The shoulder is one of the most common sites of injury in powerlifting and barbell training because it is involved in every single powerlift. So in order to protect yourself from shoulder pain or injury, it’s important to have good bar placement, grip width, and shoulder position to optimize force production while minimizing extraneous forces on the shoulder.
In this episode of the PRS Podcast we discuss not just the functional anatomy of the shoulder and the four joints it’s composed of, but how it functions in each lift and how you should move to reduce your risk for injury while getting as strong as possible.
This episode is broken down by lift and common myths or misconceptions about technique and the shoulder in barbell training.
What are some misconceptions people have about bar placement, stability, and grip width in the squat?
How does the shoulder impact grip width and bar position in the squat?
How does arching your back improve bench press execution and support muscle development?
Why does excessive arching in the bench press create a problem at the shoulder?
Why do we want to maintain tightness and not sink the bar into the chest when bench pressing?
Why is the idea of tucking and flaring during the bench press problematic for the shoulder?
What role do the lats pla in the deadlift?
How does the role of the lats in the deadlift influence our back/shoulder angle?
Why is overhead feared by doctors and physical therapists?
How do you protect from impingement in the shoulder while overhead pressing?
If you’re a chiropractor, physical therapist, medical doctor, strength coach, or student clinician, this episode is a great review and application tutorial regarding the foot and ankle in barbell training.
Need help with an injury or programming? Book a free consultation call with one of the PRS Clinical Coaches here!
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Rori IG: @rorimegan_prs
Alyssa IG: @alyssahope_prs