24-Preview: Become a Master of Life

New Ways of Being

30-08-2024 • 55分

This episode is a preview of my new audio course that will be released within a few weeks, Become a Master of Life: How to Know and Use God Energy. There are 4 modules and course development has been completed, but I need to make some big website changes to support its release. Module 1 explains what God energy is and how to know it personally. Module 2 presents the basics of how to use God energy to become a master of creating the life experiences you desire. Modules 3 and 4 provide more detailed guidance on how to get the most from God energy and become a master. Some of the material comes from The Wisdom of the Council channeled by Sara Landon. But most of the content comes from my telepathic conversations with God and the Council and from what I learned and experienced in applying the lessons in the course, including a lot of detailed how-to training that is not covered in The Wisdom of the Council book. One of the big lessons is to how to raise your vibration to a very high level to overcome the global EMF radiation due to cell phones. But an even bigger lesson is how to fully realize and experience yourself as an extension of the Divine. The course will become available later in September 2024 on my website at RaymondPosch.com. Please share this episode with others.

Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!

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