We are fast approaching the cross-quarter holyday of Lughnasadh, or Lammas, the mid-point between June Solstice and Autumn Equinox. The Sun's light is beginning to wane here in the northern hemisphere.
There are other significant energy shifts going on, including the completion and rebirth of Venus' 19 month cycle and the shift of the eclipse axis into the signs of Aries and Libra.
Venus has been retrograde in Leo, sign of the heart, since July 22nd, offering us a period of re-evaluating what we want, what we value, and what matters to us. Venus will be reborn in a new cycle as a morning star in late August.
At the same time, the shift of the eclipse axis offers new challenges and opportunities for seeing through collective programming, especially around desire and having what we want. I created a whole workshop on this topic, which you can find here: https://kristinebackes.com/product/lunar-nodes-karma-2023/