378-The #1 Health Habit For Women

It's Beyond the Food

13-10-2023 • 20分

The #1 health habit for women that no one considers but that has the greatest impact on our well being is the habit of cultivating a kind, compassion and loving inner narrative.

How we talk in the secrecy of our mind generates the feelings we experience towards ourselves. The range of emotions we experience then generate our behaviors.

The #1 health habit for women

Otherwise, our health habits are generated from the way we feel about ourselves. For many of us who have been under the influence of diet culture the way we think and feel about ourselves isn’t very productive and too often leads to self-sabotage instead of self-motivation.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • What is the #1 health habit for women no one considers but has the greatest impact on women’s well being.
  • How to adopt this health habit easily

Mentioned in the show:

Health Habits Checklist

Undiet Your Life Program

Non-Diet Coaching Certification