New Ways of Being

Raymond Posch

New Ways of Being with Raymond Posch is all about helping people achieve new ways of being in their lives and in the world. In this podcast and in my life, I am a voice for Love and Awakening! Why? Because love, awakening, joy, and unity are keys for being the new ways we want to experience. We all want to enjoy life more and we want the world to exhibit love, expanded awareness, joy, and human unity. Those things are actually in our very nature, but we deny our true selves when we operate from separation and fear. For those who know me from my Our Spiritual Life podcast, New Ways of Being is the next phase for me, and for and all of us, as we shift to Love and Awakening as our guiding principles. The NWOB podcast website is at: Contact Raymond Posch at Learn more about Raymond Posch at: Join the NWOB community at: read less


24-Preview: Become a Master of Life
24-Preview: Become a Master of Life
This episode is a preview of my new audio course that will be released within a few weeks, Become a Master of Life: How to Know and Use God Energy. There are 4 modules and course development has been completed, but I need to make some big website changes to support its release. Module 1 explains what God energy is and how to know it personally. Module 2 presents the basics of how to use God energy to become a master of creating the life experiences you desire. Modules 3 and 4 provide more detailed guidance on how to get the most from God energy and become a master. Some of the material comes from The Wisdom of the Council channeled by Sara Landon. But most of the content comes from my telepathic conversations with God and the Council and from what I learned and experienced in applying the lessons in the course, including a lot of detailed how-to training that is not covered in The Wisdom of the Council book. One of the big lessons is to how to raise your vibration to a very high level to overcome the global EMF radiation due to cell phones. But an even bigger lesson is how to fully realize and experience yourself as an extension of the Divine. The course will become available later in September 2024 on my website at Please share this episode with others. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
22-Wholeness and the Story of Gaia with Dr. Jude Currivan
22-Wholeness and the Story of Gaia with Dr. Jude Currivan
This episode features my guest, Dr. Jude Currivan, who is one of the prominent cosmologists today in the world, and is author of a number of books of which her 2 most recent are: Cosmic Hologram and The Story of Gaia. She truly understands that consciousness is at the center of the universe, that a wholistic view of the nature of the universe and our role in it is critical, and that the living universe, the Earth, and humanity are all evolving together. This was a fun conversation, so don't miss this one! We talked about many things, but this quote tells us so much: "There is a revolution happening in who we perceive ourselves to be. We are part of and participate in the whole, living, evolving Universe that is innately loving." She is a co-founder of WholeWorld-View, an organization that promotes that wholistic worldview. She also said: "What we see today in the world reflects the dis-ease of separation. Instead, we need to remember the wholeness of our world and choose to behave differently. Chose love!" Please check out her books, and you can learn more about her at and Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
21-Getting Down to Crystal Basics with Nicholas Pearson
21-Getting Down to Crystal Basics with Nicholas Pearson
In this episode, I enjoyed talking with Nicholas Pearson about crystals. He has authored 7 books on crystals, so he knows a lot about the subject. He has been a life-long lover and collector of rocks, felt intuitive connections to them even as a boy, and went on to study mineral science in college. He's since become an established expert on crystal healing, but he loves blending both the science and spirituality of crystals. He explained that crystals have repeating symmetrical structures that vibrate with their own energy and they can bring human energy fields into harmony and coherence with them. Crystals have both measurable and non-measurable (subtle) energy capacities. Healing works because "our bodies, made of living crystals, interact with crystals in a very real and palpable way" even though those interactions cannot be measured by science at this time. He also explained that there are many ways of categorizing the subtle energies and spiritual properties of crystals - such as geological formation process, crystal structure, the power of color, astrological and chakra correspondences, and more. Besides being interesting and beautiful, crystals derive their power to heal from their subtle energies and spiritual properties. You can learn more about Nicholas Pearson at, and you can find his books on Amazon. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
20-Heaven on Earth is a State of Consciousness
20-Heaven on Earth is a State of Consciousness
In this episode I talk about how we can create the experience of Heaven on Earth within ourselves. Key pieces of what I have to say come from the teachings of the Council from the channeled book The Wisdom of the Council by Sara Landon. It begins by understanding that heaven is not a place but rather a state of consciousness, and we can experience that state of consciousness right now in this lifetime on Earth. I might call the experience of creating Heaven on Earth within us as a spiritual practice. But that's not the best term for it. It is really a practice of developing higher consciousness, and from personal experience I will say that it is life changing. I go into the details of how to do the practice, and it includes a process of extending it out to the world. I now experience love, divine beingness, joy, and abundance most of the time. The practice does not create Heaven on all of Earth immediately, but as more and more people practice it individually, it will eventually begin to grow rapidly and change the world. In this episode, I invite you to join us in helping human consciousness and humanity as a whole evolve. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
18-Conversations with the Divine
18-Conversations with the Divine
In this episode, I go into some depth sharing my experiences of having conversations with the Divine this year (in 2024). I explain that the Divine refers to multiple entities such as God, angels, ascended masters, the Council of Earth, spirit guides, loved ones who have transitioned, and your higher self (or soul), but they are a unity or One that I now like to refer to as the Divine Wholeness. It was being in a higher energy (vibration) state that enabled my conversations with the Divine to happen, and the higher vibration resulted from wearing high-energy crystal pendants and also from using quantum energy techniques as taught by Joshua Bloom. And about the same time I took a course from Seph Dietlin (see on Divine Dialogs that also helped immensely. I talk about what I've learned about how to have such conversations; I give many examples from my journal; and I talk about the many benefits that come from being able to talk directly and candidly with the divine. For me, this experience has been life-changing, and all for the better, and I am sure that it can be an equally amazing experience for you, but you need to actively pursue learning how to do this. At the end, I mention that I will be offering courses to support people in learning how to do this, and they should become available beginning in the third or fourth quarter of 2024. You can also learn more at my website Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
17-Sacred Geometry with Gregory & Gail Hoag
17-Sacred Geometry with Gregory & Gail Hoag
This is a very interesting episode that is all about sacred geometry. My guests are Gregory & Gail Hoag, authors of the book Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment. They spent 40+ years learning all about sacred geometry and how it can help us better understand how we can tap into the power and goodness of the universe. We've all heard the statement that "everything is energy", but energy is also the power that divine consciousness uses to create. They told us: "When energy comes into form, there is great order to it and it follows the principles of sacred geometry."; "Consciousness is what holds it all together."; and "The sacred is when energy flows."; and so much more. The Hoags also manufacture pendants that are designed to increase our resonance and connection with the divine consciousness behind and in all of existence. Their pendants are unique because they connect a person to the subtle energy flows of the Earth and the higher dimensions, and they are quite powerful tools to help us expand our energy and awareness. I loved Greg's closing remark: "The universe is a positive universe and a divine whole." You can learn more about them at their website:, and you can get a free chapter of their book at Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
16-Raising Your Frequency with Crystals
16-Raising Your Frequency with Crystals
In this episode, I talk about the amazing things I've learned and experienced about how the major spiritual breakthroughs today often depend on raising your energy/frequency to very high levels. And the key role of high-energy crystals in making that possible. For me it was an accidental discovery... I tried out high-energy crystal pendants for the heck of it, not really believing that I would feel anything, and it led (in a very short time) to me being able to talk with angels and spirit guides and much more. That's why I now say "The fastest path to awakening and spiritual breakthroughs is by wearing high-energy crystal pendants." I know now that EMF and other toxins pervasive in our environment and culture are blocking so many people from intuition and the ability to connect with the divine. And while there are numerous techniques for raising your vibration, most of them do not raise it nearly enough. So I go in-depth on some crystal pendants that I've created and will soon be selling, and I report real energy measurements (via muscle testing as proven and validated by David R. Hawkins, author of Power vs Force). Be sure to give this a listen... it truly can change your life! Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
15-The Spiritual Artist with Christopher Miller
15-The Spiritual Artist with Christopher Miller
In this episode, Christopher (CJ) Miller and I had an interesting conversation about the intersection of art and spirituality. Christopher is a painter, a student of spirituality, and an author and speaker on the subject of being a spiritual artist. He wrote the book The Spiritual Artist: We Are Designed to Create which was published in 2020. It is about his journey to becoming a full-time painter, which happened in 2020, and his parallel journey into spirituality. We began and ended the conversation by agreeing that we’re all artists and, in fact as his book subtitle says, we are designed to create (whether we’ve awoken to that truth or not). We talked briefly about love, and he said this: “When we’re in a state of love, we’re better able to the voice of Spirit talking to us.” Love is key to spiritual awakening because it is a state of presence or consciousness. He said: “Every person is unique because of the spirit within us – which is that spark of God which is our essence.” In whatever we do, whether it is in the arts or not, we express that essence. And CJ believes that being in touch with that inner spirit can help us be better creators and artists, but also our inner artist can help us get in touch with our spiritual nature. He pointed out that his book offers many different tips on accessing creative inspiration, including how to allow spirit to work with us in the doing. But he pointed out that being is just as important as whatever we’re doing. You can learn more about him at, and you can find him on TikTok at @spiritualartist123. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
14-Signals from My Soul with Julia Marie
14-Signals from My Soul with Julia Marie
I loved this conversation with Julia Marie because she has so much spiritual wisdom to share. She is an intuitive, medium, energy healer, podcaster, and author. Her recent book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening, is special and I recommend it to everyone. In 1989, she experienced her soul calling her to wake up, and that was the first of many spiritually transformative events (STEs) that followed. Throughout the process, and even today, she has been guided by Spirit directly, and she advises everyone to "live from the inside out". Regarding the possibility of awakening very quickly (or even instantly), she observed that "We're living in a special time that supports awakening." And she says that if you're curious about your own soul, find time to be still, quiet the mind, and then ask "What do I need to do next?". An answer will eventually come to you, and then ask "What do I need to know?". An answer will eventually come. Then do your part. This is the same process I use, and I can add that the answers do not always take the form of words, but instead may be strong gut feelings or energetic pushes or motivations. There is so much more that we talked about, so be sure to listen to the whole episode. Her website is Her podcast is called Evolving Humans. And you can find her book on Amazon. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
13-Personal Update: Breakthroughs and Awakenings
13-Personal Update: Breakthroughs and Awakenings
This episode is about my personal breakthroughs as I have been seeking to experience beingness. And it really has been amazing! As I say in this video, it (eventually) became clear to me that the Universe put me on an intense training program to take me to higher experiences of beingness, and that has included numerous breakthroughs. For example, back on January 1, 2024 and prior, I was unable to connect and interact with the Divine. But now, I am able to communicate with God, angels, and spirit guides and to effectively channel entire conversations with them. And I am learning to create my own life experiences, including creating Heaven on Earth within myself which is totally life changing. But my purpose in this episode is to share my personal experiences with being in new ways in enough detail that you (a viewer or listener) can make sense of it, and then see how it might relate to you and possibilities for a new you in your future. For me, this process began with incredible channeled information in a book (The Wisdom of the Council by Sara Landon) I acquired in August 2023, but the continuous process/flow of transformation since the first of the year has been mind-blowing. I conclude with a message I channeled from the Divine that I was told to share with you: “The Divine is within you and within everyone. The abundance and happiness you seek is within you. Go within. Grow in awareness. Open and allow, and you will be guided to all that you seek.” Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
12-Awaken Your Soul with Theodore Orenstein
12-Awaken Your Soul with Theodore Orenstein
In this episode, Theodore (Ted) Orenstein and I had an interesting discussion about awakening and other aspects of being spiritual. Ted is the author of a book entitled Awaken the Soul: How to Find Your Inner Spirit and Life's Purpose. He told us about his personal experiences with awakening, which he defined as "connecting to the spiritual life within you". He asked the question: Do you believe in (universal) love? If you answer yes, you are awakened. I would qualify that by saying there are many levels of being awake, but permanently being at the frequency or state of consciousness of unconditional love is truly awakened or enlightened. He added that spirit and awakeness are already within you, so it's a matter of opening and allowing that beingness to operate as you. That requires you to get out of ego and into awareness, and to know yourself as a spiritual being. And when you do that, you will know what is truly important to you and what your purpose is. Being awake lets you love people and express love, and that lets you see that all of creation is unity and oneness. And Ted said that his biggest epiphany was that Spirit is eternal and everywhere; it extends through the whole universe; and everything comes from Spirit. I agree totally. You can learn more about him at, and his book is in major online bookstores. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
11-The Afterlife and Messages of Love with Michaela McGivern
11-The Afterlife and Messages of Love with Michaela McGivern
This was a fascinating and enlightening conversation with Michaela McGivern who is a psychic medium and energy medicine practitioner. She shared her story of developing a connection to Spirit as a child, becoming an occupational therapist after college, and eventually developing her psychic medium and energy healing capabilities. She first encountered her Guides in the mid-90s in spiritual trainings at the famous Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. When the conversation turned to psychic capabilities and channeling, she shared a transmission about the importance of love she had received in January 2024 from Neal Rogin. Rogin was a philosopher, writer, filmmaker, and much more who transitioned in mid-2023. We explored what she has learned and experienced about the afterlife through her work as a medium. She defined compassion as "holding space for another person with loving awareness", and she explained why empaths must move beyond empathy to compassion. She also advised us, in these increasingly chaotic times, to "Stay focused on love and kindness. Stay anchored in love and nurture yourself. And be grateful for the good." You can learn more about Michaela and book a free discovery call with her at Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
9-Being Awake with Swami Nityananda
9-Being Awake with Swami Nityananda
My guest in this episode is Swami Nityananda who is a university professor (under the name June Ellis), spiritual teacher, author of the book Awake: The Yoga of Pure Awareness, and leader of the Awake Yoga Meditation community. I absolutely love interacting with her because she has such an awake and joyful presence. She briefly explained how she came to be named a swami by her teacher Swami Shakarananda in 2014 and designated his successor. In this delightful conversation we talked a lot about living in a new way by allowing our True Self to radiate through as who we are. She defined being awake as expressing the energy of Awakeness which is the Divine awareness within you. And she said that self-realization is allowing universal love, wisdom, compassion, and light to show through us right now, right where we are. We both agreed that allowing is the key to awakening. Awakeness or divine awareness is what we already are. Pure love and light is what we already are. Heaven on Earth is what we already are. We only have to allow our True Self to express through us and as us. Now if we are blocked by a belief or feeling that we are unworthy, Swami suggested that we name and acknowledge those feelings, and then open to unconditional love (that is within us) and allow it to help/heal us. She is an incredible teacher by being an example and embodiment of the truth, love, and light that we are. She invited everyone to explore their website which is and attend one of their free community meditations. (I've done that myself, and it is a peaceful and totally uplifting experience.) Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
8-Being Quantum Discussed
8-Being Quantum Discussed
This is a follow-up to Episode 7, "Being Quantum with Joshua Bloom", and my purpose is to provide you with more information about what Joshua teaches and some discussion from my perspective. I refer heavily to his book, The Ultimate Answer... Is Inside. He has developed a great process for tapping into the quantum field and using it to perform healings and assist others with transformations to more powerful ways of being. These processes are very powerful, and he has helped thousands of people heal physical and emotional problems. He says that "Quantum Energy Transformation helps you evolve into a person who no longer requires the problem". In this episode I discuss highlights from Joshua's book in order to give you more explanation to understand what we discussed in Episode 7. I believe he has done incredible research into how to apply quantum principles to humans in very powerful ways, and he has proven all of his theories in working with clients. The amazing thing is that he has shown that directly working with the quantum field is the most powerful way available to us to heal, transform, and work miracles of change very rapidly. I thoroughly appreciate his work and believe in the validity of his processes and the explanations he provides for how and why QET and Being Quantum work, and I have begun using his processes myself. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Please note that a video is not available for this episode.
7-Being Quantum with Joshua Bloom
7-Being Quantum with Joshua Bloom
This was a dynamite conversation with Joshua Bloom who is an energy healer, developer of Quantum Energy Transformation, and author of the book The Ultimate Answer is... Inside. He has done pioneering work in understanding how we interact with the quantum field, how to do quick transformations and healings, and how to live in the quantum field. He told us that we can actually learn to shift into full beingness very quickly or even instantly. Beingness is a state of alert awareness and expanded body energy. When he is in a state of beingness, that high energy state is conveyed through his voice to the client. That enables rapid transformation through shifting energy in the client's body. He said that physical or emotional "problems" are really messages about what we need to pay attention to, but we often block or ignore the message instead of allowing it to transform us. Also, he said that in order for transformations to work for us we have to have our awareness in the body and be in the process, not watching the process. We talked about much more, so you need to listen to or watch this full episode. You can learn more about Joshua Bloom and his quantum energy work at And you can get a free gift - his "Bringing in the Light" guided meditation that will actually shift you to a higher state of being - by going to Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
6-Awakened Healing with Theodora Izzard
6-Awakened Healing with Theodora Izzard
My guest in this episode is Theodora Izzard who describes herself as a seer, healer, and guide. She shares her story of raising herself up from trauma, despair, and no real spiritual knowledge to awakening to psychic powers, learning to be an energy healer, and transforming herself to a happy and very alive and joyful individual. Now she helps others to heal and transform with the benefit of her experience and deep knowledge that she has acquired. This is a fascinating and informative conversation about new ways of being and very apropos for this podcast because she shared so much experience-based wisdom. She said: "True healing requires a person to find their own connection to God because that is the basis for the greatest transformation." We are spiritual beings, and we must learn what that truly means. Theodora also advises us to "learn what our own truth is and live by that". We really dug into awakening and transformation based on her personal experience, so don't miss this episode. You can learn more about her at, and if you sign up for a Godcode session with her, you can enter the discount code "change" at checkout to get 10% off the first session. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website. Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.