Aaron Spitz, M.D. - 5 Steps to Maximizing Penis Health


23-12-2019 • 1時間 23分

In this months episode, we are bringing you the American Medical Association's Chief Representative of Urologists, Dr. Aaron Spitz. He has specific training and interest in male reproductive medicine & surgery. I discovered his book: 'The Penis Book: A Doctor's Complete Guide to the Penis-From Size to Function and Everything in Between' from James Cameron's Netflix documentary: The Game Changers (produced by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan). In the documentary, Dr. Spitz performed a small sleep study that tested the strength of erections in athletes based on what diets they were eating. The study showed that a single plant-based meal allowed the athlete's erections to last three times as long and were nearly 10% stronger (during their sleep). It was after watching THIS I KNEW we had to have this man on our show!!!

Today, he hits his 5 step plan to Maximizing Penis Health which includes the following: Diet, exercise, sleep, limiting/excluding pornography & avoiding drugs & alcohol. He goes in depth on each of these topics & gives us some insight on all the developments that have occurred since Game Changers was released!

Here is the link to Dr. Spitz best selling book: https://www.amazon.com/Penis-Book-Complete-Penis-Everything/dp/1635650291

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You can find Dr. Spitz on Social Media: Instagram: @draaronspitz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/draaronspitz/