Novel Writing and Podcasting In 30 Days Nov 6

Create Art Podcast

06-11-2022 • 15分

National Novel Writing and Podcast Posting Month 2022

Welcome friend to Create Art Podcast where I help you tame your inner critic and create more than you consume. I am Timothy Kimo Brien your thankful head instigator with over 20 years in arts and education. How I accomplish this is by providing you with commentary, interviews, discussions, and projects that will inspire you to create art. This month I will be podcasting daily and writing a novel in 30 days. I am participating in NaPodPoMo and NaNoWriMo again this year as I did last year and you can hear those episodes here. You will be able to listen and read along with what I wrote for the day. I like to practice what I preach when it comes to art so I am challenging myself to write and having you come along for the ride. It is my hope this inspires you to accomplish your goals with your art and if you would like to share what you are doing email me at

History of NaNoWriMo and NaPodPoMo

NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with 50,000 words of a brand new novel. They enter the month as elementary school teachers, mechanics, or stay-at-home parents. They leave novelists.

NaPodPoMo: NaPodPoMo* is a month-long event similar to National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo. The difference? Well, instead of writing a 50,000-word novel, you post a podcast episode every day for 30 days from November 1st-30th. Use any platform you desire. From full production studio to iPhone app and just about anything in between. The goal is to use the challenge of podcasting daily as a form of podcasting boot camp.

The Writing So Far

6 Nov 2022 words today 1693    words total 8715

Mark and Tinley were still on the couch hours later. Tinley had calmed down and matched Marks breathing pattern.

“I think it’s time I look at my phone and see if we have any word yet,” said Mark.

“I don’t feel her anymore Mark, I think she’s dead, I can’t explain it,” replied Tinley who started to sob a bit.

Mark checked his phone, there were over 100 messages between the neighborhood app and friends. There was one that he dreaded seeing, the caller ID showed Alewell Police Department. He didn’t even check the voicemail; he dialed the number directly.

“Detective Courteny, Alewell PD is this Mark Bale,” Detective Courtney asked seeing the caller ID on his phone?

“Yes, you called,” replied Mark?

“Is your wife with you,” asked Detective Courtney?

“She is right here, we are a bit shaken right now, we haven’t been answering our phones or looking at the news. We were hoping to hear from Winona, but we haven’t heard anything since we heard about the school shooting,” said Mark timidly trying not to ask the obvious question.

“I can understand why you would do that, there is a lot of misinformation and folks that feed from that stuff and do unthinkable things. So, you haven’t talked to anyone else since talking with me right now,” asked Detective Courtney?

“No, I have a feeling you are going to ask us to come in aren’t you,” said Mark?

“I can send a car if you like, but yes I’d like you both to come in and bring your cell phones with you,” said Detective Courtney.

“No, no need for a car, I