EP 65:Consistency to Achieve Success with JB Braden

Create a New Tomorrow

16-08-2021 • 1時間 6分

JB Braden, Founder of Beyond the Field Coaching

Is a certified coach who specializes in working with Entrepreneurs, Corporate Leadership Teams and Business leaders helping you develop superior presentation skills and exceptional leadership skills! Teaching you how to craft a Signature Talk specifically designed to inspire, engage, educate and convert your prospects to clients.

Giving you the tools and techniques to master the art of public speaking!

Training you to communicate your message more effectively.

Helping You "Speak with a Purpose"

Giving leaders the tools necessary to develop strong leadership teams.


Ari Gronich (0:14):

Welcome back to another episode of Create a New Tomorrow, I am

your host Ari Gronich. And today, I have with me another one of the Achieve alpha leaders.

Achieve Systems is an organization that I've been part of about 14 years. And today I have

with me JB Braden, he is an inspirational speaker, trainer and speaker coach, he actually for

achieved does the speaker trainings helps people get on stages, get their voices out there in

the world. JB I'm gonna let you talk a little bit about your background. But let's just kind of

go through a little bit, you're a certified life coach, or certified business coach really is life

business, same thing. You work with entrepreneurs, corporate teams, business leaders, in

teaching them how to develop superior presentation skills, teaching them how to craft their

signature presentation, I'd like to talk a little bit about that specifically. And, you know, your

mission here is to impact empower the lives of millions of people, and inspire them to create

extraordinary success, teaching them how to think live and lead and win like a champion. So

JB, welcome to the show, let's, let's tell the audience a little bit about your background,

because I know you didn't kind of start out the same place that you've ended up and then

we'll get into like, why achieve, why you, why achieve and some of that stuff. So, take it


JB Braden (1:45):

Yeah, sure, man. Thank you for having me on. It's always a pleasure to

connect with you and, and see you. So, thank you for that. But a little bit about me, as you

said, I'm a certified coach, certified, and I specialize in working with leaders, executive

success teams. My goal is to create success in people's lives, create success in my life, and

to teach people how to create success in their lives. And to do it in a sustainable way. So, I

work with leadership teams, I work with entrepreneurs, because I'm also a speaker, coach,

as you mentioned. And I've been speaking for well over 20 years. And I've been coaching

speaker’s half that time. And so, when I met Robert, a few years, about four years ago, we

created the speak with a purpose workshop, that I use to help people put together training

for a speaking for their marketing tool for their business, as well as a signature presentation.

So, I do a lot of that. But yeah, that's a little bit about what I love to do what I'm called to do,

and a little bit about me, I was born, I was born and raised in Alabama, but I live in Colorado

now. Now, I was raised by a single mom. And she one of the things that she taught me

growing up was, she taught me a couple of things. One of the things that she taught me Ari

was, you know, treat people the way you want to be treated. And that those words shall help

shape my life. And it helped me find my calling and my gift, and my gift and calling to speak

into other people's lives and empower them. And so that's what I do.

Ari Gronich (3:29):

Nice. So, I like that. Here’s my thing about it, right? We always say that

this golden rule of treat other people the way you want to be treated. But here's the thing.

And as a healer, you notice this as somebody who's in business, you hear all the self-talk as

a business coach and life coach. People don't treat themselves very well know that, right?

Yeah, I don't want to be treated the way I treat myself, the way the right, you know, I want

to be treated the way I treat others, right. So, I think the golden rule needs a little shifting.

But I do like the premise of the golden rule, which is that we want to treat people like our kin

like but then I go okay, but kin, you know, family, we don't treat our families very well.

James Braden (4:27):

Right, right. Yeah. Well, it's so interesting you say that Ari because

I've actually, you know, that was the basis for a lot of things that I do. And I actually took

that, that what people call the golden rule and elevate it, you know, so it's not just treated

people the way you want to be treated, but treat people the way they want to be treated.

You know, and then and it really comes down to this, you know, my mom's you know, treat

people with respect, you know, and respect is earned, but she also another thing that she

taught me was people are people you know, doesn't matter what color we are, how tall or

short we are, how much money we have, we don't have, you know, we're all people and we

all deserve to be treated with respect. And, you know, that's how I live my life. And, you

know, by doing that, you know, I treat people, I take that, like I say that one step further to

treat people the way they want to be treated. And the only way you can treat people the

way they want to be treated, is you, you have to do something, you have to spend time to

get to know them. Okay? That’s what am saying, and that was one of the key things is you,

we're all individuals, you know, and so get to know a person for who they are. And I

remember being in high school man, and, you know, people would go around me, they'd say

stuff about people and say this and say that, and I was always debunking, I'm like, Look,

man, I don't know that person. So, I'm not gonna sit here and, and chat with you anything

about that person. But I would go out of my way to get to know a person for myself, you

know, and that's the challenge that I have for a lot of people get to know people for who

they are, make your own damn opinion. And then, you know, and then you know, how to

treat those people treat them the way they want to be treated?

Ari Gornich (6:08):

Yeah, you know, it's interesting, we definitely, and this goes back to

business as well as life in general, relationships in general, is the assumptions that we make

on how a person is or who a person is based on the stories that we've heard of them. And I

don't know about you, I've met a lot of people in my life, that other people might say, that

person is this or that person is that or this person has this stereotype or, or because of their,

you know, color. I mean, I had roommates that are were Palestinian Muslims. I was like, my

sister, you know, like my family. And, and I was all you know, you can't be friends with those

people. You know, doesn't matter what people they are. Right? can't be friends with those

people. I was the guy when I was growing up, that parents said, you can't be friends with

him. He's a bad influence. So, I never, ever wanted to do that to another human being.

Right. So, I agree with you like, getting to know somebody. But you know, it's funny. My

buddy, AJ Ali is a documentary film producer. And he's actually Robert knows him and he

wrote a movie, did a movie called Walking Wall Black, Love is the answer. It's a fantastic

documentary. He's just been shown it to police and homeland security all over the country

to deal with the lack in police, black and blue issues, you know, really is the black and blue.

And love is the answer is an acronym. And the first letter is the L right? And what is that L

stands for is learn about your neighbors. Learn about who it is that is next door to you, learn

about the people that you live near. Go and introduce yourself. There used to be a time in

this country, when you moved into a neighborhood and you had five neighbors bringing you

brownie and things and welcoming you to the neighborhood. We don't do that kind of thing

anymore. But God, what a what a benefit. It would be if we kept doing that if we chose to

learn about our neighbors and our people.

JB Braden (8:36):

Yeah, now I agree with you. I think that's the one key that's missing, you

know. Part of my background and speaking as I spoke, I've spoken a lot of high schools,

right. And one of the programs that I spoke for, that I do still do some speaking for, but I did

a lot of speaking for in the past as an organization called Rachel's challenge, right. Rachel

Scott was the first person killed on the Columbine tragedy. And after she died, her father,

they her family discovered that she had a goal to start a chain reaction of kindness. So, he

created this program to take into schools to challenge the students has challenged the

faculty to start a chain reaction of kindness. Okay, well, you treat people with kindness

where you stopped excluding people. And so, I say the reason I bring that up is because it’s

kind of stems to what you just said, getting to know people, you know, a lot of times like

right now the day we're in a big world of social media right now. Right? And so, but we're a

big social media and so, you know, a lot of people they are, all about how many friends do I

have on Facebook. But I've always said this, and I used to say this to the students that I

would speak to, social media is great. But it doesn't replace social interaction. Okay, true

social interaction. And here's what I believe some people may disagree with this. But will

you remember you and I are about the same age. And so, when we're in school, when we're

in school, when we had a beef with someone, we would go to them and we would talk it out.

Okay. And sometimes we will come to blows. But then we would hug and we would make up,


Ari Gronich (10:26):

Yeah. Usually, the people who got in the biggest fights became the

best of friends right afterwards. And that was because not only did they confront the issue

directly, instead of withholding it and bottling it up and all that. But you know, it was like,

when you go toe to toe with somebody, you gain a level of respect, regardless of outcome.

JB Braden (10:55):

You gain a lot of respect. That's correct. And sometimes it works out.

Well, you become closer, sometimes you don't. But the bottom line is you dealt with that

issue, as opposed to, as you said, letting it fester. Okay. And then you had those. So, what

happens now is people hide behind social media, okay. And they think that's their

connection to people. And what has happened in our society, is there's a loss of how people

should, people don't know how to really build true connection, connection that lasts a

lifetime connection that changes, you know, changes people, changes generation,

connection that when you're going through something so hard, and so terrible. Because

we're disconnected these days, it's easier for somebody to pick up a gun, and go blast a

bunch of people that they don't know. But when they have, I feel like when you have a true

connection with people, when you have that connection, it can help eliminate that. Because

now you got some people that you can rely on, because this world is hard man, which is why

I'm calling to do what I do to be able to help empower people and inspire people and pick

people up and let people know that you'll have to live by yourself. It's struggling to get

people around you that can help you.

Ari Gronich (12:18):

It's funny, they did a documentary, I think it was Michael J. Fox, who

did this documentary called happy. And they, they were studying what made people happy

throughout the world. And they found that the happiest place on earth was this town, in

Tibet, in the Himalayas. And they actually don't measure gross domestic product GDP, they

don't measure that they measure Gross National Happiness GNH, how happy their society is

as a whole. And that's a measurement that they actually use in order to determine if their

society is being successful or not. And they found that, that these societies, this one,

especially the biggest difference, and this happens in all the Blue Zones, as well, the

centurion, places where they're living over 100 years old, is that the biggest similarity is not

diet, it's not anything other than connection with other human beings. They are a family,

they are a community to the true sense of the word, they take care of each other. They

don't let somebody fester in depression. If somebody is depressed, they surround them.

They don't try to fix them by the way, that's the other thing that they do not do, they do not

try to fix them. They just surround them and let them know that they are the support at any

point, right? They are. They are the they're the wall. They're the rock. And that's the biggest

thing that I think we're missing in this world because, as you said, everybody's on social

media, but there's such an anonymity to saying fuck you to somebody on text versus saying

it to their face. There's such an anonymity to destructive behavior that you would never do

in person. You can do because why, there's a text box and a screen between you.

JB Braden (14:29):

Yeah, I think social media gives people a soft, a false sense of

confidence. They'll say things. They'll say things on social media they wouldn't dare say and

other people in front of people's face. You know, I call the keyboard bully is what I call it.

Okay. And because I mean, I can remember being in high school if we had something to say

to somebody would say it to their face, and we wouldn't say it, you know, then we'd hash it

out. But people now man they just, we got a bunch of keyboard bullies out They, have a

false sense of security and false sense of confidence that I'll say what I want to say. But they

won't say it in front of your face. If you were sitting face to face to him, they wouldn't dare

say it, because they don't have the balls to say it, you know, and so nor because it's just

different, when you have a human connection, we have such a disconnect in our world now.

And a lot of that is because people think they are friends on social media. And that's not the,

we've lost the sight of what a true friend is, without looks like.

Ari Gronich (15:35):

So, let's kind of take this back to a slightly different, different angle.

And that angle is going to be, in all of this noise and all of this social media noise and all of

the things that we have to experience millions and millions and billions and billions and

trillions of bits of data more than our primal history, even 40 years ago, is able to

comprehend I mean, the amount of technology has increased so drastically that we're in

literally adrenal shock, on 100%, daily basis, just in the amount of things that our body and

our senses are taking in. So, in all of this noise, and all of this stuff, right? We're gonna go to

that signature presentation, how does somebody step out of that noise and become heard

become seen? Because to me, I have this saying, a bully's best friend is silence. Silence is a

bully's best friend. How does one break out of the noise so that they get heard when they

are talking? Because what you've said is true, that people are holding back and not

speaking, at least not in person. But the other part is that when they are speaking, they're

not being heard. They're not being listened to. They're not being seen. And so, in business,

and in life, right, we all need that be seen, and you do this signature presentation, which I

believe is one of the ways but why don't you talk about this a little bit? How does somebody

step out of the noise?

JB Braden (17:27):

That's very good question. And when I when I want to teach and talk

about the signature presentation, there's two key components that we look at. And we will

make sure that no matter which clients, we're working with the two key questions that we

asked them Ari, and one of them is who's your target audience? Okay. And so first of all, you

got to be clear on who your target audience is, you find the right target audience, you're

going to be heard. Okay. So that's the first thing. And then the second question that we

always ask is, what's the problem that you solve for your target audience? Right? That's very

important. Because if you don't understand the problem, you solve that you can't

communicate that problem to your target audience. But you want to talk about being heard.

When you get in front of the right audience with the right message, you know, delivering

and communicating the problem that you can solve their problem, whatever the problem or

problems maybe, then you will be heard. Okay. And so that's, that's how you can find your

voice. That's how you can be heard by speaking to the right audience, and communicating

to them that you can solve their problem. Does that make sense?

Ari Gronich (18:46):

Yeah, absolutely. The I guess the question becomes, you know, I feel

like, let's say, I've been in this industry, 27 years, right. And there's been times when I've

had a really fantastic booming career with athletes and actors and A list celebrities and

people who, you know, that was my target market back then I was living in Los Angeles that

was those were the people that I was looking for, right? And then and then 911 happens,

and all the studios shut down. Right. And so, I didn't really know who my target market was

and so nothing that I was saying was getting out to the world. So, I'm kind of, I'm kind of

playing this, this scenario, so that the audience maybe can get an idea of how it plays out.

Once I figured out Okay, my target audience now is gonna be just the athletes. I'm no longer

going to be doing studio work, because the studios are shut down. So where do I go right?

And so back then there wasn't really internet, you know, is web TVs and maybe a little AOL

and prodigy with some chat rooms. But I'm taking myself, you know, I remember my 486sX

computer that was this big. Right? I'm here and I'm going okay, so what do I do to get these

people? So, my target audience was high end athletes, Olympic guys, right? So, what did I

do? I was living near Muscle Beach. And so, I go down to Venice to Muscle Beach to the

Gold's Gym. And I could pick two or three athletes out of that place at will, because I knew

my business, and I was going to where my target was, right? so I got heard. And then I went,

you know, there was another crisis, right? And, and so I didn't know who my target audience

was. And then, and then the 2008. And I had at that point, I had just bought a house is a

million-dollar house in LA, right. I'm like, now my house is worth 600,000. All of my clients

who were high end at the time business profile, people, lost their hedge funds, lost their

houses lost their shirts and all of a sudden, you got to pick up and who's my target audience

now. So, this is not, what I guess what I'm getting at is one, the stories that might help the

audience get to a place where they, okay, I can re-assess my audience, but also letting them

know, yes, you can. This is a living thing. Right? This isn’t static. And so, people, the biggest

I think thing I hear when I hear people talking to you, and you tell them to niche down is, but

I serve everybody.

JB Branden (23:41):

Yeah, and I've heard that before. And if you serve, if you serve

everybody, then you wouldn't be struggling for clients. There's no such thing. You know, one

of the things that T Harv Eker says in his millionaire marketing course is, your ideal clients,

are clients who are willing to work with you, okay, your ideal clients are not everyone, and

quite frankly , when you think about it Ari, you don't want to work with everyone. Okay. And

then think about you think about Nike, you think about some of the big companies out there,

okay. They don't target everyone. But they know who their target market is. They know who

their demographics is. And that's what they target. Now that does people outside of their

target market, purchase their things? Absolutely. But that's not who they go after. And that'll

happen. And so, the people that say that, you know, I target everybody. That's where you're

missing out. Because you when you target everybody, then you're targeting no one. Okay?

Because no, we all don't have the same problems. All right. And so how can you get clear on

the problem you solve, when you assume that everybody in the world has that problem that

you solve, that's not the case. And so, the two go hand in hand, if you think about it, it's not

just the target audience, but it's also the problem that you solve for that target audience.

They both go hand in hand. And when you understand that, and you understand both of

them together, then you understand. You're target audience is not everyone.

Ari Gronich (23:41):

Right. So, as you know, I'm a solutions guy. And every time I talk to

you, one of the fun things that that I have is that you're a solutions guy, too. You're not,

you're like, I don't want to talk about the problem. Let's get to a solution. Let's get to where

we can fix this. Let's get to the, you know, the meat. And so, I have this new saying that I

came up with recently and it's “I want to stop gathering to complain and start collaborating

to succeed”. Right, that’s what we want to do in life. We want to stop gathering to complain

and start collaborating to succeed. And one of the things that Achieve Systems does is

collaboration at a scale hardly ever seen in the industry, right? So, we bring together health

professionals, fitness professionals, nutrition, I mean speaking coach, visibility, marketing,

all these things, we collaborate, right. So, what is the one thing that you found as a benefit

to collaboration versus competition and why Achieved Systems kind of excels in that arena?

JB Braden (24:56):

Oh, wow. The biggest benefit is perspective and experience from

others and support. Think about this. Most entrepreneurs, they feel like they're out there by

themselves all alone. Okay. And being an entrepreneur being a business owner, it's like a

roller coaster ride when you agree. And so when you have a community where you can

collaborate with people, on those times where you're stuck, where you're dealing with fear,

where you're dealing with limiting beliefs, when you have when one of the things that what I

call it the surrounding yourself with ass Kickers, right? Okay. So when you have that, when

you surround yourself with those ass Kickers, those people that you collaborate with, and

you're going through those tough times, is easier to pull yourself out of it, because you got

you because you have their strength as well as your strength working together, which is how

it's meant to be, you know, so for me, the biggest thing about Achieve is having that

community of people that will not let you let yourself down, does not allow that you let

yourself down, you know, if it is that you find yourself going a different direction, because as

long as you're in lockstep with the people that achieve, then you will, you will succeed

because that's what we, we want you to succeed. And so that collaboration is like is like that

force of energy moving forward. And that's the that's the most important thing, man.

Ari Gronich (26:34):

Yeah, I want to add to that it's not just the support, because, you

know, there's a lot of mastermind groups, and there's a lot of, you know, inner circles and

support groups. Right. And I don't really like to think of achieve as a support group for

business owners, right. I think of it as a place where you can get the support, yes, you could

get the actual help, not just the advice, not just the support, not just the advice, not just the

help, but you can actually find partners and people to collaborate with directly to build other

retreats and build products and build other things with I mean, I've had the honor of writing

the foreword for two people or two books, writing a chapter in another book for achieved

members, right? That's area where I'm supporting them, but also collaborating and

partnering with them. So where are some of the places I know you have? where some of the

places that you've collaborated? To make a successful exit, so to speak with an achieve


JB Braden (27:52):

Oh, yeah, no, those are good questions. Um, we have a whether it be

working with a group with a mastermind. That's always good. One of the things that I love is,

that's a good collaboration is I'm part of the achieve leads group, okay. And I actually call it

achieve mastermind group, but we work together, helping each other, cultivate and find

leads. And so, that collaboration, is like you said, it's not just about the support, but it's also,

what I've learned from it, is the different approaches, the different perspective that people

take, you know, but also, you meet people that you would never have never met. And that's

what I love about it, when you collaborate, you can introduce to let's just say, of you and I,

and some of the people that I've collaborated with, in achieve, I've had the opportunity to

get to know people on their network, and they've had an opportunity to get to know people

are in my network. So, collaboration, when you collaborate with other people, then you have

the opportunity to also connect other people to collaborate, that's what I found. So, it's like

kind of building on it. And so being a being a part of achieves, leads group, I've been able to

do that, and have that collaboration with other people, and then connect them with other

people, You know, a lot of times we'll be sitting around, say, hey, do you know, you know,

anybody good CPA, or do you know anybody that does this? Or does that, whatever the case

may be? Say? Yeah, now I know a couple of people. Let me introduce you. And there you go.

And so that's why that collaboration is so powerful.

Ari Gronich (29:31):

Awesome. So, I don't want to leave out competition, because I do

tend to, you know, put competition on a little bit further down the totem pole for

collaboration. I don't want to completely destroy competition, although I do a little bit. But

why don't you tell me what in your mind, healthy competition looks like?

JB Braden (30:00):

Competition in business. That's an interesting. First of all, when it

comes to competition, I think about this first thing I'll think about is being very good at what

you do. When you're very good at what you do. You spend time making sure that you

continue to be good at what you do. And then being afraid of competition isn't a thing for

me. Okay. It's more of how can I dominate my sector? Okay, how can I dominate my sector?

And what I mean by that is, when people when people think about speaking and speaker

coaching, I want them to think about me. Okay. And so that's my goal. So, there's not so

much about having competition. Here's what happened. Competition does, it keeps you

sharp, it keeps you honest. It keeps you striving to be better. Because think about is if you

don't have competition, would you when you say that if you don't have a competition, you

may become complacent.

Ari Gronich (31:12):

So that all depends. I'm going take it a different step with you a

different way. Because I don't believe in competition with anybody else. I don't believe that

I've ever been in competition with another massage therapist, sports therapist, right. But I

am in competition with yesterday's version of me. That is who I'm in competition with every

single day. Some days I win that competition, and some days I lose it. I'll be honest, right?

I'm not in competition with anybody else. for any other reason, or comparison. And any

more, you know, I used to be like, somebody skinnier than me got bigger muscles than me

got, you know, higher IQ than me, you got whatever, you know, whatever it is, right? Got a

better more degrees than me. I don't have any degrees. You know, like, everybody got

degrees. No, I'm not in competition with anybody else anymore. I'm in competition with

yesterday's version of me every single day. And I find that the more I look at perspective

that way. I could go up to somebody who I might have thought was competition in the past

and say, “Hey, I saw that you guys open a gym right next door to my gym? What do you do

differently than I do? I could send some people your way.” And we could create collaboration

between the two gyms between the two personal trainers between the two therapists

between the two hypnotherapist all that you know, is like, we could create partnerships and

collaboration with the people who are better than us at certain things, and not be in

competition with them specifically, in competition with the previous version of ourselves.

And that's something I think Achieve Systems is really designed to help people with is not be

in competition with others in our field, but be in competition with our previous version of

ourselves with the person who thought I can't do business, I'm too spiritual, I can't accept

money for this, or whatever the block whatever the thing is that stopping somebody from

being that better part of themselves.

JB Braden (33:37):

I love that. I love the Ari because when you think about it, I've never

looked at myself. I've never looked at other speakers and speaker coaches as my

competition. I never have. And so, I love how you put that that I'm in competition with

myself being a better version of myself. And how do you do that you look at the people in

your field, what they're doing. And my approaches this, what are they doing, that I can

incorporate to make me better? Is there anything they're doing that I can make me better?

That's how I always look at it. I have a lot of speaker friends around the country. And that's

one of the that's one of the things that we've been able to help each other get better

because I can look at something that they may do on stage and say, Oh, I like that. I'm going

to try that. Or I'm going to try this version of that, you know, that sort of thing. That's how

you get better. And so I love that you said that because I’ve never looked at people in my

field other coaches as my competition. I looked at I look at them as my allies. Okay. How can

we learn from each other, make each other better at what we do? And like you said, that's

what's great about Achieve, okay, because that's one of the things that we love to help

people Do it's not about you being competition, but it's how can you take what I'm doing

incorporated into your business if we're in the same business and make you better, and vice

versa? Love that.

Ari Gronich (35:13):

Yeah. And that goes to the same thing with life. Right? I'm divorced

now, right. But every minute since the time that I've got separated, beyond the trauma,

right of the experience, my thoughts have been How can I be a better man? How can I be in

better relationship? How can I take ownership of every bit of my responsibility in this

debacle that has occurred? You know, how can I How can I be a better man in a better

relationship with people. And I spent, I talked about this a lot, but I spent about 300 plus

hours inside of a mirror. naked, staring at myself, crying, wailing, screaming, stunned and

shocked. I mean, in in any emotional state, you could imagine. Until I worked that out of

myself until I was a better version of me until I had stripped, I call it stripping the layers of

masks of trauma. Stripping the layers of masks because we have this inauthenticity from

trauma that stops us from being the best we can be. I'm going to relate this back to you

because the biggest fear is not fear of snakes. It's not fear of flying. It's not fear of falling.

It's fear of speaking. Public speaking.

JB Braden (37:04):

Yeah, you've heard it said, and that's a huge fear for a lot of people

fear of speaking, and it's a real thing. And some of my clients have had it. And, you know,

we work through it, and allow them to get to the crux of what that fear really is, you know.

And then once they get to the crux of what it really is, they can move past it. And so, do a

lot of work around that. It is a big fear for a lot of people. A lot of a lot of fear around it is

unsubstantiated. And it's just it stemmed from a limiting belief, or, another fear, you know,

some of them. Some I've heard people say all the time, well, I'm afraid of messing up. Okay,

well, how can you eliminate that fear? And then we work on it?

Ari Gronich (37:56):

That's up a lot. That’s how you eliminate the fear. Okay. I messed up.

JB Braden (38:01):

And here's the thing, you know, and basically, because that was one of

my fears, plus 20 plus years ago, and then I was like, Well, how can I eliminate that? Well,

prepared to the best of my ability. Okay. And that's all you can do.

Ari Gronich (38:18):

Right? Just a question. Do you still get the butterflies when you go up

on stage?

JB Braden (38:25):

I do. But it's not from fear. Now. It's excitement. I think people think

they feel that and I think, because if you think about it, fear and excitement can feel the

same. It's the same energy. And so people ask that all the time and said, Do you get the you

get afraid? I said, No, now I just feel excited. You know, so it's a different feeling than a

channel because I've done it so much now. And I know how to prepare. I prepare myself to

the point where that fear that fear of messing up has no power. Okay. Is it still there? Yeah,

but it has no power because I've taken the power away from that. Now it's just it's just an

excitement of being able to share my message with a group of people.

Ari Gronich (39:15):

You know, it's funny, I've been speaking 27 years. My grandmother

was 40 years, head toastmistress in San Diego, was a speaker. My mom is a teacher. My

brother is a teacher. My dad was a master debater, you know, in the debate clubs and stuff.

So being on stage, and I grew up in Hollywood, so I've been acting and in commercials and

stuff like that all my life. And what I find to be fascinating is how much I hate being on video

how much I dislike the look of myself on camera, still, how much I dislike looking at the

pictures of me on stage or video of me on stage. And then I look at the pictures of the

audience while I'm on stage, right, afterwards or I look at the response that I get, makes all

of that dislike of not wanting to be seen not wanting to be heard, not wanting to be

acknowledged, because every time growing up I did, it was some kind of trauma you know,

some kind of trauma happened, if I got seen, whether it was, you know, physical abuse,

sexual abuse, didn't matter, mental abuse, it was, if I got seen, there was trauma. And so, I

didn't want to be seen. So, you know, what's funny is the only way to cure the somatic

trauma of not wanting to be seen, is to be seen a lot, and to be seen in a place that's safe.

you know, so part of what I love about achieve, and what I love about what you do with

achieve, especially in the speaker sector, is that you provide and we provide a safe place to

have different somatic experiences, so that you can get seen often, and have it be such a

safe container that you can become comfortable being seen, you can release those traumas

that are embedded in the soma, in the tissues in the memory, because we create that safe

place. So, talk a little bit about why that safe place is so important, especially for seekers,

and especially for people who have that trauma of not being worth and not being seen. And

you know, not being valuable. Because I know you and I feel pretty much the same that

everybody has some amazing value to offer others. It's just a matter of getting them to be

willing to share,