Finding Yourself Through Darkness, The Inner Child, Death, Fear & Avoidance, Manifesting, with Asher Packman

Agents of Wellness by Nourish Melbourne

17-04-2023 • 56分

In this episode President of Meditation Australia and Founder of The Fifth Direction Asher Packman shares profound and poetic insights that not only shape the extraordinary human that he is, but teach us to refrain from judgement, and become our truest expression - often the person our wounded parts need. His cancer diagnosis brings with it an invitation to remember that life is finite, and this inspires him to love with all his heart.

Well versed in living a conscious existence, Asher reminds us that the change we are seeking in the world begins with changing the way we see ourselves and our place in the world. Truly an episode that will pull on your heart strings.

Topics discussed in this podcast:

  • Story-telling and the like-hearted community that is The Fifth Direction
  • Finding yourself through darkness
  • Descending down the well has its blessings
  • Purpose and the voice inside
  • Our children and the inner child
  • Death, fear and avoidance
  • Living with cancer
  • Work versus labour, and the work-life balance
  • Connecting to that which brings you joy
  • Manifesting and tuning in to what is.

Book mentioned: The Smell of Rain on Dust by Martin Prechtel

Connect with Asher

Connect with Natasha
