How to structure your company - Wendy & Laughton Ross, Tonbridge Accountants

Bring Your Product Idea to Life

10-05-2024 • 55分

What is the difference between being a sole trader and a limited company?

How should you structure your business?

These are big questions you have to grapple with when setting up your own business, so I asked the perfect guests on the podcast to give us some advice. Wendy Ross is the founder of Tonbridge Accountants, and is joined by her business partner and husband  Laughton.

Together they explain the difference between being a sole trader and a limited company - in easy to understand language!

We talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each set up, and the sort of work involved and things you will need to consider.

We also discuss what you need to be keeping a record of in your accounts in order to make sure you are being compliant.

It’s a brilliant episode that makes a complex topic much easier to understand.

Tonbridge Accountants offer a free 15 minute phone consultation, which you can book here.

The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast  - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023


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This episode is sponsored by Aubergine Legal

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