There comes a time in most people’s lives when they realize they’re not feeling good about their place in the world. Many just shrug their shoulders and tell themselves these are the cards that were dealt to them and they have to go with that.
But for those who believe they don’t have to live in a rut for the rest of their lives, there is hope. One such person who has dedicated himself to helping people lead fulfilling lives is Life Fulfillment Catalyst Howard Sambol. Through his Life Crafting program, Howard teaches people how to rediscover the flame in their lives and lead them into fulfilling careers. In our wide-ranging conversation, Howard explains:
•what makes people feel unfulfilled
•how he reignites enthusiasm in people
•the first step in understanding your life purpose
•how Life Crafting translates into business success
•the most common self-limiting beliefs and how to overcome them
•how astrology plays into his program
If you want to discover your passion and align it into success in your life, don’t miss this profound episode of Dream Power Radio.
As a major innovator and thought leader in the field of life transition, Howard Sambol has guided many people to Craft their Genius Life over the past three decades.
After working closely with Michael Gerber, bestselling author of The E- Myth, Howard won top sales award with an international consulting firm. He also spearheaded the first ever online career program on AOL.
Howard’s specialty is working with those who feel like they’re a square peg trying to fit in a round hole with their corporate job or career.
His unique Life Crafting system combines personal growth, proven business tools and astrology. It has enabled individuals to overcome their limitations and make money doing what they LOVE. You will learn how to make your passion and genius profitable! Howard’s passion is helping you discover and combine your ideal life path and your creative genius.
He is the best selling author of Craft Your Genius Life, which represents the synthesis and culmination of his own life journey.
Howard speaks internationally and has clients in many countries. Website: below for links to Howard's Roadmap for success and his book, Craft Your Genius Life'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here.
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