Facing Fears, Shifting Energy, and the Power of Asking with Lydia Bergantino

Agents of Wellness by Nourish Melbourne

28-11-2022 • 1時間 1分

A chat about shifting energy and facing your fears.

Lydia has made it her life’s purpose to give you the courage to look at your trauma, let those you don’t agree with be your teachers and break trauma bonds - all as a means of creating the life you desire. And she shares some interesting insights into ‘choices' and the power of asking for exactly what you need.

Other topics explored in this podcast:

  • Victim mindset and how to shift out of it
  • Those you are usually in disagreeance with can be your biggest teacher
  • Why trauma bonds are unhealthy
  • Common limiting beliefs
  • Stepping up and asking for help
  • Making choices that serve your highest self
  • Facing your fears
  • Earthing and many small things to help shift energy

Connect with Lydia

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