14-Signals from My Soul with Julia Marie

New Ways of Being

01-04-2024 • 55分

I loved this conversation with Julia Marie because she has so much spiritual wisdom to share. She is an intuitive, medium, energy healer, podcaster, and author. Her recent book, Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening, is special and I recommend it to everyone. In 1989, she experienced her soul calling her to wake up, and that was the first of many spiritually transformative events (STEs) that followed. Throughout the process, and even today, she has been guided by Spirit directly, and she advises everyone to "live from the inside out". Regarding the possibility of awakening very quickly (or even instantly), she observed that "We're living in a special time that supports awakening." And she says that if you're curious about your own soul, find time to be still, quiet the mind, and then ask "What do I need to do next?". An answer will eventually come to you, and then ask "What do I need to know?". An answer will eventually come. Then do your part. This is the same process I use, and I can add that the answers do not always take the form of words, but instead may be strong gut feelings or energetic pushes or motivations. There is so much more that we talked about, so be sure to listen to the whole episode. Her website is JuliaMarie.us. Her podcast is called Evolving Humans. And you can find her book on Amazon.

Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!

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