The liver is a vital organ in the human body with numerous functions. When we support the liver we support one of the body's main detox organs. Supporting the Liver to function well is crucial to so many processes but especially detoxifying the entire body. When we support our liver, we support our wellness.

Topics in this episode

-What does the liver do

-How does the liver function in detoxification

-What harms the liver

-What herb supports it's function


Plant family (read this for the list on other plants in this family)

Favorite Tea Version can be found here

Tincture Form

Supplement Form

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*****Disclaimer this is not medical advice. This video/podcast is for informational purposes only. This video/podcast is not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose any medical condition or concern. Always seek a medical professional/ Doctor for any and all health-related issues. YouTube:⁠⁠ Subscribe to Style And Stewardship

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