Episode 15: Time-Lapse Photography


07-09-2018 • 29分

Time-lapse photography can create dramatic short videos - think about clouds zooming overhead throughout the course of a day or flowers blooming in seconds - but creating time-lapse videos turns out to be remarkably easy. In this episode, Jeff and Kirk walk through the process of using the Time-Lapse mode in the iOS Camera app as well as capturing time-lapse photos with traditional cameras. Sponsor Masters of Photography, online masterclasses with the greatest photographers in the world. Get 5% off any course with the code PHOTOACTIVE. https://mastersof.photography/ref/27/?campaign=PhotoActive (https://mastersof.photography/ref/27/?campaign=PhotoActive) Hosts: Jeff's website (https://jeffcarlson.com), Jeff's photos (https://jeffcarlson.com/portfolio/), Jeff on Instagram (http://instagram.com/jeffcarlson) Kirk's website (https://www.kirkville.com), Kirk's photos (https://photos.kirkville.com), Kirk on Instagram (https://instagram.com/mcelhearn) Show Notes: A Student Took a Selfie Every Day for Eight Years and It’s the Best Time-Lapse (https://www.irishnews.com/magazine/daily/2018/04/30/news/a-student-took-a-selfie-every-day-for-eight-years-and-it-s-the-best-timelapse-1317091/) The Longest Way (https://vimeo.com/4636202), by Christoph Rehage How Does the iOS 8 Time-lapse Feature Work? (https://www.studioneat.com/blogs/main/15467765-how-does-the-ios-8-time-lapse-feature-work), Studio Neat blog Hyperlapse app (https://hyperlapse.instagram.com) Benny Hill - End Show Clip (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3n1fq) Intervalometer (https://amzn.to/2wObnl3) example Miops Mobile Dongle (https://amzn.to/2wPbWv4) (be sure to pick the right model for your camera) Sample Time-Lapse Shot with Miops Mobile Dongle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gv5v93Je7g), created by Jeff for a DPReview article (https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/trigger-happy-alpine-labs-spark-and-miops-mobile-dongle) The Same Time-Lapse with a Push-In Camera Move (https://youtu.be/BqPaOtfdpf0) Sunset Hill 360-degree Time-Lapse (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_o4gwbK53w), also by Jeff The BEST way to make a TIME-LAPSE! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGtSx5kYuOk), by Peter McKinnon Adrift (https://vimeo.com/69445362), a great time-lapse example Sequence for Mac (http://frosthaus.com/sequence/) Subscribe to the PhotoActive podcast mailing list at the bottom of any page at the PhotoActive web site (https://photoactive.co) to be eligible for a random giveaway of Photographer’s Ephemeris apps and all future prize drawings. If you’ve already subscribed to the mailing list, you’re automatically entered. Our snapshots: Jeff: Top Photographer (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwm6LvGc5xq03yAgEBG2dMJU-frI9x5NC) Kirk: Affinity Photo Workbook (https://amzn.to/2whKFB5) If you like the show, please subscribe in iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/photoactive/id1391697658?mt=2) or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast. And don't forget to join the PhotoActive Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/photoactivecast/) to discuss the podcast, share your photos, and more.