386-Feminist Well-Being 1.0

It's Beyond the Food

08-04-2024 • 39分

In this episode, Stephanie discusses the concept of feminist well-being. Stephanie shares her journey from a traditional nutrition practice to founding her non-diet coaching certification business. She delves into her personal transformation through intuitive eating and cognitive behavior coaching, highlighting the impact of hiring a mindset coach and embracing feminist principles.

Stephanie critiques the traditional definitions of health, proposing a more inclusive and process-oriented view that accommodates diversity and addresses systemic issues affecting women's well-being. Introducing the concept of 'feminist well-being,' she encourages listeners to think critically about diet culture, patriarchy, and the role of their bodies, advocating for an understanding of well-being that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to actively participate in redefining well-being and supporting the movement through engagement and critical thinking.

What You'll learn listening to this episode:

  • The limitations of traditional health-focused well-being
    - How to reframe well-being through an intersectional feminist lens
    - The importance of challenging societal expectations placed on women
    - Ways to reclaim our worth beyond the physical body
    - A holistic approach to well-being that goes beyond physical health

Mentioned in the show:

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