BSB 133

Blurbs Sell Books

21-10-2021 • 48分

Today on the show, BPF Editor-in-Chief and Blurb Whisperer Abigail Dunard are back at it with another deep dive into the scintillating sea of book descriptions!

To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.

Here are this episode’s read-along selections:


Steam Team by Mary Wernke

Another year, another school- Sophia Clark would never fit in. After all, she liked getting good grades, but not loads of makeup and hair gel. And, she definitely wasn't boy crazy.

Thirteen is a difficult age for everyone, but perhaps doubly so for Sophie. Her mom is a local celebrity and her dad is something of a hermit from Nebraska.


Happy to get away for an end-of-summer vacation, Sophie is surprised to meet a new girl with, well, issues. But she also fins herself in a new role as a protector when her mom is suspected of murder and her new friend becomes desperately ill.