For the sake of humanity,will this actually be the last disinformation campaign from Gage Kirby ever

It's the Ahn Shin-Ae Show by PenaVega Universal!

17-10-2022 • 4時間 51分

Hopefully it will. As you all know, conservatives are well known for their misinformation, lies, slander, and conspiracy theories. Gage Kirby is no exception to this melting pot of madness and delusional thinking. It is sad that people like Gage refuse to have enough self control, to quit bullying people and making slanderous videos attacking liberals and progressives, who voted for Joe Biden and who actually understands how our universe works. Hopefully, this male Karen will stop acting like he is entitled to everything and that he has to manipulate and control the mindset and ideology of others, and keep his own house in order. In this episode of the Ahn Shin-Ae show, you will hear the one and only Gage Kirby tell delusional fairy-tales about non exist people that he made up in the fantasy world that he has created for himself. A world where Gage Kirby is entitled to call transgender individuals "pedophiles", but nobody can call him out for his transphobia. A world where Gage can manipulate reality and call it fact. A world where bullying is somehow equitable to criticism. In this episode, you will hear the voice of a unstable individual named Gage, who has claimed multiple times before, that "this will be the last video ever talking about people". Clearly that was a lie. This is exactly why you should never trust conservatives. We do not hate Gage Kirby. On the contrary, we love him ❤ 💕. Sadly however, Gage has found it satisfactory to hate anyone who disagrees or corrects him. Nobody really knows what ticked Gage Kirby off to create contradictory and blasphemous content on his YouTube channel and social media accounts. Just know that what ever you hear in part one and two of this episode, is simply not true. Gage is known for his defamatory statements against people who don't see the world his way. Hopefully this will be a lesson to all of you listening, that it is important to keep an open mind and respect people's differences in opinion. We don't act like Gage Kirby, because we don't find joy in hurting others. Only on the Ahn Shin-Ae Show, where your mental fitness is our business! Support the podcast and help protect those who are a victim of bullying and harassment, like we are with Gage Kirby and the conservatives. Also feel free to answer our community questions via Spotify 😊 --- Support this podcast: