exercise and a lot of these things.

And then, you know, we also talked quite a bit about the mindset spec mindset portion of all this, trying to tie it all together to you know, lead us to a better point of wellness and also from time to time we do have professionals in the fields that come on and today is no different. So, Terry, I'm on let you introduce Katie.

Terry 00:51

Yeah, Katie Chapmon is an award winning Registered Dietitian nutritionist specializing in geriatric nutrition, gi issues and hormonal health. And with 10 plus years of hands on clinical experience for leading medical providers. She's the proud recipient of the 2010 recognized young dietitian of the Year award. And 2018 excellence in weight management practice award through the Academy of Nutrition and diet, diet. Diet TEDx that right. We got it. Yeah, fine. Yeah. Katie, welcome. So, welcome to the show. We're happy to have you. Thank you.

Roy Barker 01:36

Yeah, what's gonna open you know, we always have pre show talks, I was gonna comically kind of open with like, yeah, we're gonna welcome the food police on. You know, I say that tongue in cheek. You know, I know, that's kind of unfortunate. A roll that you're pushed into. And a lot of times people skew you into that. Oh, that's, you know what, I think we were, you know, kind of bantering around, but I was thinking it's more like the dietary Sherpa that you know, y'all are there to help and lead to guide to encourage to keep us from falling off the side of the mountain.

You know, it's always your own journey. If you decide to make that fatal step off to the ride and have that big old piece of chocolate fudge cheesecake or, you know, whatever the it's not like, you just try to be the be there to give the good advice. But before we get way far deep into this, tell us a little bit about you know, kind of what led you here What got you interested in this? What led you to be a dietitian?

Katie 02:39

Oh my gosh, it's such a great question. Um, honestly, I I did a lot of running I used a marathon run. Oh, wow. It was a Yeah, I think I did in my 20s long probably other things I did in my 20s I just noticed the aspect of how I ate and how that affected not only this major kind of piece of like, Oh yes, we got a fuel or exercise or fuel what I'm doing in that sense.

But when it really really came down to it, I felt just different. Right? I felt like okay, like I feel better when I eat this way don't feel so good when I eat this way like My stomach hurts when I eat away. And so I just was fascinated with how how food affected how I felt mentally physically and decided to just dive in really deep and become a dietitian with it.

Roy Barker 03:50

Oh, that's that's a good story because I think we don't give that enough thought you know we think about the weight aspect but we don't and I guess it's as I've grown older, I'm really more in tune to how I do feel and I tell you sometimes food can for me I think I have some food allergies to be honest but fruit for me can almost be like alcohol in given me a hangover in the morning and I think it's seems to be card related or you know.

I'll say when we have gone to the the local Mexican food restaurant and maybe have a you know a margarita they put that really sweet syrup in it and then have some chips. It's like the next morning you know it takes me to maybe noon just to get out from under that fog. I just feel like my head is just very clogged and stopped up. So anyway, I think there's so much to

Katie 04:46

ham quietly, completely. And I know I sometimes I'll feel that feel that way too. Like if something's more like fried. I definitely feel that way. I'm originally from Kenya. Turkey and so I always kind of think like, fried, fried, covered and smothered. Those are the terms I'm usually not gonna feel so well after.

Roy Barker 05:13

It's just hard for us to be our best. So, you know, not only way aspect and how we feel physically, but also if you have that little, you know, the way it makes you feel mentally process because I'll tell you when I feel like that, you know, I don't probably don't make as clear to sit, you know, don't think about things clearly. But there's also the aspect of, you know, probably being short, and not really being as empathetic as you can be when you don't feel like you're at the top of your game. Yeah,

Katie 05:44

yeah, my sleep gets off too. And I know if my sleep is off, then I don't think as clearly or approach things as clearly are nicely. All the above. So we're speaking the same language,

Terry 05:59

just a big brain fog. And it's hard for people I mean, you know, everybody knows, you think that everybody knows what's good for them health wise, as far as eating and everything that people don't know what to put together. They don't know what they're doing it and then it's like, oh, wait, I've been doing this. You know, I ate this way. healthily for a couple of meals, and then I need a treat. I need a treat. That's not like, Oh, wait, like you're calling? No, I'm thinking it for me.

Roy Barker 06:37

She came home from the grocery store that day. And like, I'm going through these bags and lettuce, celery. I'm like, Okay, did the snack fall off in here somewhere?

Terry 06:45

Yeah. And he didn't help me unpack any of that after he found out there was nothing in there good for him. I mean,

Roy Barker 06:51

it's hard. And I don't know why. Maybe you can give us some insight into our feelings around food. But I grew up mainly, you know, mom tried to give me vegetables. I'm not gonna say she didn't. But you know, mainly meat, potatoes, corn, you know, all the things that probably the vegetables that aren't the best force, and then, but no greens, I'm just maybe peas, but I'm not a fan.

And it's just hard to eat. I'm just telling you, right, straight up. It's just hard. And God bless Terry, she tries to disguise them and season it up. And you know, we come and do this. But you know, at the end of the day, it's still a piece of broccoli.

Katie 07:36

Yeah, yeah. You know, it's, I hear that all the time, too. So listen, you're not you're not alone. And I think, you know, when you look at just kind of how we grew up, and, and just really looking at someone's history with food, our brain creates these really strong connections with just food in particular.

And I, I always think like, everyone has a relationship with food, it just looks different for each person. Right? Right. So for you without that, like, very young exposure of different vegetables, or, or I know that I, some people have said like, oh, okay, like how they were made as a kid was like, out of the can or they were mushy, or gross or whatever. You have that very strong connection. And that's where that's weird that like, kind of concrete.

And so as you get older, and as you're potentially trying to work out of it, it's hard. It's like, Oh, yeah, I'm older. I know. I know, these things are good for me. Let me just, yeah, their problem. You have these really strong connections of like, I don't know, I don't know if I like this. I don't know if I have a good feeling around us.

Roy Barker 09:05

Yeah, and then the other thing, I think we, what you're saying about that relationship with food is it's always been well, it's not just emotional, but it's, it's everything. Everything is based around food, emotion, social, you know, because we always jokingly say that, you know, we used to come home from having a bad day.

It's like, Oh, those couple let's get something to eat or, you know, big success. When this happened, like, awesome, let's go celebrate, you know, and then, you know, we've even talked about like, my big addiction is probably ice cream. And yeah, we talked about it a little bit before, but it's mainly like, you know, some of the, I guess it's those that was a celebration because I would, I had two of my grandparents that are was very close with my grandpa's, and then my dad and so.

You know, like, we go work in the yard or go, you know, I'd go help them with the task when I was a little kid. You know, I think now thinking back, I think I was kind of an excuse for them to go get an ice cream. But you know, whenever we do something be like, hey, let's run up to the drugstore. And let's go get us a banana split, you know. And so it was it was that good. It was a treat number one, but it was also the social time that you spent with your loved ones.

And it's still even at this age. It's still a fond memory. I told Terry, not long ago, I can still remember the Dairy Queen where me and dad used to go in the afternoon, the jukebox, the song that was on the jukebox, just the whole atmosphere. You know, when when I was probably eight, 910 years old, but it just sticks with you.

Katie 10:48

Yeah, now I mean, exactly. Exactly. Those like elated feelings and those feel good feelings. Yeah. You know, and then and then trying to try to navigate that now going like, Okay, wait, that's pretty strong. Like, that's the thing. I that's the thing I go to? Um, yeah, it's, it's one of their say, and it takes time to kind of unravel that, like, I just, I feel like it's, it's kind of like, just imagine, like a sweater. And you're unraveling kind of these things that have been really deeply kind of stitched and embedded.

Yeah. And I know as much as people potentially want to just have this like, light switch moment of like, yep, no, I'm not going to have it. No problem. I'm like, doesn't quite work like a light switch. And we have to take time to actually unravel and kind of re re establish new feelings with that particular food such as ice cream, or establish new feelings with with also something else.

Terry 12:01

So we have to make a new sweater or a pair of mittens or something. Yeah, exactly.

Roy Barker 12:08

Don't come at me and say, Oh, that's so awesome that you did Let's celebrate with some cauliflower.

Katie 12:14

Yeah. Now now, but also like, Hmm, let's see, what else do we want to celebrate with that? Maybe? Like that maybe isn't isn't even food? Right? Yeah, you know, I don't know,

Terry 12:28

that's something we Yeah,

Roy Barker 12:29

we've talked about that frequently is that, you know, when we feel that, it's like, Hey, this is a great time to go for a walk, you know, to try to change that from, because that's the other miracle about me. And exercise is and I know that with weight, it's, you know, calories in calories out basically. And it's hard, you know, if you go eat a banana split, it's hard to, you know, go on a treadmill and walk that off.

You know, in a reasonable time, I get all that. But the thing about it is if I am out exercising, that means that I am not somewhere somewhere eating. And so it's, you know, it's kind of a good trade off for me, because it keeps me from eating. But you know, it's also good for the heart and lungs, you know, for our other body functions, too.

Katie 13:14

Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, and just just even approaching it, we get in our heads of like that, that can and then No, and I don't know about you, as someone says no, or you can't do this. I'm like, Oh, I'm doing it.

Terry 13:30

Like we were talking earlier about we mentioned the hormonal aspect of it. You know, as a woman, I just get defensive if a dude tries to blame it on hormones. Yeah. Guys have it too. That's right. That's right.

Katie 13:50

We all have hormones. And so we're a little too loud. I mean, and I'm sorry, when I say hormonal health, I think everyone thinks female. But I do see that. Just looking at all of this full circle, and even just talking about weight. I tried to dive in just one level, prior 10 levels deeper, because whenever I look at weight I sometimes like yes, it is that like the actions to support it. But also at the same time, what is our body systems doing?

So do we need to look at kind of how we're digesting and processing because if that's off, that is going to affect how your body communicates and communicates about weight or weight loss or weight gain or whatever we're trying to do. And same with hormones too. And that's across the board. So I do have some I do have not just females that might need to take a look at hormonal health with me.

Terry 15:01

Well, how do you how do you identify that? How do you identify those things? Yeah, so

Katie 15:08

so I'll say the digestion part is probably easier to really understand. Because typically I see that someone will say, like, Oh, I'm bloated all the time, or I have gas or even like acid reflux or stomach pains. And then you, then you start kind of questioning like, Is this all the time? Is this after you eat? How long after you eat? So it determines what part what part is happening in that digestive tract. And then I do some functional microbiome testing, too.

So just kind of some interesting it's at home, or some people like it's at home, but it helps to look at someone's and just what's, what's the lay of the land inside there. So, too, we have some not so awesome bacteria that's supposed to be there, but is growing more rapidly are more than the awesome stuff. So then we have this really big unbalance and then affects how our nutrients are broken down and absorbed. So if we're not feeling our bodies, how did our bodies know that it's safe to lose weight? Right big picture here. Yeah.

Terry 16:33

Yeah. A lot of sense.

Roy Barker 16:35

Yeah. Cuz our bodies are, I think they're smarter than we give them credit for. And they try to just no matter what we're putting in there, they're like, it's a, it's survival. You know, our body thinks about our survival, even sometimes, maybe when we're not. But the thing that brings up a good point, though, something that we've talked very little about, but I think more and more has come to light with gut health. Yeah, making sure because I'll let you explain it more. But really, I don't think people understand a lot of our stuff starts there.

Katie 17:10

A ton of our stuffs. Absolutely. So. So as we're learning more about God health, which I feel is just, it's a fascinating subject that has gotten more mainstream, and probably the past five to 10 years. And so, our guide, is there, the gatekeeper. I always think they're like the bouncer to The Club. I have a million ways of explaining. But I but it helps to, I think, for many of the scientific or more complex topics, if we can make it understandable if it makes sense.

Yeah. So if we think like, the gut is the bouncer char club, and we want our gut mining, to be really discerning, we want the velvet rope. And we want to be like you're allowed it. We, we know you're not the type of thing we need to allow. And so as how you know, how we he kind of supports how that discerning that bouncer is going to be. So it supports our nice normal, kind of commensal is the proper term flora.

So that's like the often bacteria and but depending on how we eat, we could also support the not so awesome bacteria, which is supposed to be there, but they're kind of the troublemakers. So, um, so as maybe the troublemakers are kind of outgrowing more, then all of a sudden, they are kind of pushing in and given that bouncer a harder time. And so that bouncer at some point is gonna cave. Like I have been trying, I've been trying the hardest, but kind of gonna cave or be like, oh, okay, you can kind of come in.

And so that makes that kind of, let's say scientifically, we called the gut lining permeability. So that allows that permeability to just be looser or weaker. So we just don't have to have that discerning so again, that just like, I can say that it's kind of full circle with that gut health is sometimes people will get symptoms, so they'll just not feel good sometimes when they eat or not feel good. When they eat healthy.

That's the thing that a lot of times people get confused by. They'll be like, Oh gosh, you know, when I when I'm eating healthy, when I'm eating those vegetables, I don't feel as good as when I Don't eat those vegetables. And that doesn't make sense. And that's in part where I'll dive in and be like, Oh, we need to actually support your gut first, in order to then also support them. Health. lot, too. I mean, I could, yeah, there's a lot to this.

Roy Barker 20:21

Well, I guess the you know, kind of bite going off that scenario is that when we eat unhealthy enough, you know, we kind of do that overwhelmed the bouncer where, really there's just no choice. It's just kind of overrun, right? Yeah. Right. And so can we get to a point when we eat healthy for years and years and years and years that does our body kind of flip?

Like you were saying some people eat healthy, does our body kind of flip and now he thinks that it's used the unhealthy and that's what it accepts where the healthy, he kind of have to go back and I guess, retrain it in some manner to kind of accept it and feel better.

Katie 21:01

Yeah, yeah, that's a great question. A couple of things I usually need to do, I usually need to strengthen that kind of gut lining, so build muscles on that bouncer. And then and then to be that's kind of First and foremost, and then be able to start switching over how someone's eating. Okay, um, so there's, there's kind of a couple steps that go along with this.

Um, and then also, if something's over kind of overgrown, I also need need to help balance that out. And I can usually do that with combination of some herbal supplements and probiotics. And I get picky about which ones I'm going to use, depending on what someone has going on. So okay.

Roy Barker 21:53

Yeah, yeah. And we heard not long ago, too, you know, because we both heard of the probiotics, but we, chair you can help me here. Maybe it was like a pre pre biotics pre done a, like, warm it up to get it to, I guess, to receive the probiotics in the manner that you really wanted to.

Katie 22:14

Yeah, yeah, Terry, I don't want to cut you off. I might, I can definitely break that one down, though. Do Yes. Okay. So, um, yeah, we have both. We have prebiotics with probiotics. So prebiotics are basically the food for your awesome bacteria. So they are helping to that awesome stuff that's in there, it is just helping to build that up. Probiotics, which there's a ton out there, they're not all the same, because they have different strains of bacteria. But probiotics are adding bacteria strains, okay? To that to that, like dynamic.

So it's adding new people to the party. So for some people, they need to have that pre biotic because they have some awesome stuff going on in there. And we just need to actually, you know, Give it, give it some strength, get some food and help that grow. And then for some people with probiotics, they'll need those because they need more of a variety of bacteria in their digestive tracts.

Terry 23:36

Okay, it's so is it? I'm sorry, is it is it it has to kind of be customizable is basically what you're saying, as far as each individual.

Katie 23:48

If someone I'm like, there's some really great, I'm just kind of, I'd say like probiotics and prebiotics that are just like really nice general ones that kind of include a variety. If someone doesn't have any, like gut things going on. Or they can you know, maybe try this and be like, Well, let me try just doing a nice general one.

Absolutely, that can work for people. But if someone is having, like, an actual gi issue, digestive issue where they're just like, Ah, it's it feels like a hot mess. Then it it you know, and they're suffering from like bloating, gas, stomach pain, then Honestly, I'm like, Oh, we need to take a really more particular and deeper dive into that. So I would say there's there's parts that are definitely customizable, especially if there's an issue going on.

If someone's just like, you know, there's not really an issue but I just want to make sure that like things are even keeled. There There's definitely General, just balanced ones that you can do to help help just support.

Roy Barker 25:07

So, but that also brings up something that I've become more and more fascinated with is fasting. Because, you know, we we have had some guest on and read some evidence that, you know, fasting is good in a way that it gives our body a break from the constant digesting in which, you know, back in the day we had this guy that was a local fitness guru, and you know, he was the six meals a day. I mean, with this guy, it was constant eating, but you know, you're in the gym, it was a balance that was, you know, chicken and some rice and, you know, broccoli, that was the main staples of it.

But, you know, thing is was eaten a little bit smaller, but eaten all the time. So then now we're talking about fasting and it in theory, you know, I get that it sounds good. But then when is it like last week, a couple weeks ago, then we read some more evidence that said, Well, maybe, you know, maybe not so much, especially like diabetics, because it can slow down your metabolism, they can do this. And you know, I'm not, I haven't been shy about saying, you know, I'm a type two diabetic. And here lately, I've been struggling more and more with my blood sugar than what I have in the past.

And it's my it's due to my eating, and it's due to eating and it's due to being sedentary, I think, come in through this last year. Maybe not the whole, you know, maybe the last six to eight months, I've been much more sedentary than ever in my life. So anyway, I know, we could probably do five episodes just on that topic. And I hate I hate to do that the guest is you know, just say like, yeah, give us this high level, because it's not always that simple. But I'm gonna let you try to address that in the best way that you can.

Terry 26:54

that you want.

Katie 26:58

Okay, I got my work cut out for me. Yes. Okay, let me try to simplify two sides of this, this coin. So right, when when just looking at evidence. So, and let's say like, they're, they're typically, with most things. There's evidence, that's how that's how we we've learned and we advance and we're like, let's try this on this and put it in this scenario, see how things are. So we learn more things, right.

So I'm where I come into play on, on fasting is, and let's just say also, I'm going to use the general term diet, I look at diet as how someone eats, but we definitely always have a trend of whatever the new diet is for the year. And I always try to figure that out, and take bets on it before it comes out. Because there's always something that's going to come out. And I look at how someone eats is like a fit for what they have going on. for that. So when I look at, like, let's say digestion, or digestive health, and this is just a really big, broad example, because I'm trying to simplify this.

But, um, maybe for someone I am going to have not necessarily a fast, but I'm going to have a much more direct kind of eating window. Because I do need that, like digestion rest. And so that eating window, it might be 12 hours, like which is like okay, yeah, that's kind of when they're up, right. So, um, it, it's not usually always, like, several day fast or anything like that, um, you know, but on the flip side to, I'm gonna look at this on the other way of like, diabetes, or let's say, sometimes with people who I have to support thyroid health, with, those are particular eating times that we need to support because of their body and their body's communication.

So let's say fasting would necessarily be a great fit in those scenarios, because we need particular feeling at particular times to support those body processes. So that's where you're, you know, you're going to get evidence of like, it's not great for this thing. Now, it could be considered for this thing. And that's why it sometimes gets confusing or where I'll see people who are like, hey, I've tried all these different diets and they didn't work for me and I'm like, well, let's see what's going on so we can match the fit of what's going on for your body.

Also mentioned the emotional aspects to just because for some people fasting had will just ignite that kind of really strong emotional connection for them in terms of kind of black or white yes or no. And it will make people kind of idolize or want food more. And that's not a safe space either. So there's a lot to kind of thinking around this fit.

Terry 30:25

Yeah, like that you say, eating window. I mean, that sounds much better than

Roy Barker 30:31

well, and you're like, well, I guess that's kind of our approaches, we've, you know, we've made some tweaks here and there. And some things we try that we don't feel works. And we never take a hard line, just like, you know, we feel like we have been more plant based here of late. But that doesn't mean you know, because we were, we were at a dinner not long ago, and you know, it was a breakfast, then I order some bacon is my life. Oh, my gosh, I thought you were, you know, vegan now, like, no, we're plant based, that just means that we try to fill most of our diet with plants.

And then if we feel like the meat, we can have some it's not, you know, because again, I think it's that mental. If you say never add more meat, then it's like, meat. It's magic, is it not like, but the you know, but for me, and this is maybe more psychological, but like breakfast is always been my meal. Because in a former life, I typically had more of a physical day, you know, out working hard and stuff like that. Now, as I've gotten older, you know, it's more at a desk and more sedentary, but still, I've been conditioned that breakfast is my meal, that's the one I really enjoy.

The other thing too, is we enjoy the weekends, because we used to cook Saturdays and Sundays, we would always cook a big breakfast. And then so when fasting, you know, we were doing like 16 hours, we would eat six or seven at night and go all the way till noon. So we would have a noon meal, and a six o'clock meal. And it weren't most of the time, but there was always still that little nagging.

Like, it'd be nice to you know, just have a meal, we tried to even supplement that a little bit with just more of a smoothie instead of having a full blown meal. So I don't know. I guess while we bring that up is, you know, what is? What is your thoughts on getting some, you know, nutrition through the smoothies, good, bad, indifferent, or just again, depending on the person and what they're needing, we can say?

Katie 32:36

Well, so let's say if you're looking at a smoothie, right? I'm gonna be like, what's in that smoothie? Because it could just be I mean, my goodness, it could just be like, fruit, and honey. And let's just let's just see what we're going to add into it, right? Or it could be like, Oh, I have, oh, no, I have cup of food and protein powder, and two cups of spinach. Right? So I think that smoothies, when they are made in a lovely balance that gives you all properties.

I'm gonna say that they can absolutely work. And so you know, and, like, I'll be the first one to say that, you will see me I sometimes will have back to back people, and on zoom with them. And I'm thinking, Oh my gosh, it's it's during my like, it's lunchtime. And so how am I going to do this? And so sometimes that's just how I'll get in my feeling. Yeah, because of situational. So I think they can be utilized. As long as as long as there's that, like, there's health properties are in there.

Roy Barker 33:59

Yeah. And I should clarify, because, you know, between me and Terry, when we say smoothie, we know exactly what we're talking about. But I think that's again, I'll let her jump in. But we try to do the protein powder of cheese is usually kale or spinach, maybe a little fruit to sweeten it up. And we're

Terry 34:17

an avocado and or an avocado and some some. Lately, we've been adding omega 369 oil, every brain health also does that do something in addition to brain health, I mean, is that help with digestion or gut health?

Katie 34:37

Yes, I'm like, Oh my gosh, your Megas happen. Yay. Go Terry. Good. Yeah, your amigos, actually, oh my goodness. They they help in so many different ways. So they do help definitely support that. Kind of like gut lining, they do support brain health and kind of keep keeps our brains really nice and spongy and all that lovely stuff. And then also at the same time to our heart health too, as well. So there's I mean, there's multiple, multiple reasons. Yeah.

Roy Barker 35:23

And we had a guest on I want a friend of the show Delia McCabe. She's actually from Australia, and is in the the research, but she was telling us that, you know, we we've taken fish oil capsules for so long, but she said that there's research that shows that they have to cook that to such high temperatures that when we take it in this oil form, it's much I guess, the balance is much better and much, much better for so we've been really working that in and then also I think you put either we use walnuts, flaxseed, or you know, some a little bit of inequality in there as well.

But, you know, we like you said, we don't live off of them. And I don't ever want to, you know, again, we always say we're not doctors, see a doctor dietician, you know, a registered dietician, you know, find somebody that's a professional that can help. But we don't substitute and say, Hey, we're doing smoothies all day. But like you said, if it's a busy day, maybe in the morning, we didn't have time to cook. That's a good time, or if lunch gets crazy, you know, at least trancing fuel for our body.

Katie 36:26

Yeah, yeah. Now, and that's, that's I say, like, I am just as much as a human is, as all of us are in this room? Well, like yeah, some days are just crazy. And you got to think about it. And if that's, if that's how that is working? And definitely, I just look at the balance part of it. And just I'm like, Yeah, okay, then it can be,

Roy Barker 36:53

well look at the two alternatives either not eating, which is never a good choice, or running through the nearest drive thru and getting something that's, you know, overly processed. So with this, we can at least troll what we're doing. And I think with the kale or spinach, and then with the mix of the protein powder, you know, I feel like it's a it's a pretty decent, we just have to watch with the fruit for me, especially because that kind of set me off a little bit. So we just temper temper that, but easily, it's pretty good.

Terry 37:25

And is there any, like, shoot, she talked a lot. And Delia did, she talked a lot about the differences and the processing of supplements, are there any that you might recommend to look into as far as more of a pure form to help us like with this omega 369 oil, you know, it's within the refrigerated section, and we're using that and we kind of cut out the the the fish oil supplements that we're taking, and now are looking at all the other ones that we're taking to as far as the way that their process?

Katie 38:08

Yeah, so I think so. Oftentimes, when something's a kind of like a fatty acid, which is what an omega three is, right? 369. That whole that whole family, so that that is going to be sensitive to heat, some of your other website, vitamins and minerals, not so sensitive to heat, right? However, gosh, this is a really tough question Terry, just because when, when looking at like, let's say like, if I'm looking at a iron ore, I'm looking at a vitamin A, then some of that kind of, let's say, like, format that it's made and might mean something different as far as not only processing but absorption.

So iron, if that's a liquid form, that's going to be much less kind of grams of of iron. And so with kind of with looking at this, or I should say milligrams of iron, I misspoke. My own my own, you know, knowledge there. But so so when looking at the processing, I don't necessarily have a hard rule of thumb unless it's like an oil based if you look at the pill, and it's more of like an like a liquidity, or it's like a capsule that's liquidity and so you're going to see that more with your kind of fat soluble vitamins or fatty acids and that family then I'm going to look for something that's like an oil, or they'll call it like buzzsumo. Typically. And so that's more of an oil base, because those are more sensitive to like the processing and the heat. Okay?

Roy Barker 40:16

That's a good rule of thumb to is the closer you can get to nature, the better because, you know, at one point they came out said, Oh, tumeric is a good, something that's good to take. And so, of course, silly me, I went out and found a tumor, you know, there was a cranberry pill that we took for a long time. And then it was like, Oh, well, it's a spice that we can buy, you know, as a spice and cook with what we know, I would assume that that's always better, the closer the pure form that you can get,

Terry 40:45

yes, ready to do the route that tumor turmeric root? And yeah, really adds a lot of good flavor. I mean, it it's flavor night and day difference.

Katie 40:54

Yeah, yeah. Well, and then also, I'll say this, too, is that, um, you know, let's just, like look at like color of like fruits and vegetables. And that's what's giving, that's kind of naming, right? Like the properties that are in there. And so you're not going to get, you're not going to get all the layers of what's going on in there, poly females, you're not going to get that from a pole form.

So So that's, I always look at it like that of like, Oh, you know, you're, you're getting vitamin C, but you're also getting polyphenols, you're also getting another level or another layer, or fiber also, which is also going to help that vitamin C, like, there's, there's more with that kind of natural part that you're getting than just that straight vitamin or straight men are, are, etc.

Roy Barker 41:55

And we don't recommend one, there's a couple different apps that we've used in the past. But, you know, from my personal