The Tears of Princess Prunella Evelyn Sharp Free Kids Audio Books Public Domain

Tale Teller Kids™

09-08-2021 • 25分

The Tears of Princess Prunella Evelyn Sharp Free Kids Audio Books Public Domain. the tears of princess brunella from the other side of the sun's storybook by evelyn sharp this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit reading by blakely clark there is no doubt that princess brunella would have been the most charming little girl on either side of the sun if she had not been so exceedingly cross and discontented she was as pretty as anyone could wish to see as accomplished as all the gifts of fairyland could make her and she had every bit of happiness that the love of her parents and the wit of her fairy godmother could put in her way and yet she grumbled and grumbled and grumbled can you not try to be happy just for five minutes ask the queen in despair how can you expect me to be happy even for five minutes when every five minutes is exactly like the last five minutes beside the little princess it is tea time your highness said the head nurse coaxing me and there are pink sugar cakes for tea there were pink sugar cakes yesterday powdered the princess there are always pink sugar cakes unless there are white sugar cakes and i am equally tireder than both can you not tell me something new let her go without her tea said the king who was rather tired of having such a cross-little daughter but the queen only smiled the child wants a change she remarked it must be very dull to play all alone all day dull exclaimed the king why should it be dull has not her godmother given her such wonderful toys that they can play with her as well as be played with this was quite true for the very ball that the princess threw to one end of the nursery could catch itself and throw itself back to her and it is not every ball that can do that what more can a child want demanded the king crossly the queen however thought there might be something more we must find her a play fellow she said wisely stuff and nonsense protested the king and why should we bring more crying children into the palace however you must do as you like i suppose the king always told the queen to do as she liked when he was tired of the conversation so the queen smiled again and issued a proclamation at once to tell the whole world that the princess brunella wanted someone to play with and would be ready to choose a playfellow that day week at 12 o'clock in the morning now it is not often that one gets a chance of playing with a king's daughter so it is no wonder that when the princess followed her royal parents into the great hall on the appointed day she found it filled from end to end with all the little princes and princesses and all the little cats and contesses and all the little dukes and duchesses that the surrounding kingdoms could produce i never had a more excellent idea said the queen as she seated herself on the throne and looked down at the crowd of children brunella has talked to nothing else for a week and she has not been heard to grumble once that's all very well observed the king a little uneasily but it is quite clear that she cannot play with them all and who knows that so much disappointment will not lead to a war the queen did not answer but turned to her little daughter who stood by her side do not be in a hurry she said to her so many faces are confusing at first and you might regret it afterwards if you made a mistake but princess brunella showed no signs of being in a hurry she just glanced over the sea of faces that would turn towards her and then looked speechlessly at her mother the smiles had all gone from her face and the big blue eyes were filled with tears why they are all exactly alike she said piteously i cannot tell one from another and then to the astonishment of everyone in the room she dropped down on the steps of the throne and began to cry dear dear what is to be done exclaimed the queen in much alarm it will look so very bad if all the...