ABW 83 – Surrendering to God's Plan for Business

A Better Way

03-02-2021 • 1時間 11分

Joseph Warren was an entrepreneur who worked hard for many years to build a very profitable and automated business; one that eventually only required him to work for 2 hours per week! But despite all that, he became empty and dissatisfied with the "success" he'd achieved. In a moment of desperation, he prayed a dangerous prayer: that God would do whatever it took to bring him to a place of wholeness–using force if necessary.

Immediately after that, his business inexplicably started to unravel. After doing everything he could think of to fix it himself to no avail, he finally surrendered to God's plan, whatever that was. Right away he sold his old business and moved on to his current one, which is not only profitable but brings him a deep sense of meaning and fulfillment. Joseph's story truly demands a supernatural explanation! Tune in to hear his remarkable story.

You can connect with Joseph and his current business, as well as his podcast called Broken Catholic, by visiting https://www.josephwarren.net/