Epigenetics, Gut Mind Connection, Leaky Gut, The Deal With Probiotics, with Rachel Larsson

Agents of Wellness by Nourish Melbourne

27-02-2023 • 59分

Today’s guest, Gut Expert Rachel Larsson has made it her life's purpose to support her clients to overcome the bloat! Acknowledging that she was destined to work in the field of gut health and naturopathy, Rachel owes her deep appreciation and respect for nature to being raised on a farm. Although it was through her own gut healing journey that she experienced the lack of empathy within the health system and from there made it her mission to guide her patients to health by offering greater emotional support and a clear understanding of the gut mind connection.

Her message is a powerful one - 'Food isn’t the enemy. Food is the messenger’.

Other topics discussed in this podcast:

  • Family health and epigenetics to flick gene switch off
  • Gut health & hormones
  • Food intolerance vs allergy OR overlap
  • There is a place for gluten, but read the fine print!
  • Leaky Gut
  • The gut mind connection
  • Power of Brain Resting
  • Do we really need probiotics?
  • Fibre - best friend or foe?
  • Mindful eating

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