83 Faith in the Process Not the Goal - Wisdom in Wellness

Style and Stewardship - Holistic Nutrition, Wellness, Faithful Lifestyle Stewardship

20-10-2023 • 27分

Have you given God your wellness goals? I believe that we shouldn’t leave God out of anything, especially our wellness. Sometimes we approach our health with our minds fixed on a goal to the detriment of the process.

Health is a process.

This process is something I believe God is teaching me. Some of us have health issues like autoimmunity and other health concerns. Sometimes we can become discouraged when “our” vision of what wellness looks like doesn’t fit our experience or timeline.

But I want to encourage you to not lose faith in the process. Instead,  lean on God during the setbacks or health issues that flare. Things you feel you “should” be healed of by now or disappointment that causes you to want to throw in the towel.

I know how all of that feels. Even as a Holistic Nutritionist,  the sheer volume of information that I continue to learn can feel daunting.

But I still LOVE learning and, I believe that God allows us to see how finite our understanding of the human body is to recognize our need for Him, yes, even in that!

We are finite, but HE is not!

In this episode, I want to encourage you to invite God into your healing process and focus on trusting Him with its outcome. Even though it may not look the way you intended or meet the goal you set.

His ways are certainly not our ways and He can give us wisdom in our wellness.

Other Episodes

Other Episodes

⁠81 Is Healthy Food Sabotaging Your Wellness?⁠

⁠80 Root Causes of Inflammation⁠

⁠79 Natural Liver Support with Herbs⁠

⁠78 Is There a Perfect Diet? Protein, Carbs, Nutrients, Oh My!⁠⁠⁠77 The Missing Link to Your Food Intolerances, Histamine Intolerance⁠⁠⁠76 Health and Wellness Foundations Planting Foundations Reaping a Healthy Harvest⁠⁠⁠⁠75 How to Help Your Child With ADHD Through Nutrition and Lifestyle, Nutrition Balance for ADHD⁠⁠⁠⁠74 Living a Healthy Legacy and Stewarding Wellness⁠⁠⁠⁠73 Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips Gluten Free⁠

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Disclaimer: For information, and education only. This information is not intended to be used as a substitute for any medical condition. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any condition. Please consult your Doctor. If you suspect you have nutrient deficiencies or chronic inflammation, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and personalized recommendations.
