Tale Teller Kids™

Tale Teller Club

Music and literary podcast by cellist, pianist and storyteller Ms. Sarnia de la Maré FRSA. Daily recitals of poetry from international and historical libraries are performed live by the Tae Teller Club. We provide daily free music lessons in cello, piano, and general musicianship as well as international and rare story recordings from archival, tribal and historical sources. Singers and performers will find the sessions useful and they can be used by teachers and students. Lessons are kept short and fun with games and learning by repeating and practicing. Alternating lessons with stories for after practice is advisable. Tale Teller Club™ Tale Teller Music School™ Tale Teller Kids™ and the Performing Arts Free School™ are trademarks belonging to Ms. Sarnia de la Maré. © 2020 Sarnia de la mare. All rights reserved. Strictly no copying or reproduction of any Tale Teller Club performances, recitals or compositions without prior written approval. read less


John Ryan's Polka ABRSM Grade 1 Cello Free Lesson All Welcome
John Ryan's Polka ABRSM Grade 1 Cello Free Lesson All Welcome
hello mini tail tellers welcome welcome to the music room here at royal clarence now today we've been looking at our new choices for the abrsm grade 1 pieces i'm going through the list this week and we'll be covering all of the pieces not just three we're going to cover all of the pieces in the coming weeks okay and then we're going to go on through the other grades as well so all these lessons are free and everybody is welcome that's the first thing to know now this one is a traditional irish dance piece and it's very very different to the other pieces that we've already done today um it's a traditional irish sort of folk song i guess an irish jig called john ryan's polka okay now these exam pieces are all for grade one and they are valid until 2023 which is pretty good isn't it so we've got plenty of time there's no rush but look you can do these pieces even if you're not doing the exam that doesn't matter at all it doesn't matter an iota that so let's have a look at it now the thing with this piece it looks easy but it isn't and it isn't easy because many of us don't have a focus on experience so we're you know we tend to be a little bit locked into certain styles of music many of us aren't familiar with irish music um or folk music and many of us may be you know more uh traditionally biased towards english choral type music or um you know other genres perhaps i think if you've come from suzuki you'll find this piece quite easy except for the string crossings there are some rather tricky string crossings which are really going to throw us a little bit um it's very lively though and there are lots of little motifs which are reminiscent of suzuki so i think you'll be okay let's see what you think i've slowed it down a tad um we'll just play the first two lines today do okay so that's pretty pretty straightforward really but remember the uh you'll have to play it a bit faster than that in the exam so you can catch this music on my facebook page so you can follow my um my annotations because they're very helpful um i can just play by ear as well of course and if you've got the music in front of you then you can annotate yourselves so what have we got we've got a four four it's an f major we've got an f sorry g major it's an f sharp nice and loud nice and lively i'd give it a little uh a little bit of definition i'd define all the notes and i define them because that makes them lively okay now here we've got string crossings galore at bar two so we've got open three string crossing open three string crossing four so suddenly is an awful lot to think about now move all your hands up fingers over um that's a closed hand run easy peasy and then bar four we've got that string crossing again and again and again string crossings everywhere you're really going to have to learn how to do those well smoothly very straight bow i really don't think you should be attempting this without a mirror in front of you okay so you really need especially when we've got we've got here because that's bar uh five six right over the other side okay so if your if your bow is not straight that's not that's going to sound grim isn't it so do you like this piece i think it's fantastic i mean it's really dancey i recommend we'll play it again now at this speed 90 bpm and what i recommend you do is you mime it over and over again and really feel the dance and then visualize the eating cake and dancing and swishy skirts and boys with caps and you know all that sort of thing just uh really visualize this party atmosphere and that's going to help you to play really really well and impress the examiner actually because when you're transferring feeling to um a listener it really makes all the difference all the difference now there's no phrasing in um in my copy but there will be phrasing in the uh abrsm copies i'm sure so when we go over this we'll talk about um how to phrase it according to the official copy that they give us okay so let's play it...
What Is It All? Campian ABRSM CELLO Free Lesson Grade 1 Free Lessons
What Is It All? Campian ABRSM CELLO Free Lesson Grade 1 Free Lessons
What Is It All? Campian ABRSM CELLO Free Lesson Grade 1 Free Lessons hello today tellers welcome to the second lesson today actually for the abrsm grade one cello choices okay so we're going to i'm going to give lessons on all of the pieces anyway so you can pick and choose and see which one you prefer do you know what sometimes i think it's a good idea not just to listen to them all but to actually play at least the first sort of line but you can play all the way through and just think to yourself am i going to be able to really enjoy this piece of music is it me does it reflect me as an artist as a as a musician now we've just played the um the arbo and that's uh completely different to this piece it's still in first position of course and we have a couple of slurs um or string no i don't think there were any slurs in the other one are string crossings um and there are string crossings here too our string crossings here are very slurry the whole thing is legato that means really smooth like water like wind and water gentle wind and water you know there is nothing aggressive about this piece um it is it does start quite loudly though um but it's not aggressive i i think when you're playing as i always recommend that you mime the piece as we play it through we're going to play we're just going to play the first two lines and i i always think miming's a really good way of understanding how you need to play it because then you can hear the musician you see and and the piano and you can sort of think to yourself oh that i see i've got to be really slurry for want of a better word i mean slurry kind of works doesn't it for us um it's not particularly slow um thomas campion uh is the composer we've got a legato we've got an f sharp that's okay we've been doing a lot of f sharps in our classes we're all in first position and we've really not got too much to worry about in these first two lines the biggest thing is just getting that legato right and the contrast between the mf meta forte on the the first four bars and then um and the next uh five six seven eight are all piano so quiet so that contrast is going to get you brownie points well more than brownie points exam points okay so let's let's just play it i've sewed it down a bit let's play it and mimet just mime it if you can so okay so it's lovely isn't it it's very pretty um it's a little bit faster than that we'll do that in a minute um so i recommend you mom if you want to see my annotated score you'll need to pop along to my facebook page with tail teller kids has a facebook page and you can even get catch up with all our stories there as well actually but you can catch up with all the sheet music and what i'll do is i'll make an album especially for all the grade one piano and then uh or the grade one cello because we do uh at telltale club we do piano as well and we do jazz too actually so um i will get try and write all the instructions out so you don't even have to listen to these podcasts you're more than welcome to pop along to my facebook page our facebook page and tell tell the kids and just see what you know what the score is literally okay so let's have a little look let's find that uh that g is starting um in g mate well i'm pretty sure it doesn't change but i can't see the full score um so where i mean this the annoying thing actually about um working on a computer a laptop is that you can't usually see the full score and certainly because i wear glasses if i put a school to a page i can't see it so i always recommend that you that you buy the um the abrsm sheet music and have that in front of you the paper copy and you know you'll probably be using that in the exam so let's find that g and then there's a string crossing and a lovely i mean i'd say down with the g and then up with the b and the a now how do you make that smooth well you no pressure on these notes we want uh very different to the last piece where we were sort of pushing in and it was a...
Arbeau ABRSM Grade 1 Cello Free Lesson
Arbeau ABRSM Grade 1 Cello Free Lesson
Free daily lessons with the Tale Teller AKA Sarnia de la Maré FRSA. hello mini tail tellers welcome to a free class for the grade one abrsm we're going to do the arbo today um or a bit of it we don't need to do all of them all in one day if this is your chosen piece bravo if not you can have a listen you can sight read it you could see if you like it if you're undecided about which piece to choose then then you're in the right place now i would say this piece is for anyone who really enjoys the bass uh the c and the d on their cello playing these bass notes takes a a different technique to playing the higher notes you need to be slower you need to have really good contact otherwise you can sound muddy and dull so in that respect it makes it difficult but in another respect it's quite easy because these strings are right next to your ear then near your heart and for some people that makes it very exciting also if you really like jazz and improv and blues these strings will put you in good stead so you if especially if you you know if you like a sort of choppy feel so i'm going to recommend that you choose these if that's your bag okay um if you prefer something uh a little bit more flowy and orchestral um rather than basically we have a base in the orchestra as well and but it tends to be the the rhythm of the string section do you see so um this is for the cello exam piece uh for the abrsm grade one and it's um from 2020 to 2023 so we've got a bit of time now if you've got an exam coming up these classes will help you a bit but i'm starting from scratch so this is a beginner's really a beginner's class okay and we're going to use the piano accompaniment to help us but i'm also going to help you with fingering and things like that now look if you want the score you're going to have to um my my version of the score that is um you're going to have to pop along to my facebook page the tail teller kids facebook page or to our instagram um i don't really use instagram so much i prefer the facebook page and you'll be able to see my annotations okay so i'll write everything in there we're not going to do too much it doesn't do to do too much in one sitting okay you need to split these sections up so we're just going to go to bar nine before that key change now what key is it in it's in c major okay we so we start on a c that's nice isn't it an open c lovely open c but it's quite loud so um well look listen let's play our section through a bit slower than we're going to play it through for the examination now there's a couple of repeated sections so although it sounds like it's going everywhere it's actually not let's listen okay so um the the instruction at the top of the page is boisterous because i've slowed that down a bit it doesn't sound so boisterous but also what does boisterous mean means a bit uh i'd say energetic so really um i mean you wouldn't want to play it that aggressively for your exam but it's a good idea to sort of practice that the difference because and it's also uh moderately loud that's a comparative thing um later on in the piece it gets it gets quicker um i can't see the score actually ahead of me to see if it gets quieter so i i better look hang on so yeah sorry i have to when you're on a computer it's it's difficult isn't it because you have to keep scrolling up and down bar 15 you'll see a crescendo so you need to save yourself so although you can be fairly loud you need to be even louder later on i'm going to talk to you later on when we get to bar 17 especially but above 15 to 17 really really loud part we'll talk about how to increase your volume okay but for today let's just look at this section we're looking at okay so let's look at well bar one is an intro so we've got a count of four and um let's see what the pianist is doing let me move that let's have a listen okay that's wrong let's try again so one two three and four and that's what the piano is doing okay so that's our sort of...
Just William by Richmal Crompton CH 1 William Goes to the Pictures Public Domain Free Kids Books
Just William by Richmal Crompton CH 1 William Goes to the Pictures Public Domain Free Kids Books
Just William by Richmal Crompton CH 1 William Goes to the Pictures Public Domain Free Kids Books. chapter 1 of just william this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit librivox.org recording by david wales just william by rickmill crompton chapter one william goes to the pictures it all began with william's aunt who was in a good temper that morning and gave him a shilling for posting a letter for her and carrying her parcels from the grocers buy some sweets or go to the pictures she said carelessly as she gave it to him william walked slowly down the road gazing thoughtfully at the coin after deep calculations based on the fact that a shilling is the equivalent of two six-pence's he came to the conclusion that both luxuries could be indulged in in the matter of sweets william frankly upheld the superiority of quantity over quality moreover he knew every sweet shop within a two miles radius of his home whose proprietor added an extra suite after the scale had descended and he patronized these shops exclusively with solemn face and eager eye he always watched the process of weighing and stingy shops were known and banned by him he wandered now to his favorite confectioner and stood outside the window for five minutes torn between the rival attractions of gooseberry eyes and marble balls both were sold at four ounces for two pence william never purchased more expensive luxuries at last his frowning brow relaxed and he entered the shop sixpence worth of gooseberry eyes he said with a slightly self-conscious heir the extent of his purchases rarely exceeded a penny hello said the shopkeeper an amused surprise got her bit of money this morning explained william carelessly with the heir of a roster he watched the weighing of the emerald green dainties with silent intensity saw with satisfaction the extra one added after the scale had fallen received the precious paper bag and putting two sweets into his mouth walked out of the shop sucking slowly he walked down the road towards the picture palace william was not in the habit of frequenting picture palaces he had only been there once before in his life it was a thrilling program first came the story of desperate crooks who on coming out of any building glanced cautiously up and down the street in huddled crouching attitudes then crept ostentatiously on their way in a manner guaranteed to attract attention and suspicion at any place and time the plot was involved they were pursued by police they left on to a moving train and then for no accountable reason leapt from that onto a moving motor car and from that they plunged into a moving river it was thrilling and william thrilled sitting quite motionless he watched with wide fascinated eyes though his jaws never ceased their rotatory movement and every now and then his hand would go mechanically to the paper bag on his knees and convey a gooseberry eye to his mouth the next play was a simple country love story in which figured a simple country maiden wooed by the squire who was marked out as the villain by his mustachioes after many adventures the simple country maiden was won by a simple country son of the soil in picturesque rustic attire whose emotions were faithfully portrayed by gestures that must have required much gymnastic skill the villain was finally shown languishing in a prison cell still indulging in frequent eyebrow play next came another love story this time of a noble-hearted couple consumed with mutual passion and kept apart not only by a series of misunderstandings possible only in a picture play but also by maidenly pride and reserve on the part of the heroine and manly pride and reserve on the part of the hero that forced them to hide their ardor beneath a cold and haughty exterior the heroine's brother moved through the story like a good fairy tender and protective towards his orphan sister and ultimately explained to each the...
Book of Nations Anon. Traditional Kids' Audio Books Free Downloads Public Domain
Book of Nations Anon. Traditional Kids' Audio Books Free Downloads Public Domain
Book of Nations Anon. Traditional Kids' Audio Books Free Downloads Public Domain. pick up nations for children by an unknown author this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit librivox.org read by chad horner the spaniards live in spain they are tall and thin with dark complexions the men shave their beards but leave mustachios on their upper lip the gentlemen pay great regard to the ladies and it is common for a gentleman to approach a lady with his knees bended kissing her hands the indians are the people that inhabited this country before the white people came here they are of a copper colour with long black hair and small eyes they wear but little clothing and live in small house the italians live in italy one of the most beautiful countries in the world italy produces very fine grapes and many of the people are engaged in tending the vineyards there are various races of people in south america some are indians some negroes and some spaniards in dress the ladies follow the spanish fashion they are fond of ornaments the turks live in turkey their complexions are fair and the women are considered very handsome they are fond of smoking and used long pipes the turks are solemn grave and slow but easily provoked the russians are a strong hearty people and very industrious their country is cold and the ground is covered with snow most of the year the russians resemble the english in appearance but the women paint themselves with rouge the hindus live in the southern part of asia they have dark complexions and are very ignorant they are idolaters and worship strange images of every shape and colour end of book of nations for children by an unknown author you
Keep Fit For Musicians With Sarnia De La Maré FRSA Free Classes At Tale Teller Club
Keep Fit For Musicians With Sarnia De La Maré FRSA Free Classes At Tale Teller Club
Arthritis, RSI, aging etc all play havoc on our bodies. hello everyone i hope you can hear me okay i'm not standing as close to the recorder as i would normally stand because this is a workout i think we should do this maybe a couple of times a week i mean i recommend even if you're a little bit infirm that you always have a little stretching workout before your practice it's really really important now look i'm in front of a window because when you look out of a window it always gives you a little uplift and it doesn't seem like a chore okay because if you're in any sort of arthritic pain or repetitive strain injury all types of exercise seem a little bit daunting but this is a very gentle little keep fit program that i personally recommend and it's something that i do work just before during and after a practice when you do a workout at a gym you would never go straight in and just start lifting weights and also when you run a race you know you see the olympians stretching their um their ligaments and things don't you they're pushing you know they they hold their feet at the back and we're going to do a very light version of a physical stretching warm up and i recommend that you do what you can but don't push yourself and if you're in any doubt of course you have to see a doctor okay so this is a little mini stretch and preliminary workout for musicians i'm a cellist and a pianist i'm unable i'm afraid to suggest the correct stretching exercises for a floor test for example but i'm guessing it you're going to be pretty similar so the first thing i'm doing i've got my feet slightly apart about one and a half feet apart i'm just going to stand on my tippy toes and just hold it for a second or two or three four or five and then i'm going to come down again back onto my heels now that was really slow wasn't it we're just going to do that a couple more times but what can you feel you can sort of just feel oh it feels quite nice doesn't it just feel those calves having a little stretch early morning stretch very nice there's a blue bottle in the studio come to say hello but that's okay we can manage with him stretch up again now you might if you're a bit arthritic you might feel a little bit of joint pain in your toes so when you start to feel uncomfortable you need to stop okay so now we're going to lift one arm up i'm starting with my right up to the ceiling and i'm just going to twist it and stretch myself as if i'm going to touch the ceiling and i'm making myself really tall and what that does can you feel the stretching in your sort of in the side but your ribs and the side of your belly but also this area between your elbow and your shoulder just giving it a little stretch really stretch up because you're probably not going to be able to reach the ceiling i know i can't and then bring it slowly down in a vertical position okay and i'm going to do that with the other side so bend the arm up and push up slowly all these things are very slow and just try and touch that ceiling again oh i don't know about you but that really i can really feel that i was traveling yesterday and i was carrying a very large bag and it was full hearty because today i hurt so a few little pulp pulses maybe to stretch and then back down again okay now we're going to put our both hands in front of us so they're level with our shoulders and we're just going to open our arms up and put to the sides but don't stop at the side try and go further back see how far back you can go as if your shoulder blades were going to touch do you see oh it feels quite good doesn't it and then back to the front really slowly really steadily looking out the window looking at some birds hopefully perhaps you're watching television let's do that again right the way around perhaps you're looking at a tv or you can turn the volume up or down i quite like to turn it down especially if it's depressing news touch those shoulder blades and background but this time don't go...
Pain Management For Musicians Suzuki Alexander Techniques Yoga
Pain Management For Musicians Suzuki Alexander Techniques Yoga
Tips from a tutor, Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, pianist, cellist,composer. hello child hellos welcome to the jail teleclub i'm going to talk about musicians health today now i'm not a doctor so a quick disclaimer the advice that i'm giving today or the discussion or the little mini lecture if you like is not from a medical point of view it's purely from the point of view as a of a teacher with many years of experience and a performer and somebody who has come to terms with um quite severe arthritis in my neck so if you are experiencing extreme pain you should see a doctor that's the first thing to notice okay um but all the advice i'm going to give you is learned through experience and through certain um you know teaching methods that people who've told me and people who've taught me so i'm just going to pass on the knowledge as i see it okay but as i say i'm not a doctor and if you're experiencing something that is really you know affecting the way you play was causing you a lot of pain or depression darlings you need to see somebody about it okay a professional so i'm a professional musician but i'm not a professional medic now first of all we'll just talk about methods now the thing with all of the piano methods is that they all involve repetition and the the attainment the goal is perfection and you know by definition then you're going to keep on doing the same thing and that in itself has certain issues with repetitive strain injuries okay so suzuki method where you know for example the variations you're you're doing the same thing over and over again this can cause a massive problem for wrists and arms and necks and but all of the methods similarly you know the popper attitude say you're doing the properties you're going up and down the cello fingerboard um you know all of these things are going to cause a great strain on your body on your physical well-being anytime that you increase movement and performance your body has to get juiced to something okay so these are the first things no one method is going to be better than another so let's bear that in mind um however i do think that certain methods are going to push you to certain limits that perhaps you should think about now the wonderful thing about suzuki of course is that it plays from the back and it you know it dictates that you need to draw in your stomach and that you need to use your back rather than constantly using your wrist this is specifically for cello but also for piano and so that you can save your wrists but then where are you going to save your back well it's moot point isn't it so the first thing to do really is if it's bothering you you need to keep some sort of diary and understand what are the triggers is it music is it carrying heavy shopping is it um conducting you know uh is it watching the television where the tv is at the incorrect angle are you twisting to see things to catch up with things all of these things would make sense if you had a diary and you'd be able to see for example every time i watched telly i seem to get a little flare up after the thing is we're such busy people we do so many things in a day we forget what we've done and how it's impacted on our pain levels you see so diary is the first the first suggestion that i'm going to give to you now the next thing once you've done your diary for a couple of weeks i recommend a couple of weeks because the thing is you may not have a flare-up for a couple of weeks but the next thing to consider is is the flare-up caused by music by something to do with your music now if it is we can do something about it we absolutely can so what you have to work out is when do the does the flare-up occur and after what sort of playing are you doing okay and then we can start to look at the way things are set up okay your seat angles specifically so let's look at your practice setup so you're seating it could be too high or too low now i know for uh cello i have it took me a very very long time to...
Uncle Wiggily's Squirt Gun Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain
Uncle Wiggily's Squirt Gun Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain
Uncle Wiggily's Squirty Gun Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain. uncle wiggly squirt gun by howard r garris this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit librivox.org one day when uncle wigley was out early to see the sunrise he passed her rocky ledge from which hung many icicles as the sun shone on the sticks of ice they turned all the colors of the rainbow how wonderful exclaimed the bunny who made them a little chat beside him said i did i am jack frost and because you have been kind to me i'll give you the power to make icicles whenever you wish to make icicles jack frost told uncle wiggly just push the squirt gun out will come water and by magic power it will freeze into icicles the bunny thought this would be fine so he hopped through the woods soon he came to a deep ravine he wished to cross but there was no bridge and it was a long way around i'll try jack frost trick now said uncle wiggly out of the magic jack frost gun squirted water it fell and froze making a bridge of icicles across the gully ha this is just fine left uncle wiggly crossing the ice bridge he did not see the bad fox looking after him what game is that rabbit up to now growled the fox i must follow and see he has made a bridge where there was none before i can cross after him and catch him having crossed the icicle bridge uncle wiggly kept on until he came to the home of uncle butter the goat help me down uncle wiggly he bleeded i was mending a leak in my roof and the old fox came along and took my ladder the bunny said he would help his friend and pointed the squirt gun oh i said help me not shoot me cried uncle butter and mr long ears just laughed i'm not going to shoot you said uncle wiggly this is jack frost's magic icicle gun i'll make a letter for you so the bunny did and the goat gentleman came safely down the bad old fox who had stolen the ladder away thinking it would help him catch uncle wiggly peeked around the corner i wonder how i can get that rabbit thought the fox as the bunny was about to hop on after having helped uncle wiggly down off the roof the bunny traveled on with a magic jack frost squirt gun soon he came to where mrs twisty tail the pig lady lived oh such trouble squealed the pig lady my clothes sticks are gone and all my nice clean clothes will sag down in the dirt uncle wiggly made ready the gun i'll freeze some bicycle clothes sticks for you mrs twisty tail he said icicle glue sticks i never heard of such things squealed floppy the little piggy chap who's using the rake to help his mother hold up the line it can't be done declared curly i'll show you laughed uncle wiggly he squirted three or four streams of water up in the air when the water froze it turned into icicles and the pig lady used them to hold up the sagging lines having done a kind act for mrs twisty tale by making icicle clothes sticks uncle wiggly hopped along he was tramping through the woods when all of a sudden the bad fuzzy fox ran up from behind a bush now i have you he howled you can't get away uncle wiggly pointed his magic gun i'm not afraid of a bit of water snicker the fox you can't do anything all of a sudden uncle wiggly began to squirt streams of water from jack frost's magic gun up and down the bunny made icicles in the air their ends resting on the ground until he had made a cage with bars of ice all about the fox let's see you get me now laughter bunny has he started for his bungalow fold again how the fox who would think he could freeze me in like this end of uncle wiggly squirt gun by howard r garris read by nemo
Uncle Wiggily's Queer Umbrellas Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain
Uncle Wiggily's Queer Umbrellas Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain
Uncle Wiggily's Queer Umbrellas Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain. uncle wigley's lemonade stand by howard r garris this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit librivox.org one day as nurse jane fuzzy wuzzy opened the kitchen door in the hollow stump bungalow she saw uncle wiggly squeezing juice from a lemon ooh bigly are you making a lemon pie asked the muskrat lady just then some of the sour juice squirted in her eye and she squirmed like an angle worm i guess i made a mistake that time sadly said the bunny but i am trying to make lemonade after uncle wigley had helped nurse jane wipe the lemon juice out her eye with a towel the muskrat lady asked why are you making lemonade uncle wiggly the bunny gentleman said that some of the animal children wanted to start a lemonade stand so they could sell cool drinks on hot days and give the money to the fresh air fund for poor animal children so this stand was started uncle wigley helped nanny the girl goat and curly the pig to make lemonade to sell from a street stand the first customer was mr stub tail the bare gentleman nanny handed him a glass and when no one was looking the piggy boy took some lemonade i'm not saying that was right though we hope you like our lemonade mr stub tail said nanny please bring neddy and becky to our stand oh drink this lemonade said mr stub tail and then i'll go get nutty and becky and treat them he put the glass to his lips but no sooner had he taken a sip then he dropped the glass and roared off wow uncle wiggly wanted to know what was the matter and nanny and the piggy boy were surprised too sour too sour how old mr stub tail i like sweet lemonade nanny ran into uncle wiggly's bungalow and brought out some sugar which she poured into the lemonade while the piggy boy stirred it round and round i guess this will be all right for our next customer spoke uncle wiggly soon along came curly's father mr twisty tale he tasted some of the fresh air lemonade he grunted it's quite too sweet i like lemonade sour our customers are getting mixed in our lemonade said uncle wiggly to nanny and curly as he sent them to the store to get more lemons i'll mark each pail so i'll know which is sweet and which is sour lemonade so the bunny marked a large s on one pail to show it was sweet and he marked a large s on the other pail to show that it was sour now everything will be fine said the bunny all at once uncle wiggly happened to think that just the letters on the pails weren't enough i can't tell sweet from sour as each begins with the letter s said the bunny i wonder what i'd better do just then the bad fuzzy fox and the worse woozy wolf spraying out of the bushes you'd better keep still while we nibble your ears they howled first have some lemonade invited the rabbit what kind of lemonade have you barked the fox looking hungrily at uncle wiggly's ears both kinds sweet and sour replied the bunny then i'll take both kind next chuckle the fox trying to be funny one kind will be enough for you and it doesn't make any difference what kind cried uncle wiggly and he threw the whole pail full of sour lemonade over the bad fox oh wow what does this mean bark the fox it means that i am tired of having you make fun of my lemonade cried the bunny and i'm tired of waiting for your ears how old the wolf as the fox ran away it's time you made a home run also mr wolf chuckled the bunny then he threw pale lemonade and all at the wolf who ran away also and more lemonade was made for the children end of uncle wigley's lemonade stand by howard r garris read by nima you
Uncle Wiggily's Lemonade Stand Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain
Uncle Wiggily's Lemonade Stand Howard R Garis Free Kids' Audio Book Free Download Public Domain
The Tears of Princess Prunella Evelyn Sharp Free Kids Audio Books Public Domain. uncle wigley's lemonade stand by howard r garris this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit librivox.org one day as nurse jane fuzzy wuzzy opened the kitchen door in the hollow stump bungalow she saw uncle wiggly squeezing juice from a lemon ooh bigly are you making a lemon pie asked the muskrat lady just then some of the sour juice squirted in her eye and she squirmed like an angle worm i guess i made a mistake that time sadly said the bunny but i am trying to make lemonade after uncle wigley had helped nurse jane wipe the lemon juice out her eye with a towel the muskrat lady asked why are you making lemonade uncle wiggly the bunny gentleman said that some of the animal children wanted to start a lemonade stand so they could sell cool drinks on hot days and give the money to the fresh air fund for poor animal children so this stand was started uncle wigley helped nanny the girl goat and curly the pig to make lemonade to sell from a street stand the first customer was mr stub tail the bare gentleman nanny handed him a glass and when no one was looking the piggy boy took some lemonade i'm not saying that was right though we hope you like our lemonade mr stub tail said nanny please bring neddy and becky to our stand oh drink this lemonade said mr stub tail and then i'll go get nutty and becky and treat them he put the glass to his lips but no sooner had he taken a sip then he dropped the glass and roared off wow uncle wiggly wanted to know what was the matter and nanny and the piggy boy were surprised too sour too sour how old mr stub tail i like sweet lemonade nanny ran into uncle wiggly's bungalow and brought out some sugar which she poured into the lemonade while the piggy boy stirred it round and round i guess this will be all right for our next customer spoke uncle wiggly soon along came curly's father mr twisty tale he tasted some of the fresh air lemonade he grunted it's quite too sweet i like lemonade sour our customers are getting mixed in our lemonade said uncle wiggly to nanny and curly as he sent them to the store to get more lemons i'll mark each pail so i'll know which is sweet and which is sour lemonade so the bunny marked a large s on one pail to show it was sweet and he marked a large s on the other pail to show that it was sour now everything will be fine said the bunny all at once uncle wiggly happened to think that just the letters on the pails weren't enough i can't tell sweet from sour as each begins with the letter s said the bunny i wonder what i'd better do just then the bad fuzzy fox and the worse woozy wolf spraying out of the bushes you'd better keep still while we nibble your ears they howled first have some lemonade invited the rabbit what kind of lemonade have you barked the fox looking hungrily at uncle wiggly's ears both kinds sweet and sour replied the bunny then i'll take both kind next chuckle the fox trying to be funny one kind will be enough for you and it doesn't make any difference what kind cried uncle wiggly and he threw the whole pail full of sour lemonade over the bad fox oh wow what does this mean bark the fox it means that i am tired of having you make fun of my lemonade cried the bunny and i'm tired of waiting for your ears how old the wolf as the fox ran away it's time you made a home run also mr wolf chuckled the bunny then he threw pale lemonade and all at the wolf who ran away also and more lemonade was made for the children end of uncle wigley's lemonade stand by howard r garris read by nima you
The Tears of Princess Prunella Evelyn Sharp Free Kids Audio Books Public Domain
The Tears of Princess Prunella Evelyn Sharp Free Kids Audio Books Public Domain
The Tears of Princess Prunella Evelyn Sharp Free Kids Audio Books Public Domain. the tears of princess brunella from the other side of the sun's storybook by evelyn sharp this is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer please visit librivox.org reading by blakely clark there is no doubt that princess brunella would have been the most charming little girl on either side of the sun if she had not been so exceedingly cross and discontented she was as pretty as anyone could wish to see as accomplished as all the gifts of fairyland could make her and she had every bit of happiness that the love of her parents and the wit of her fairy godmother could put in her way and yet she grumbled and grumbled and grumbled can you not try to be happy just for five minutes ask the queen in despair how can you expect me to be happy even for five minutes when every five minutes is exactly like the last five minutes beside the little princess it is tea time your highness said the head nurse coaxing me and there are pink sugar cakes for tea there were pink sugar cakes yesterday powdered the princess there are always pink sugar cakes unless there are white sugar cakes and i am equally tireder than both can you not tell me something new let her go without her tea said the king who was rather tired of having such a cross-little daughter but the queen only smiled the child wants a change she remarked it must be very dull to play all alone all day dull exclaimed the king why should it be dull has not her godmother given her such wonderful toys that they can play with her as well as be played with this was quite true for the very ball that the princess threw to one end of the nursery could catch itself and throw itself back to her and it is not every ball that can do that what more can a child want demanded the king crossly the queen however thought there might be something more we must find her a play fellow she said wisely stuff and nonsense protested the king and why should we bring more crying children into the palace however you must do as you like i suppose the king always told the queen to do as she liked when he was tired of the conversation so the queen smiled again and issued a proclamation at once to tell the whole world that the princess brunella wanted someone to play with and would be ready to choose a playfellow that day week at 12 o'clock in the morning now it is not often that one gets a chance of playing with a king's daughter so it is no wonder that when the princess followed her royal parents into the great hall on the appointed day she found it filled from end to end with all the little princes and princesses and all the little cats and contesses and all the little dukes and duchesses that the surrounding kingdoms could produce i never had a more excellent idea said the queen as she seated herself on the throne and looked down at the crowd of children brunella has talked to nothing else for a week and she has not been heard to grumble once that's all very well observed the king a little uneasily but it is quite clear that she cannot play with them all and who knows that so much disappointment will not lead to a war the queen did not answer but turned to her little daughter who stood by her side do not be in a hurry she said to her so many faces are confusing at first and you might regret it afterwards if you made a mistake but princess brunella showed no signs of being in a hurry she just glanced over the sea of faces that would turn towards her and then looked speechlessly at her mother the smiles had all gone from her face and the big blue eyes were filled with tears why they are all exactly alike she said piteously i cannot tell one from another and then to the astonishment of everyone in the room she dropped down on the steps of the throne and began to cry dear dear what is to be done exclaimed the queen in much alarm it will look so very bad if all the...