13-Personal Update: Breakthroughs and Awakenings

New Ways of Being

19-03-2024 • 1時間 19分

This episode is about my personal breakthroughs as I have been seeking to experience beingness. And it really has been amazing! As I say in this video, it (eventually) became clear to me that the Universe put me on an intense training program to take me to higher experiences of beingness, and that has included numerous breakthroughs. For example, back on January 1, 2024 and prior, I was unable to connect and interact with the Divine. But now, I am able to communicate with God, angels, and spirit guides and to effectively channel entire conversations with them. And I am learning to create my own life experiences, including creating Heaven on Earth within myself which is totally life changing. But my purpose in this episode is to share my personal experiences with being in new ways in enough detail that you (a viewer or listener) can make sense of it, and then see how it might relate to you and possibilities for a new you in your future. For me, this process began with incredible channeled information in a book (The Wisdom of the Council by Sara Landon) I acquired in August 2023, but the continuous process/flow of transformation since the first of the year has been mind-blowing. I conclude with a message I channeled from the Divine that I was told to share with you: “The Divine is within you and within everyone. The abundance and happiness you seek is within you. Go within. Grow in awareness. Open and allow, and you will be guided to all that you seek.”

Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!

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