Food as Medicine, Fasting with Kindness, Full Trust in Nature, with Rosemarie Walmsley

Agents of Wellness by Nourish Melbourne

16-01-2023 • 1時間 4分

Rosemarie from Raw Satya is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to using food as medicine. Not only does her wisdom come from a life full of experience, but it was an intrinsic knowing that she connected to in her youth that led her on this (at times) weird and wonderful path. In this podcast Rosemarie shares stories that are rich in esoteric wisdom, and we understand that devotion and resilience got her to where she is today - a teacher and a student of nature’s medicine. We learn that live food is the ultimate rejuvenator and Rosemary herself, a woman glowing in her late 60s, is testament to her teachings.

Other topics discussed in this podcast:

  • Searching for an answer for her depression
  • Using food as medicine
  • Empowers her clients - then the magic happens when the student becomes the teacher.
  • Important factors if considering a fast
  • Eliminating bad foods is better than fasting
  • Fasting with kindness as opposed to fear
  • A complete trust in nature
  • Parsley Smoothie
  • Fear of bananas
  • Nature’s medicine
  • Conscious Eating

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