Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success

Feeding Fatty

27-07-2021 • 54分

Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success with Halle Eavelyn

One of the hardest things I ever see is the ability to be present. We wanted to take that magic pill and be I'm thin. And we're done. It just it does not work like that. The reason is that it isn't the destination in the first place. It's a journey. The reason you stay present in every moment is that you're not trying to get anywhere, you're just are and are is the destination.

About Halle

I was an atheist until I went to Egypt the first time, and then, literally, my life changed in one breath. And that’s the truth – we are all one breath away from enlightenment; the question is: Which breath?

So I knew if I could get you to a place of letting go, of releasing the resistance and the tight hold you have on the controls of your life (that thing that our egos tell us is the only thing keeping us sane), you could get on the path of your own best journey in your business and your life.

When I first started using the tools I had been taught on my own “seeker’s quest,” I began to be guided in that work, too. It’s like your soul talks to my soul and tells me what to say that gives you the most transformation. For a long time, I didn’t fully trust that guidance, because (perhaps like you) I’m so logical, and I want to be able to SEE it to believe it, but it’s become second nature to me now, so I no longer question how, I am just fully in gratitude that I hear the answers you need to shift. However we work together, I’m looking forward to sharing the next part of your journey with you.

Full Transcript Below

Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success with Halle Eavelyn

Tue, 6/15 12:03PM • 55:08


people, energy, feel, terry, life, intention, hands, roy, long, podcast, talk, moved, accomplish, book, empowered, thought, love, eat, set, body


Halle, Terry, Roy Barker

Roy Barker 00:23

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy, this is Terry. And so we are podcast we are journaling my progress, sometimes progress sometimes regress through this wellness in. No when we talk about wellness, we talk about a lot of things its diet not being on a diet, but what we eat our exercise our mindset, sleeping, I mean it's everything water intake, all of these things combined. And so even though we are chronicling my journey, Terry is my trusty sidekick and helper.

Terry 01:00

And a little bit about me to see.

Roy Barker 01:05

We also do have professionals that come from time to time to help us with these things to show us, give us some good feedback heads up, you know, give us some new things to think about and today is no different. Terry, I'll let you introduce,

Terry 01:17

we have been looking forward to this one with Holly Evelyn. She is a transformational coach, a speaker and a writer who helps people break out of their old patterns so they can live their best lives. And Holly, I'm gonna let you go more into detail. I'd rather hear you discuss your background and, and all of that, and welcome so much to the show.

Halle 01:39

Thank you, thank you so much. I have just so enjoyed the little bit that I've gotten to know you both. And I think that your your journey into your own, you know, deeper versions of yourselves and like bigger versions of yourselves not physically, but emotionally and and mentally is, is so admirable. I think there's a lot of people who are waking up now to the idea of, you know, it's time to look for something more than just, you know, let me get married, get a great job, have kids grow old and die. Not that there's anything wrong with that. However it is it can be bigger, and you guys are on that arc. And I really loved that. And I just wanted to mention that right up front.

Roy Barker 02:22

Well, thank you. Yeah, it's, it's it's exciting. I mean, you know, I'm an old dog trying to learn some new tricks. It's it's kind of a fun journey. Some things work, some things stick. But, you know, we're finding a lot of great things.

Terry 02:35

Yeah. And even though I mean, some people start out, trying to work on the physical aspect. And man, it goes so much deeper than that. It's just all this inner work. And then you're like, Oh, my gosh, I don't want to know that about myself. I don't want to know everything you find out. It's all nuts. But let's say it's

Halle 02:56

okay. Well, I was gonna say it's really what you're saying is is correct what it's like, while you're in what I call like, in the swim, right? So when you're in that, that primordial soup of I don't want to look at these ugly places in myself. And I'm not talking about like, you know, I don't like my thighs. I'm talking about like, the ugly places like in our internal experience, you can feel like crap as you're going through it. You know, I was on with a client earlier today. And she was saying to me, like, I know it's growth. But it really is just annoying my energy. And I totally get that. It's like, it's no fun when you're in the swim. However, when you get to the other side of it, you know, and I'll tell at least one personal story that I can think of that will we'll talk about that specifically. But when you're on the other side of it, it's like, Oh, thank goodness, I did that. Oh, I'm so grateful that I went through that and Oh, the me that I am now is so much better, and so much braver and so much more capable of handling all that comes my way on a daily basis. And and then that makes a big difference too.

Roy Barker 04:03

And I think it's good to reminder about that about handling things and changing. It doesn't happen overnight, as much as we wish that it would that, you know it's a progress. And I think you said like look into the future that if I keep this mindful practice, it gets better day in day, every day that I practice it, it just gets better and being present

Terry 04:23

is so important. Just being able to feel it and be there in the moment.

Halle 04:31

Yeah, and let's talk about that for a second, Terry, because in my experience, that's one of the hardest things I ever see with clients is their ability to be present. So first of all, did you know that goldfish is have attention spans longer than we do? goldfish his attention span is nine seconds and hours over the last, you know, 20 years or whatever. No surprise has shortened from 12 seconds to eight and the internet attention span Like how long you can focus on something on the internet without distraction is 3.8 seconds. So we're like, you know, you're we said earlier, like, we wanted to take that magic pill and like, Oh, I'm thin now lovely. And we're done. And seen. And it's just it does not work like that it does not work like that we say that it does. We hope that it does we want it to, but it doesn't work like that. And the reason is that it isn't the destination in the first place. It's a journey. And the reason you stay present in every moment is that you're not trying to get anywhere, you're just you just R and R is the destination. And that's really weird for people. Right?

Roy Barker 05:43

It's tough because we are so focused on the finish line. And I think you know, and this applies to our health, wellness business, just life in general is that we could be so focused on the finish line that we miss all the great stuff in between. And then we get to the finish line and we feel very unsatisfied. I think because we missed all the stuff in between and it's it's kind of a hollow victory a lot of times.

Halle 06:10

Okay, so my story about that is a little sad. I was standing at or sitting in a room filled with my entire family, my extended family, and my aunt and uncle who are no longer with us, we're standing on the Dyess being lauded for their 50th anniversary. And my aunt Shirley said, I look around this room. And I think Where did 50 years ago, I have these moments. I mean, they had plenty of money, they crossed the you know, the the Atlantic on the QE to multiple times, they lived in this stunning place in Corona Del Mar, like overlooking which some of the most expensive real estate in the United States overlooking the ocean, they raised three children they had like everyone that was in the room with me, my whole family was like, you know, like, mostly because of them. And my aunt was now the matriarch of the family. And yet, she's saying I can only remember a few of those moments. And in fact, a few years later, she ended up maybe 10 years later, she developed dementia. And by the time she died, she could only speak in what we called Word salad, which was complete gibberish that had like cadences, that new sound that sounded familiar. And I remember at that age, just really looking at her and listening to her and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I will not live my life like that. I do not want to look back over 50 years. So I'm going to give your listeners a good tool. So we didn't even talk about all of this, but I'm a transformational coach. Right. My job is to help people transform their lives and not just transform their lives. But you know, when you stop worrying about food, clothing and shelter, you can start thinking about art. It's what I call the Renaissance theory. And so when you're busy saying how do I feed my family? or will there be enough this you can't focus on creating masterpieces I believe that that's why the Renaissance is so beautiful, because the the the work has come down to us as as so a beautiful and enduring and magnificent is that the artists didn't have to worry about where their money was coming from it was fully funded by people who had more money than they knew what to do with. Okay, so how does that translate into our lives, when you get the stuff out of the way that is the worry, the doubt the fear, the uncertainty, the the the victimization of yourself the stories that you tell of your, you know, the failures that you've had. And when you stop all of that, and you move into the present moment, all of that goes away. Because in this present moment, right now, right now, all our needs are met, right? And now, and now. And now and it's our job moment to moment to be in that present. So a good tool for this when you're just like crazy, crazy busy, and you're like oh my gosh, I can't like nothing's going right, what can I do? Pause and just take set the intention of being centered, and what is being centered. It's grounding yourself with your feet firmly on the floor. It's aligning your spine and long column with your neck and your head right over the top of your spine. It's moving your posture, even if you're still sitting so that your feet are firmly on the floor. And so that you're you're sitting erect and then you take three deep breaths and it will help if you breathe into your belly. A lot of people breathe into their chest and that's very shallow breathing. And I call this the breath of life because it when you move it down into your belly when your belly expands on the inhale and then releases Exhale, it changes, it floods your body with oxygen. And I believe that it literally can add years to your life to do this. So if you take those three deep belly breaths and set the intention that you are centered, and call your energy back from anywhere that it was before this now moment, you can spool it up using like thinking of it as like you're, you know, rolling it up like a ball of yarn, or my girlfriend likes to say, she wants to slurp it up like a strand of spaghetti. It doesn't matter what you do, it's just a momentary thing, where you're not thinking about the meeting you had that morning, or the fact that you have to pick your kid up in an hour or whatever, you're just bringing everything back to center. And when you do that it takes it took longer to describe it than it would to take to do it, believe me, it's really it's it takes exactly as long as those three deep breaths, and then you'll find, you're now present. And another way of getting present that's really easy is go from the outside to the inside. So you want to look like at the coffee cup that's in front of you, or the desk that's in front of you, or the cell phone that's sitting there. And you want to just notice without any judgement all of the things around you, and then begin to turn your attention inside, check in with your body. How does your stomach feel? How is your breathing? Does any do any parts feel out of alignment? Can you get them back into alignment, and then you'll be able to turn further within if you would like but going from that outside in is another way to help be present. And a third way is to literally stop and smell the flowers focus on one thing, a totally mundane moment, like how does that rose smell? or What does that book cover look like? Or whatever it is that is like right there in your face in that moment that can help you to stay present and four or five or six of those moments every day. You will not be like my aunt standing there going where did the last 50 years ago, you'll feel all 50 of them one moment at a time.

Terry 12:17

Oh, that's great. Because I mean, I already feel that I already feel like where did all of that go? You know, we're just kind of getting Wait, I'm just getting up there. Roy always says, Yeah, she's not aging. I'm the one that's age. But now I already feel that, you know, we've we've got older parents that we're trying to you know, in that caretaking mode, not not living with them, but trying to get all the logistics down and all the family dynamics and all ever everybody's dealing with that that in a different way, you know? And we Yeah, I don't even know where was going with that. But you know, no, it's

Halle 12:58

okay. My mother in law moved in, and my mother in law moved in in February, she's Cuban. And it's a really weird, you know, it's like this, these two. I mean, I'm, I'm Lucy right and in, in in I Love Lucy and my Cuban family is like, you know, the Ricky ricardos Desi Arnaz. And I'm just like, I mean, and I live in Miami now. And it's like, I feel like this, you know, fish out of water. But when my mother in law moved in, there's other responsibilities that come in, you know, we're never going to be able to take a fast walk ever again. Well, you know, until she passes, and by that time, I'll probably be slow. I know. So it's like you're you, you know, we have to spend an extra, like, if we tell her to be ready at noon, we really have to tell her to be ready at quarter till, because she will have rushed around to get ready earlier in the day. But now she's sitting and taking her time. And if you say to her, you know it's time to go, then there's the 15 minutes of the things that she forgot to do and now needs to take care of just like you have to kind of adjust for all of that stuff. And it can feel I know I've a lot of clients who are caretakers for elderly people. And it can feel like such a slog, and such a stressor. And my mother in law, by the way is the easiest human being in the world to have living with us. She's an amazing housemate. But but there are differences. There are nuances. You're not you know, you can't walk around naked anymore. You know, there's there's just situations that are a little bit different. And for people who are taking care of elderly parents, or also you know, if they're taking care of, of disabled children, it's the same thing. It's like an ongoing thing, where you're always the caregiver, and who is going to take care of you. And a lot of people gain a lot of weight during that time, because they're eating emotionally because it's the only solace that they have under those circumstances.

Roy Barker 14:57

Yeah, the other thing I think, you know, kind of back a little bit in the conversation that we spend so much of our right this moment worrying about something in the future something in the past. And, you know, I, I will say that the science is pretty clear on the fact that our brains as complicated as awesome as they are, we can, you know, really deal with one thought at a time. And you know, when you're out to eat, if you're with somebody, you can either have a conversation and be focused with them, or you can be on your phone, but you can't be on your phone and be paying attention, or you get fragmented pieces. And so I think that's the other thing is that, you know, I feel like that's what makes our time go is that we're so future focused on, you know, I've got that report due next week. This is coming up. And another trick that I've kind of picked up over the years. Luckily, I learned this a long time ago, but it's just jot stuff down, because I don't have to be trying to retain it. And in the business world, there's a lot of people that you know, don't write list write list, and I think we have to do what helps us but always just don't feel like I have the worry and the stress, if I just get it down on paper, I can always go back and look at it instead of you know, instead of constantly playing it through your head, I got this at three, I got that if I got this tomorrow, write it down, you don't have to think about it again, just look at your paper.

Halle 16:26

Yeah, so I have three different sets of things, I have my calendar, which will keep my meetings and stuff. But I also have a if you saw my desk right now you would laugh, I have this crazy set of post it notes just like out in the middle like covering my desk. And those post it notes, keep Top of Mind stuff that I need to do like now. And every couple days, I'm like sorting through the post it notes and I'll throw away the ones that are done. And then I do I have like, I have a whole set of notes on my phone. And I love keeping notes on my phone because I can talk into it. And that, you know, and all of these things, the value of them is what brings you peace of mind. So for example, let's say that the post it notes, which kind of make my desk look messy, was my desk in my office, so I can do whatever I want. But let's just say that, that I had been raised to keep a really clean desk and to keep you know, and you know, and that I believed that an unclean desk was the sign of an unclean mind. Right, that was my story that I told myself, then the very system that I've got that would work, I would be telling myself that I would be feeling guilty every single time or wrong making myself wrong every single time by my very system. So the question isn't what system do you have? It's how do you feel? You know, a lot of people are like, we're, you know, they're like, a lot of people are into procrastination, right? They're, they're like, they'll put everything off. And I accomplish a Okay, a crazy amount. I really do. Like every two weeks, I'm with my accountability partner. And the list that we send back and forth of everything we've done the previous two weeks looks like what wouldn't take a normal person two months, how does that happen? It happens because I love it. And I love doing it. But that acknowledgment that very acknowledgement by having an accountability partner, by choosing to list out all the things that I've done over the last two weeks, that is a reward in itself. And then I have this great system that I love, I call it the cycle of success, I'm going to share it with all your peeps right now, because this is good for all of this stuff. And it will actually kill procrastination. The system is you take your big old to do list because what you're talking about ROI is like it reminds me of that scene in Harry Potter where like Dumbledore takes the wand and he touches it to his forehead and the thoughts come out and go into the pensive. So that's what we're doing. We're taking the thoughts out, we're like sticking them in the iPhone, right? That's our magical technology. So when you do that, you end up with this list that's like this, and then that makes you feel like crap every day. You know, everybody I know who wants to accomplish a lot has a never ending to do list. So what do you do to fix that you create what I call the empowered to do list and the empowered to do list is exactly three items long. And the rules are, you have to be able to accomplish all of the items in a single day. So the tasks have to be broken down into small enough increments that they're like your wet your list might your to do list might say redo my website, which you're empowered to do list would say contact the graphic designer to have the logo redone for example, because that's something that's a phone call, you could do that in one day. And then the second rule is that it can only have three things on it at a time. And the third rule is that at least two of them have to do what I call move the business needle. means return on my phone calls, check all my emails and, you know, write up an idea that I had, none of those are moving your business forward in that moment, right? So it's not the mundane stuff. It's just like the stuff that you intend to do, because we tend to have way too much going on at the same time. And then we feel like we never get anything accomplished. So you check your three items off on the empowered to do list, which you can do in one day, because they're set up that the tasks are small enough, how do we eat the elephant one bite at a time. So we have elephant bites on our empower to do list and then at the bottom of the empowered to do list is one last item reward. And now you can take whatever it is you were doing to procrastinate. check Facebook, for a half an hour binge watch two episodes of the show that I'm like madly in love with, go have a walk in the park, whatever it was that you were procrastinating with. I had one guy play Minesweeper for an hour. That was what he was doing to procrastinate when he moved it to his empowered to do list. As his reward, he would like come in, get all three things done immediately, and then just play Minesweeper for an hour. And then you can rinse and repeat with the next three items or rock on with your day knowing that you've accomplished things, right.

Terry 21:23

I remember hearing you talk about that on one of your podcast episodes. And I was like, I do I have I play this game two dots. It's mindless. Just I mean, yeah, right. laughs at me, but it helps. I don't know what I mean. It helps me kind of get my thoughts aligned sorta are in

Halle 21:47

it, Terry? It's not that don't don't No, no, just for any of this. It does. Because it's using it's giving your brain the parts of your brain that you're using to get stuff done. It's giving that part a break. It's like you've plugged your batteries into the wall by playing to.or listening to episodes of your goddess awaken. I am so happy.

Terry 22:12

Oh, behind I haven't. But we I love them. They're very

Roy Barker 22:17

it's the main you know, we're taking a digital break where the the lady is holding up the book that she's reading with the the phone inside? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I

Terry 22:28

do that. Like, oh, I'm gonna read

Halle 22:33

well, we The thing about the the thing about the empowered to do list that I love is it gives you permission to accomplish certain things. And then it Pat's you on the head and rewards you when you do it. The problem with the to do list is we will just go from thing to thing to thing to thing. And we're never getting we never feel like we're accomplishing anything, because we never pause to recognize that we have accomplished so much. So I mentioned my accountability partner earlier that when I write that list, oh my gosh, I have to I have to dig deep because it's like two weeks. Oh my gosh, what did I do? And I look and I Oh, I did that. And that and and that and that. And now I feel fantastic. And so even maybe just having an accountability partner can help make a big difference for you as well. The important thing though, to remember and this is this comes back to the you know, the purpose of your podcast, your your feeding Fatty, I think that is hysterical title, you're feeding fatty concept, that our bodies are not fat. Our bodies are a result of our fat brains. And our brains are fat because we lie to them all the time and tell ourselves how much we suck how wrong we are and what we're not doing right. So when you feel into the energy of does the system work? It's not does the system work? It's how do I feel about the system? How do I fit does this make me feel good people like I always tell people, why do I have bumper sticker coaching? Because it's small enough to fit on a bumper sticker and you'll remember it in an emergency and why is that important? Because if I tell you a 12 step brilliant process to fix something and you can't remember the first three steps now you feel bad, right?

Terry 24:34

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I love that bumper sticker coaching. Well, no. Well, here's

Halle 24:41

a sorry. reframe for you, Terry with with you. Just you just said Look, you're like oh, I'm listening to your goddess awakened for pleasure. I'm a little behind. Now you're feeling bad because

Terry 24:56

your mind I know. Right?

Halle 25:00

So so so that's not good either. So Okay, so here's here's, here's your reframe for feeling behind. Are you ready? I'm writing it down. Your reframe for feeling behind is to keep this mantra like close to your heart. I am exactly where I need to be right now. Because we're ever you are, that is exactly where you need to be right now. And we will make up all this stuff. Right? If I had come out with that podcast A month later, you'd be ahead. But I didn't like your mind.

Terry 25:35

But it's all arbitrary. No, and I was kind of upset because I just like, blew through them right away. You know, when we first talked a couple of months ago, I was like, Oh my gosh, and they're, they're just the right amount of time to because, you know, sometimes they can get long, but you know, 15 to 30 minutes ish. And with the bumper sticking, bumper sticking bumper sticker coaching, and oh, my God, I just blew through them. I was like, Where's the rest?

Halle 26:04

They're coming, they're coming. The long episodes are the hour long episodes, or if I have a guest, or if I do a trauma clearing for somebody live on the show, I allocate an hour because, you know, you can't just clear trauma and 30 seconds, however, in an hour, we can accomplish a real ton. So it's, it's I love the feedback. Thank you. Thank you so much. I

Roy Barker 26:28

really appreciate that. Yeah, we just listened this morning. I think it was the one on women empowerment, and you're stuck in bad situation. So this is the sisterhood. Yes. That is like the latest episode. Terry, you're all behind. And I thought it was interesting. The one thing I've always heard all my life is I'm not going to be spoiler alert, give it away, but I'll let people listen. But the one part you talked about a particular person that was married to another particular person. And you know, the old saying rings true that whenever you marry for money, you will earn it every day. I'm sure that she has. Yeah. Well, let's talk about let's talk about energy for a minute. Because, you know, for people that don't know, we talked to you a long time ago, we tried to do a taping for a business episode that I ended up vanishing. Like I Dream of Jeannie. And but the other thing that we've kind of done in between here is we went and did. Terry, you tell him you say what it was? Oh, no, I

Terry 27:40

want you to say because it sounds so good when you say Reiki. Reiki, yes, Reiki whatever

Roy Barker 27:47

that thing is, we did that. And it was it was amazing. Because I'm, you know, I'm a cowboy kind of guy. grew up here. I've been around here my whole life. And so I love you, Terry. Yeah, it really is. So me going to one of these things. It's it's, it was not out of my comfort zone. I was ready to travel. It's just not in my norm. You know that in the meditation and all that? Yeah. Anyway, I was just, I was mystified about, you know, the one thing she did was hold her hand over my head. And I felt like my head was on fire. I mean, the heat that she drew out of me or we had together or whatever, I don't know how that is. But then the other thing too, is like, I've got kind of a bad shoulder. When she started migrating, she went to the troubled spots on my body first. And just the whole thing was very interesting. I were I'm going to go back I think Terry has been back for her second round. But so let's what's what's your take on our and, you know, I know people think about like, our, our car mechanic energy, like, you know, if I'm putting negative stuff out and saying negative things about people, all that comes back to us, but, you know, there's also this energy and balance of just moving in life. Mm hmm.

Halle 29:09

Yeah. Oh my gosh, I love this topic so much. And I love that you are getting into this for yourself. Because, you know, this is what I was saying is this is there's so much more to life than just what we see like in front of us on a daily and it's such an opportunity to, you know, when we when we go down the rabbit hole of any kind of energy work, it's often just so powerful. And I'm gonna back up a second and and talk a little bit about why I feel that I have the right to discuss this because I think it's going to be important. So I was an atheist until I was in my mid 30s. And not only an atheist, but an atheist who had panic attacks about death, because I just thought there wasn't anything after my body ceased to exist. So that was like the most awful thing I could think of. And then when I went to Egypt for the very first time, I had a spiritual awakening. And that spiritual awakening took me from being an atheist into being this deeply spiritual. God is everything everywhere, God is like breathing person in a single breath. And it was like, so huge and powerful and amazing, singularly the most incredible moment of my life. So far, cuz I'm definitely open for more. And it really, that from that moment to this, I basically become a different person. And my work now is all about energy. And I mean, I have a background in theater and multimedia and real estate and travel. And now I coach and I use every single bit of it, what I use the most, that I didn't understand that I had, was my intuition. And I've come to the understanding that what we believe are our intuitive gifts, which we either have or don't have, is not true. Everyone has intuitive gifts, everyone is, is gifted in the same manner, however, to the extent that you were raised to shut that down, which a lot of parents shut the kids down, right, and your imaginary friend was probably, you know, an intuitive thing and may or may not actually have been in the room with you. And yet, your parents will tell you like, that's not okay, or, you know, shut that away, or you had a tendency to, you know, see dead people or whatever, I've heard all of the things from people who have been told, like, you know, they're there, it's like, you come into the world, and it's almost like you're wearing your, your skin on the inside and your nerve endings on the outside. And depending on who you are, and how you have been raised. That can, you can be told that that's a very bad not okay thing. And the world will shut you down just in general, because they, your, your school, your church, your government, whatever everybody wants you to walk the path that they have outlined, good or bad, I'm not judging anybody, I'm just saying, people don't like it, when you call her outside of the lines, it's confusing. And, and it can be very upsetting for people, especially people who are like more, you know, structure oriented. So all of that to say that we all are made completely of energy, like completely, and everything is energy. This, you know, this podcast is being broadcast from three different physical homes, everybody's got a different microphone, we all have computers, doesn't matter. All of that is also energy. And when you get into the physical atoms of what looks like a solid structure, like a table, it's, it's mostly made up of empty space. And the atoms in that empty space are the same atoms that make us up as well. And there is a difference, because you know, the table does not have a creative life force that that is sentience, but it does have the energy of the creative life force, so everything is energy. Now, I was wondering when you said Reiki whether I was going to talk about this, and I've decided to so I've never said this out loud before because it's not something that I like get paid to do. But I was told a couple of years ago that I am a Reiki Master. I've never studied Reiki However, when I'm in a hospital, my hands automatically just come up and go and do Reiki on people who are sick, and they get better. I've seen it happen often enough that I'm like, Okay, this is a thing, I am not making it up. And I believe that that gift expanded, because when I was in Egypt, having my spiritual awakening, I started blessing my food. So I would hold my hands up, and I would attempt to activate the energy in my hands with my thoughts, so that I could connect to my food. And if you ever hear me pray over a dinner table and I do pray over all my dinner tables, what it's what I say is, I'm so grateful and I'm grateful for the food made with loving hands and the food going from farm to table and as I do that I am energetically activating my hands connecting with that food because that food is full of atoms and molecules that make me up and when I claim that that is all turning into love and light in my body, it really will help me shift what you know what what we focus on expands. So when we spend all that time going on on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, what do you think that's doing to our bodies? Where is that chocolate cake going? Exactly. Whereas when you claim that it is turning into love and light in your body, when you are blessing it when you are connecting with it, and when you are deliberately present moment Terry enjoying it, it shifts how it processes in your body. Now, I don't understand all of it. But I understand that it is true. And my programming growing up was always don't eat that you're going to get fat, which is very confusing because Jewish families do this thing where on the one hand, it's don't eat that you're going to get fat. And on the other hand, it's Did you finish your dinner, you're going to get sick, if you don't eat all your food. Both of these things are going to this Did you know there were starving children in China. So all these things are going at the same time. And so you're gonna get really confused. And if you have strong personalities in your life, like I did, you get really confused. So I've spent my whole life going or any food that I put in my mouth, other than lettuce will make me fat. And I was guess what I was fat my whole life my whole life. When I was six, I was a size six, when I was eight, I was a size eight, when I was 12. I was a size 12. I thought that was how it went. I was sure by the time I was 16, I was about a 1416. And I stayed there until I was in my mid 40s when I finally came into a new understanding, which by the way was for me doing 12 step for food. And what I came to understand is that control is the master addiction. And when I learned that it didn't matter what else I did, as long as I gave the control over to my higher power. And once I started doing that, everything began to shift in my life in a really, really good way. And Roy, in my opinion, everything that I said everything. And everything we talked about all the throughout this entire conversation is all about energy, because it's what are you putting out in the world? And what do you expect to get back? Or do you think that that Reiki would have worked as well on you, if you had said this doesn't work? This is crap. As she put her hand on, you know, there's no way

Roy Barker 37:23

you had to, you have to have an open mind and be receptive. And it's it's funny, because I just wrote down the three words that as we started doing that I had had, I'd had one of the worst weeks that I've had in the last couple years. Like I had a one time on a Tuesday and a Thursday. And I went Thursday night and I almost didn't go because you know, I was just out of sorts, but I went. And so as she, as she started doing her thing, you know, I kept my eyes closed and was just kind of meditating. And it was like I was between sleep and consciousness. But I just that's called the theta state. Yep, yeah, I just might, it was all also to my chest just swelled up, I could just feel everything welling up in me. And then the three words that came to mind were patience, peace and strength. It was the most bizarre, you know, half because those are the words I needed to hear at that time. But I just felt, yeah, it was kind of like an out of body out of body experience almost that, anyway, that, that and the other thing that I've started doing when I meditate is you know, people kind of snicker about the old, you know, the picture of the person sitting there with their hands like that, but you know, what I have become to find is, that's, that's my antenna, or that's me, you know, I love it all bringing it all to me. And I just feel like I'm much more receptive if I can put my hands in that pose that it's like I'm welcoming in, you know, whatever God has given me at that time.

Halle 39:01

And the mudras, which are the different positions of the hands, each one actually has, and I couldn't tell you what each one has a different meaning. So when you see the pictures of the Buddha, and the Buddha is doing this, this is a giving and receiving pose of the Buddha's. So that's, that's this particular mudra and it is a mudra. But to but the normal mudros for meditation, you you bring your thumb and forefinger together in a circle, why are you doing that you are creating a closed circuit, so does a closed energy circuit that is allowing like a circular experience of energy where it goes out and it goes in and so you're having that flow, and then there are different mudros you know, like, some like like this one, or like two fingers up,