Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now!

Feeding Fatty

28-12-2021 • 56分

Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now! Featuring Dr. Lauren Keir Simmons

We need to listen to our bodies. For whatever reason, even when we have a feeling that is abnormal, most will tend to kick it down the road until it develops into something more serious or worse yet, beyond help. It doesn't hurt to do some research to verify what we are told and don't hesitate to get a 2nd opinion.

About Dr. Lauren

Dr. Lauren is a Certified Health Coach who went on a 2 year wellness journey in 2015. During this health journey, I experienced the hormonal ups and downs of an autoimmune disease which took me from 219lbs to 118lbs.

After taking my autoimmune disease (Hashimoto Thyroiditis) into remission (in 8 months), I knew I had the skills to assist YOU at solving problems, changing bad habits and living a healthier lifestyle. Lauren Keir Wellness was born.

Full Transcript Below

Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now! Featuring Dr. Lauren Weir Simmons

Sun, 8/1 4:12PM • 56:14


eat, people, migraine, day, happening, body, autoimmune disease, medication, individuals, doctors, remission, pinched nerve, sugar, laughing, olive oil, symptoms, reiki, hypertension, food, Dr. Lauren, Change Your Habits, Change Your Future, Create Your best life


Terry, Dr. Lauren, Roy Barker

Roy Barker 00:06

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy,

Terry 00:09

this is Terry.

Roy Barker 00:09

So we're the podcast chronicling our journey to wellness. And of course, you know, when we started this, it was mostly about our diet, not a diet, but mostly you know what we were eating, trying to get that under control. And then we've talked a little bit about exercise, you know, and we've also pushed a lot into mindset, because even though a lot of us know what to do, it's actually getting it done, and then getting it done, where it's sustainable into the future. You know, I have to admit, I'm very good at getting something started. But you know, things change a month or so and then, you know, we're off track. So anyway, we're just looking for that path to where we can, you know, find the healthy wellness way and be able to stay on it. So a lot of times we talk about, you know what we're going through on our journey, but we also have professionals in the industry and today, we have Dr. Lauren with us, Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce her.

Terry 01:06

Dr. Lauren Keir Simmons is a certified health coach who went on a two year wellness journey in 2015. During this journey, she experienced the hormonal ups and downs of an autoimmune disease, which took her from 219 pounds to 118 pounds. After taking her autoimmune disease, harsh hashimotos thyroid thyroiditis, that's a mouthful into remission. She did that in eight months. She knew that she had the skills to assist you at solving problems, changing bad habits and living a healthier lifestyle. Lauren Keir wellness was born. Dr. Lauren, thank you so much for joining us today. I am so excited to hear about your journey. I have heard about it, but everybody else needs to hear about it because it is something else. tell tell us how how did you know i know i just read that. But tell us in your own words, what happened to get you onto this journey here?

Dr. Lauren 02:08

Yes, I was actually driving down the highway. And I experienced what I know now is an intractable migraine. And the the migraine, it was like a bolt of lightning that hit the top of my head and it zigzag through my body. And then it stopped at the bottom of my feet. Wow. And that was essentially the beginning of my wellness journey. I had no idea what it was at the time when it was happening. And I was driving down the highway, I thought that I was having a stroke. That's how bad it was. I you know, immediately, you know, turned around and went back to the nearest emergency room to find out you know, discover what was going on. And so that's what I learned after a little bit the initial restart, that it was what was diagnosed as an intractable migraine. So that's essentially what it is and what it was in a nutshell. And it has continued. It is essentially continue.

Terry 03:16

Well I'm What's the difference? I mean, what's the difference between a and I've had migraines off and on for years. What's the diff? What's an intractable mind? What does that mean?

Dr. Lauren 03:24

So so it laid the it was labeled and neurologists labeled it as an intractable migraine because it never stops? Oh, wow. Yeah, it just never said never stopped. They kept going on and on and on. And what happened was that neurologist at that time, she attempted to, you know, prescribe medications. And what she discovered was, was that medications would not, were not able to stop the migraine that it was. It was innnate. So it was biological, and it was not anything that they could do to No, there was no medication, you know, there there are general medications that they give you for them. The hypertension medications, they try seizure medications, and so forth. And none of that will work for me. So she said to me, at the end of 90 days, you're going to have to go natural. She said none of this will work for you. You're going to have to go natural.

Roy Barker 04:27

Yeah, no, just the question. I think you answered a little was, you know, was it you said it was biological, not like life circumstance. So what what is the trigger? Is it just something that was born genetically or was there something else that triggers that?

Dr. Lauren 04:45

Essentially, she did not know. And so what would what she meant by where I had was I had to go natural was I had to figure out like a natural solution. Whether it was How can I put it, whether it was a lack of nutrients in my body, whether it was food allergies that was causing it, you know, whether it was something environmental, possibly that was causing it. And you know, and I would have had to do the research, which I essentially did to learn, you know, what was happening. So there was several things that was that were going on at that time with my body. At that time, I had not yet been diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis. And so that was one thing that I learned. And then I had to get to, it went on to I had to get to the root cause of what was happening. You know, what, what brought on the hashimotos thyroiditis, because there is a root cause there's several root causes to Hashimoto thyroiditis, and most people never get to the bottom of their autoimmune disease, they just go ahead and take the prescription medication and the autoimmune disease never goes into remission. It just stays there. You're basically medicating it is what you're doing.

Terry 06:07

So putting a bandaid on,

Dr. Lauren 06:09

you're putting a bandaid on it. And so it was there was several things that were going on. At that time, I was perimenopausal, I had an autoimmune disease. And then I had the migraine. And so it was like what are we going to address first with the lesser of the evils? Yeah.

Terry 06:26

So what did you Where did you start? I mean, you have to get a hold of those migraines as much as you can. So yeah, the least function.

Dr. Lauren 06:36

So it's interesting, because I'm actually able to function with them, which is a bad, it's not a good thing at all. I learned to function with them. And I've had people to tell me, I don't know how you do it, because they bring me to my knees. Well, it's only a few of them that I've had that have actually like brought me to my knees where they makes me sort of kind of make me go blind, because you know that migraines will get behind one eye that I can I can literally function with them until it gets to that point. And then that's when I kind of you know, I kind of slow down. But I have, you know, since then began addressing the migraines, because you know, everything else is in check.

Terry 07:25


Roy Barker 07:27

So how have you found anything that has helped or anything that maybe you've cut out that has lessened either the intensity or the frequency of them.

Dr. Lauren 07:37

So the one thing, the one thing that I had to do was, I had to get through menopause, that was one. The second, the first thing was was that I brought the the autoimmune disease and that into remission, had to get through menopause, because that's what you know, they have hormonal triggers. And then the last thing was, you know, to try to figure out if it was something that was physical that was going on. And what I discovered, as it progressed, was that every time I would have, I would always get MRIs of my right on my right side of my brain, I would always get the right side of my brain scan, and they will find nothing, they like you're perfectly fine, you have nothing going on. I said, there's a problem, because every time I would get a migraine, they would see me doing this. My doctors would always see me doing this. And I was like what is wrong with your neck? And I'm like, I don't know, it just makes my you know, psychologically, it makes my head feel bad. And then one day I said, I said, Let me get my neck scan. And that's when we found out what was happening. So it was cervical radiculopathy a pinched nerve. Oh, wow. It was it was a pinched nerve. And so I began getting treated for that for a pinched nerve bestes that, you know, essentially what it is. So of course, you know, with a pinched nerve, you have to begin manipulating and this is me talking, manipulating the spine so that you can correct it and it can stop

Roy Barker 09:15

pressure on it, oh,

Dr. Lauren 09:17

pressure on it because it can cause it so it's it's behaving the same way that the sciatic nerve does. You know, when you have that pain in your lower back. It behaves the same way. And so, you know, for me if I sleep wrong or something like that, Oh, there goes a migraine and still feel natural, still have to go natural. So they had tricks and so on and so forth. You know, that you want to do to you know, to kind of manage them. Well, lots and lots of supplements. Yeah. Yeah, and a lot of people don't know that because You know, when you became begin medicating yourself, and and the medical profession, they're just throwing stuff at you like, okay, Here, take this, take this, take this, I'm not taking any of that stuff, because what happens is, you go back to, you begin medicating yourself with the prescription medications, and it will throw your autoimmune disease off. Okay? Yeah, and people don't pay attention to that stuff. And I'm like, I'm going to protect this first, because it's gonna take me out, if I let if I let it go out of remission is going to take me completely out. Yeah. So you know, certain things is, and there are many things that you can do, you can meditate. You can do Reiki, you know, you can do your Epsom salt. So, you know, the magnesium, magnesium relaxes your body more than anything, that you know that magnesium is very good, you know, for your body. And so it is extremely, you know, is extremely helpful. And it's extremely relaxing, you can get massages, massages can help to manage that. So, hat you have to I can't get my right now because, you know, I'm, you know, I'm being treated for, you know, being treated with a physical therapist, but you have to get them I get, I get the, you know, massages, just to control the, you know, for the environment and so forth. Because of, you know, all of the pollen and so forth, it clogs up my lungs, and I can't breathe. In the palate around here. It's very heavy. It's very heavy. So I get that so they can push, you know, my lungs out. And I can breathe. Right? Well, yeah,

Terry 11:52

well, and we also a couple of months ago, I guess it's been about two, maybe three months ago, we went to our first Reiki sessions. Like not just stayed away from it, because you know, the whole energy thing is just kind of, it's kind of those one of those strange things that you don't know too much about. So it's one you know, you have to research it so you can understand it, but it's so true. Everything is energy, I get it. It made made me feel great after my first one. And the second one, I was just like I was, I think I was trying to feel too much. So I didn't respond like I needed to, but Roy Roy had a really good experience, I think,

Roy Barker 12:32

yeah, it was interesting. And not that I'm a non believer, I just didn't know anything about it. And you really have to go into it. Just, you know, personally, I would say go into it, open minded and relaxed and you just have to see where it takes you. And it was very interesting. We actually taped an interview with the young lady I don't think it's aired yet that that we did it with but the heat that she pulled out of my body was incredible. I mean, just like she was over my forehead. And it felt like a hot coal was just on my head, forehead But anyway, and then it was also the other thing that was strange was kind of like got between that sleep and consciousness place. And I just had some you know, some things that came to me. I had three words patience, strength and wisdom which is like you know, I don't know where that came from

Terry 13:28

but must be met you

Roy Barker 13:33

you know it just it made my chest well up. Anyway, it was very interesting how that how that all went took place, but

Terry 13:41

it was very cool. Yeah,

Roy Barker 13:43

I was gonna ask about the the autoimmune. So how, how are you treating or how are you dealing with that? autoimmune. autoimmune disease? Yes.

Dr. Lauren 13:54

Is there a remission? Is I just go about it? Yeah, I just go about it. Normally, I actually pulled mine into remission with food. And you know with supplements and so forth. Yeah, it worked for me. Let me just say this, it worked for me. So that was what that was what I required.

Terry 14:12

So what kinds of things did you what kinds of things affect you like do you can you have dairy? Can you have eggs, can you have gluten? Can you have any of that or did you like start just stripped down and then you took everything out and then added it in as you went?

Dr. Lauren 14:29

So I am gluten intolerant? But I do not eat gluten non gluten thing. I don't eat things that are labeled as non gluten. Ah, that don't have gluten. I don't eat things that don't have gluten in them. I eat things that are natural that are totally natural. Dairy. Most people that have autoimmune diseases cannot cannot ingest dairy at all. It's just not it's just not it doesn't work for you. Um, So for me, I can't do I cannot do dairy at all. It doesn't work for me.

Roy Barker 15:06

What were some of the symptoms of the autoimmune because I've never, I've never dealt with it with humans. I actually had an animal that had it in the best way the doctor put it on me was that his body was actually turning against itself. Is that kind of thing? Okay.

Dr. Lauren 15:25

Yeah, so yeah, but your body? Yes. Yep. Yeah, your body actually does. It attacks its own self is what it does. And it does not. So you are like a foreign body to your body. So is is how can I put it? It's like it's invading it like Space Invaders or something like that.

Terry 15:45

Exactly what I was thinking,

Dr. Lauren 15:47

yeah, like Space Invaders. And so you kind of attacking yourself. So you have to retrain your body to say, okay, no, this is what I belong here. And this is what I should be eating. So what happens is another way that I can put it is, is that the foods that you are eating like like my, my, I call it my native foods in New Orleans, my body is tapped out. It will not allow me to ingest anything that I used to eat as a child. So if I want to eat crawfish, I cannot eat crawfish. If I want to eat gumbo, jambalaya, shrimp creole, any of those things at all, because my body is tapped out, it's exhausted.

Roy Barker 16:32

Now, what were the symptoms that you had to, you know, get you to seek out medical help with that.

Dr. Lauren 16:39

I was I had adrenal fatigue. I, I was I had brain fog. I had, um, I had I was hoarse. So um, you know, my thyroid was was a little inflamed, it was a little inflamed. I couldn't I had a lot of it was the headache. I had, that my, a lot of the symptoms that I were having was crossing over along with the along with a pinched nerve. So I'm trying to isolate those. It was I had the initial inflammation. It was initial inflammation. And then I started losing weight like crazy afterwards. But it was initial Yeah, the amp, the inflammation that went to 219 pounds. I had never been that that heavy before. So I was always hovering like around, like maybe I'll say 150 pounds, maybe, which is like a size eight, then I I've expanded to like a balloon to 219 pounds, which was the size 16. And then when I went down to what should have been my normal weight all along. I was 118.

Terry 18:09

Wow, how long did how long of a time period did it take for you to inflate, inflate, deflate the original expansion and then the deflation was? Was it eight year? No, not eight.

Dr. Lauren 18:30

It came on. So my way came on over a period of maybe about five years, mate, maybe about five minutes. Alex outstretching and say 10 years, it was maybe like about maybe about five years, five to seven years. And I'm going Something is wrong, something that you know, something is wrong, something is wrong. Like I've never been this large. And you know, you know how people will not be honest with you. Oh, you're fine. Yeah, yeah, something's wrong. Something is wrong. So I kept investigating and investigating. And then when the migraine hit, I said, up, yes, something's really wrong. So that's when I started, you know, going to all of the specialists and so forth. So I started gathering my documentation. And you know, each person would give me their diagnosis of what they felt was going on. And so they felt this was going on, and I would get a pill for this. And then this was going on, and I would get a pill with this. And then by the time I was done, I think I had like 20 or 21 different medications that the doctors had given me that I did not take. I said this is insanity, but they didn't you know, they only know traditional medicine only knows what they know they treat stuff by symptom, right. And so they were going by what I was telling them I would never know You know, I would never bad mouth any of the doctors for what, you know, for what I went through, because that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to give you medication for, you know, your symptoms and so forth. And they don't know the, you know, holistic side of medicine.

Terry 20:19

Well, and how did you start looking into the holistic side of it?

Dr. Lauren 20:23

So I, I reached back at to some information that I had gotten 10 years prior to my, my incident. And so I started doing a little research because I'm a little, I'm a little flu. You know, I'm a little, I'm a little researcher, by nature, because I have a background in psychology. So I started doing a little research. And I said, something is not right with this. So I started going, you know what, let me lay off of the sugar. So that's the first thing that I did when I extracted all of the sugar out of my diet. And it was it was a lot of it, which you think is it actually does not have sugar in it actually has sugar in it. I said, Why in the world? are we adding sugar to potato chip?

Terry 21:20

addiction? Everything's cocaine.

Dr. Lauren 21:24

Oh, yeah. So everything, you know, not that I was a potato chip eater. But as I was doing my research, I was like, This is pure insanity. I began getting, you know, extracting the sugar out of my system. So I mean, I went cold turkey. The first 72 hours of me going cold turkey. I have withdrawal like a crackhead. And it was it was insane. I was I was like this, I was like, and I said, I'm having a panic attack. And my mother says, I know you all go lay down.

Terry 22:02

Lay down.

Dr. Lauren 22:03

Yeah. She says, I know you wash. She said go lay down. And this is literally how I was talking. And she says no, go lay down. She was like, I can't, I can't because there was really nothing that she could do. I went cold turkey withdraw. And then after that, I was fine. extracted the sugar. And then I began to do a little more research. I went to probably about seven or eight. It may have been more specialists than that. Anything would have ologists. On the back of it. I was on the back of their title. I went to it at everything. I had gone to a I had gotten a colonoscopy and end up endoscopy. I went to an allergist, I went to a cardiologist. I went to a it was insane. I had I probably I fired two cardiologists. I actually fired no one went to another one. Because the first cardiologist I went to she was on hypertension medication. I said, If she's on hypertension medication, she can't help me. She cannot help me because I'm not trying to go on on hypertension medication. Because I said I had hypertension. I said No, I don't. Well, yes,

Terry 23:20

I mean, your body knows best.

Roy Barker 23:23

And that's why I think we have to be sure we listen to ourselves. Because we and I'm not speaking for you, I'll speak for me, but you know, we tend to I had the feeling today and then we'll be okay tomorrow and we kind of kick this can down the road until it can, you know, even turn into a lot worse things.

Dr. Lauren 23:41

Right? I was fortunate I always tell people, listen to your body, you know, go to the doctors, you know, hear what they have to say, listen to them. But I knew for myself, I knew I did not have hypertension, what I did have was because they were following it was my heart would start racing. That is a characteristic of hashimotos. When your heart just starts racing, I would be I would be in the bed and I would be getting waking up at five o'clock in the morning. just waking up and my heart would start racing.

Roy Barker 24:21

Wow. So So you've taken all this information that you've kind of gathered upon yourself and then now you're starting to help others.

Terry 24:30


Dr. Lauren 24:32

Yes, as best I can. Um, I know, I know what I know. And a lot of I've been able to help a lot of people, you know, as it relates to a few lifestyle diseases because generally what I focus on, you know, I can, you know, generally help individuals with, you know, hypertension, you know, kind of extracting those inflammatory foods that they have in their system, you know, working with the doctors, I do not take any Want off of medication, I do not put it put anyone on medication, the medical doctors do that. But I can't work alongside of, you know, the medical doctors to help them to tweak their patient's diet, to, you know, kind of reduce that inflammation, and, you know, kind of work with them to help to make them you know, as well, you know, as you know, as I can't, but I have definitely helped individuals, you know, with diabetes, pre diabetes, and so forth, to get their numbers back in check. Because you don't want that inflammation in your body, the longer you have that inflammation in your body, the more damage that it can do. And so, you know, the longer you want a lot of that medication, the more damage that it does to your body. And so that's why I was fighting so much that I did not want to take the medication they were giving me, you know, I do have, I was diagnosed with asthma as a child, and I've never taken an ounce of medication, they gave me inhalers and all this, I said, I'm not taking that stuff, that stuff will raise your blood pressure. And, and then then when your blood pressure's high, they're going to give you what hypertension medication. Now, so for myself, and I always say this is for myself, always make sure that you, you know, check with your physicians and so forth, because they know your medical history far better than I do. And so you definitely want to check in with them to, you know, to see, you know, what your numbers are, get your blood work, get your annual checkup, and so forth. And then, you know, make sure that you're living a healthy life.

Roy Barker 26:47

Yeah, I think that's another good point is that there's, you know, and we're not medical doctors, and we always specify, they'll see a doctor take their advice. But you know, one thing I think we've learned is that, well, it first off inflammation, you know, as we as more research has come out, it's like, it's kind of the root of most of the evil in our bodies. But a lot of this can be influenced by our diet. And like you said, we don't know what, well, we know, there are a lot of things you would think doesn't have sugar, but, you know, we don't eat a lot of sugar. And not long ago, we ordered from a little Italian restaurant. Oh my gosh, I'm telling you that red sauce, it was sugar Laden. I mean, it was almost like eating a candy bar. So anyway, you know, people do that stuff, because it makes it taste better makes the kids eat it. But sometimes it can be that addictive factor. And going back to your withdrawals, I found the same thing coming off of carbohydrates. When my doctor first diagnosed me with type two diabetes, he said, You know, I want you to cut your carbs back. And so that was on a Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night, I started like, right above my eyes, it felt like my head was gonna blow off. And I carried that with me through Sunday. And to be honest, I thought I was dying or have, like you said, having some kind of a stroke. And so I went to, you know, the CVS a little drugstore and had an auto machine, my blood pressure was escalated. So it scared me I call my doctor the next day. And he's like, we'll come in, he took my blood pressure and it was normal. He said, Well, first off, those machines aren't that great. But he said secondly, he said you're just having withdrawals from carbohydrate. Pisa is like a drug and you will have to come off of that.

Terry 28:41

Yeah, surely there are like rehab places where you can go and get, you know, have, you know, get withdrawn from sugar and carbs and things that if there aren't, there needs to be because it's a hard, you know, three days for sure, if not a little bit longer, but then you have to learn what you need to be putting into your body. So you don't have those cravings in the future and make sure that you're addressing whichever issue it is that you have, whether it's the hashimotos or or type two diabetes or whatever, right.

Dr. Lauren 29:19

And that's what I teach people. That's what I teach people how to do when they the first 72 hours of the worst when you withdrawing off of sugar. They it's the worst and so you just have to kind of take it for me. I wanted to get rid of the migraines and so I knew that I had to tolerate it. I'm like it's gonna stop eventually. And it did. But what people do is when they relapse so when people are on their own a diet as they like to call it instead of a lifestyle, lifestyle change the first 72 hours when they stop eating sugar. All they think you know, okay, so So what can I eat? Drink water? No, no, what can I eat, drink water. Because you're dehydrated is what's happening. And so they don't even think about that. Know what can I eat? Like, I can't eat this or fill in the blank with this and no drink water just drink water. Yeah, people were so much negative. So we're born with addictions. Because when you think about think about this, when you're born with it, what is the first thing that people that that moms are giving their babies? No.

Terry 30:26


Dr. Lauren 30:28

What is milk having it? Sugar, sugar, sugar, breastfed even if the babies are breastfed, whatever it is that you've ingested. Guess what they're ingesting? Oh, yeah. So they're getting it straight from so we come in, we come into the world with that sugar addiction, and so we're predisposed to it. So unless, unless the mom's body is clean. And the mom has detox before she had the baby. Guess what's happening? The cycle is happening. So if mom has asthma guess what the baby's gonna have will have asthma as well. Oh, yeah. So people are wondering why these little ones are born or coming out with this asmin. So for Guess what?

Terry 31:20

That makes so much sense. Oh, my gosh. It's so true. Okay, so what would you tell? So like we're dealing with? So I have, at one point they, I was told that I had hashimotos. But then they came came back and said no, no, you have hypothyroidism. But hashimotos. And hypothyroidism? They're two separate issues, right? I mean, the hashimotos is auto immune, and then the thyroid. The hyperthyroidism? Is the gland itself. The disease? Yes. So I did differently.

Dr. Lauren 32:02

So what Yeah, so what probably happened was, is that it's hot hashimotos can actually turn into hypothyroidism if you don't catch it in time. So it's the it's the progression of it. Ah,

Terry 32:16


Dr. Lauren 32:16

It's the progression in this the way that the numbers look, that's the way that's the way that it was explained to me. And so you can have normal, if you have normal TSH levels like I do. They don't, they don't really test you for the hashimotos or the high hypothyroidism, if you have normal TSH level, what has to happen is you have to continue to you have to do the second layer of tests, which the doctors don't like to do. So you're looking at the, you know, the T three, t four, you're looking at all of those numbers. And that is how you determine what the what the what the hashimotos is. So, yeah, you can always, you know, get a second opinion, you know, from another doctor and so forth. But what they do even with the Hashimoto, they want to put you on the, you know, on the on the medication. Yeah, I was I, that wasn't my case. I was fortunate, I always tell people that that wasn't my case. And so I always guard, I always guard my food with my life and pay attention to what it is that I'm eating, so I don't eat out.

Terry 33:32

You don't eat out? I don't eat out at all. We might withdraw with that, too. We're gonna withdraw from doing that. Yeah. But

Roy Barker 33:44

yeah, but really, you know, in order to know what's in this stuff, you really just have to because it's not that people do it maliciously. They do it to make the taste better, where people come in, and things like that. But we just never know what those ingredients are.

Dr. Lauren 34:00

I do know what's in it. And that's why I don't eat out. Yeah, yeah. And I don't eat out and I tell people this, you don't eat anything? No, I know. restaurants, the food industry is not in it to they're not in it for health. They're in it to make money. I get that. I get that. And so and so I have to eat at home because most oftentimes if you ask the chef's what's in the food, and they don't even know. They don't even know I'll give you a perfect example. I used to enjoy eating Ed said restaurant, I won't give the name. I used to enjoy eating at a certain restaurant. And I said what type of oil Do you use on your lamb chops? And they said, Oh, we use olive oil. That's what the chef said. And I said, No, it's something else that is in that I said because I can taste it. I can taste it. It tastes like grease. So I asked the manager Because what I do know is, is that olive oil burn at that high on that high heat, there are only two oils that you can use at high heat. And almond oil is one of them. Almond Oil is too expensive for them to cook with. Olive oil is too It does not it burns too fast, right? So I asked the manager, I said, What is it? What type of oil is that? He said, Oh, that's olive oil. And it's mixed with canola oil. I said I knew it. I know I was very inflammatory for your system. So that is generally if they say they cook with olive oil is olive oil mixed with vegetable oil, or whatever it is that they're using so that they can cook at high heat on those grills.

Roy Barker 35:47

And I'm sure the cost factor to they can put a little drip of olive oil in there and tell you that we're cooking with olive oil. But the ratios, the ratios probably more skewed to the canola oil.

Dr. Lauren 36:01

Oh, yeah, of course. Of course it is. And I didn't ask that. I get it. I said I get it. I said thank you for sharing that with me. I never ate at the restaurant again.

Roy Barker 36:11

The other thing they kind of trained us up on too is eating. So such large volumes of weight for days have become crazy. And that's something that you know we have trouble with is, you know, Terry's a great cook. And so even even as we eat at home, I like you know, I want that second helping, where if I would just give myself a few minutes round will eventually be full. And you know, the other day, I don't know, I was kind of snacking we and we hadn't eaten too much. And I just said, Oh, I'm I'm hungry for some popcorn or something like that. And I said I want some popcorn. And she's like, aren't you not full? I said, and I thought for a minute. I say yeah, I really am full. But I felt that like ran through my chest. I just kind of had this sinking feeling you know? And it was it was probably dehydration, it could it was probably being a little bit tired. Because it was the end of the day. Yeah, there's all these other feelings that I've begun to realize that you know, that hunger or the desire to eat. I'm not gonna say hunger because it's usually not hunger, it's a desire to eat comes from a lot of other places than being hungry.

Terry 37:20

Yeah, and I'm always trying to you know, I'm always I am not a good cook. He's very sweet to say that, but he's just so happy that a bay is taking care of him. Anybody and I am really not that great of a good. But I my goal is to make sure that he doesn't get snacky and, you know, that's a hard because, you know, like he said, it was just really right, you know, within an hour after we ate and I was like, Are you full? Are you still cool? No. And the the fact that he realized, you know, that's just his pole in his chest. And that's kind of what his deal his schpeel is, before he goes to bed. He's got to go through this. Maybe if he can just grab some water or you know something, do something else and then go to bed. Just go to bed.

Dr. Lauren 38:14

That's hard. Cuz you cuz you'd like to snack? Oh my gosh, hard.

Roy Barker 38:21

Popcorn, you know, saucy stuff. And then I don't know, somewhere along the way, I develop a sweet tooth. And so now it's even doubly because like, I need a little bit of sweet and then a little salt. After that,

Terry 38:33

probably that's probably me. But I am the grocery shopper. So I don't have to bring that stuff home. But I'm feeling you know, usually when I go I'm hungry. So I want to go and you know, Oh, those look great. Well, I'm going to get them nuts. But I'm not going to get the wrong nuts. But then I'm going to Oh, there's some cookies, I'm going to grill just a little bit.

Dr. Lauren 38:55

hard. I tell you, it doesn't end when you when you're eating a healthy lifestyle like I do. It doesn't And trust me, the cravings don't in, you just have to you know, you just have to take it baby steps. Yeah, I tell people baby steps with that. Because it's traumatic for you to have to just stop it like all at once. It really is traumatic. So you just have to take baby steps. You have to be kind to yourself, as well. You know, if you fall off the wagon, or you kind of partially on a wagon, you know, just get back on it.

Roy Barker 39:32

That's all I usually fall off and then get ran over by the wagon. But yeah, I mean, it's a lot. It's a it's an adult thing. I don't remember it as a child so much but you know, it's an adult habit that I've done for years. And you know what, the other thing I've learned is it's usually because of getting sleepy. So at night if I got something I want to do in the And I was like, well have something quick to eat instead of just listening to my body and just go into bed, drinking that glass of water and just go into bed. It's it's difficult. But like you said, we have to be kind and not be like, Oh, well, I fell off. So I'm just going to continue on this bad path, because we never get it fixed when we do that.

Dr. Lauren 40:20

Yeah, yeah, don't beat yourself. Yeah, tell people don't beat yourself up. It won't happen overnight, everyone has to do it. You know, you have your own path. Right? You know, is your body you have your own path, and you have to do it in your own way. You just have the knowledge if you have the knowledge, then you know what it is that you can do. Right, you know? And so that's essentially what it is. You just have a few