Identity Series: Christianity + Queerness

In Hines Sight

25-09-2020 • 54分

Is Jesus the only path for a queer person to get to Heaven? Do churches fall on a spectrum kind of like the spectrum of sexual orientation? How can someone who's been wounded by the church find healing?

These are some the topics brought up when Ryan interviews Dr. Cindy Ryan in this episode of the Identity Series.

Dr. Cindy Ryan, who has a passion for connecting people to God through writing, speaking and ministry, graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelors of Psychology degree. She has a Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University. She was ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in 1987.

She explains, "We all represent God, and God needs everyone of our voices. Or there's just such a partial picture." So whether you identify as a queer person or want to be an ally through the bond of Christianity and spirituality, check out this episode as we explore some learnings for connecting queerness and Christianity.

Episode Cover Art: Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash


  • Dr. Cindy Ryan’s website, where you can learn more and sign up for her e-newsletter.
  • Learn more about Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.