20-Heaven on Earth is a State of Consciousness

New Ways of Being

24-06-2024 • 1時間 2分

In this episode I talk about how we can create the experience of Heaven on Earth within ourselves. Key pieces of what I have to say come from the teachings of the Council from the channeled book The Wisdom of the Council by Sara Landon. It begins by understanding that heaven is not a place but rather a state of consciousness, and we can experience that state of consciousness right now in this lifetime on Earth. I might call the experience of creating Heaven on Earth within us as a spiritual practice. But that's not the best term for it. It is really a practice of developing higher consciousness, and from personal experience I will say that it is life changing. I go into the details of how to do the practice, and it includes a process of extending it out to the world. I now experience love, divine beingness, joy, and abundance most of the time. The practice does not create Heaven on all of Earth immediately, but as more and more people practice it individually, it will eventually begin to grow rapidly and change the world. In this episode, I invite you to join us in helping human consciousness and humanity as a whole evolve.

Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!

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