Episode 4-453 – Stress Fractures!

RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast

23-04-2021 • 56分

The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-453 – Stress Fractures!     (Audio: link) audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi4453.mp3] Link MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - Intro: Hello my friends and welcome to episode 4-453 of the RunRunLive Podcast.  Today’s show is all about stress fractures.  Because I discovered with the help of an MRI that I have a stress fracture in my knee.  Which is oddly comforting.  I was betting that it would be another case where the Doctor shrugs and tells me to take it easy and do some PT.  But, no, I have an honest to goodness, real-to-life, injury that you can see, or I guess that he can see.  The Doctor asked me a silly question.  “Do you run a lot?”  That’s a solid ‘yes’. But, remember this was a follow up telephone call on the MRI, so he already talked to me.  I get the feeling he’s lost in a sea of patients.  Anyhow – today we dedicate our show to the humble, but proud, stress fracture.  At this point I’m 7 or 8 weeks into break.  I have been hiking most days with OIlie.  I’ve Been getting some easy bike rides.  I was about to launch full scale into some cross training and join the gym, now that I’ve had my first shot, but remember last time we talked?  I had just bounced myself on the road pretty hard after an unfortunate mountain bike incident?  Yeah, well I’m pretty sure I broke a rib.  I’ve had a lost of pain there and haven’t really been able to do any kind of exercise while it heals.  So basically I’m just a mess.  An old, broken athlete.  My original idea was to have the sound of bubble wrap in the background, and explain that my wife and my coach had told me to consider wrapping myself in a protective layer from now on.  But, hey, A little time off won’t kill yah. And today we talk about stress fractures.  In section one I’ll talk about, well, Stress fractures.  In our interview I talk to Bill who had a good story about, well, I bet you can guess… Stress fractures. In section two I’ll talk about the new Geoffrey Moore book – which has nothing to do with stress fractures.  I was about to say ‘Stress Fractures’ would be a good name for a punk band, but then I googled it, and it is indeed an emo punk band out of South Carolina – because of course there is an emo punk band out of South Carolina called the Stress Fractures – and that’s what I like about this world.   I kinda like their single “”.  I took this week off.  I mean from work.  It was a bit of an experiment.  I was a bit burnt out from this whole pandemic zoom call thing, but I didn’t really have a reason to take time off.  My current company has an unlimited vacation policy.  Which is absolutely befuddling to a baby boomer.  “So how much vacation do I get?”  “It’s unlimited!” “So, theoretically, I can just leave and never come back and you’ll keep paying me?” “This is some sort of trap, right?” I wanted to see if I could actually take a week and not get sucked back into work.  Maybe recharge a little.  Get some projects done.  I’ve been mildly successful.  I did get pulled back in for some calls, and I haven’t gotten much done with my current physical disabilities.  Monday was Patriots’ Day.  There was a lot of Boston Marathon chatter.  I posted a mile of my walk with Ollie for my Millennial Mile time of 23 minutes! A real scorcher there.  Now they send me a medal and the hat.  I signed up for the virtual version of Boston again this year.  I’m in no shape to respect the race.  I probably won’t be by October.  But, by doing it virtually I can keep my streak intact.  Not that it matters because I don’t know how I’m going to qualify for the next one.  This week on my self-imposed vacation I would make long lists of the things I wanted to get done, then proceed to waste time and not get them done.  Do you do that?  DO you overcommit yourself and then get mad at yourself for not living up to your overcommitments?  That’s really setting yourself up to fail.  Instead what you should do is set yourself up to succeed.  Instead of a making a long list, just pick one or two or three things that you want to accomplish today.  And if you get those things done the day is a win.  This is called ‘Winning the day’. So that’s how you game the system.  Don’t do everything just do those things that give you the win.  And what you will find ins that when you win today, and then tomorrow and then string that together for a couple weeks you’ll start moving the needle.  Win the day.  On with the show!   About Zero ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer is the leading national nonprofit with the mission to end prostate cancer. ZERO advances research, improves the lives of men and families, and inspires action. Link to my ZERO page: (for Donations) … I’ll remind you that the RunRunLive podcast is ad free and listener supported.  What does that mean? It means you don’t have to listen to me trying to sound sincere about Stamps.com or Audible.. (although, fyi, my MarathonBQ book is on audible) We do have a membership option where you can become a member and as a special thank you, you will get access to member’s only audio. There are book reviews, odd philosophical thoughts, zombie stories and I curate old episodes for you to listen to.  I recently added that guy who cut off is foot so he could keep training and my first call with Geoff Galloway.   “Curated” means I add some introductory comments and edit them up a bit.  So anyhow – become a member so I can keep paying my bills.   … The RunRunLive podcast is Ad Free and listener supported.  … Section one – Stress Fractures  -   Voices of reason – the conversation Bill Pritchett – Stress Fractures Bill Pritchett is an avid runner and triathlete who lives in Midland, Michigan.  He recently retired from Dow Chemical, where he worked as an information systems analyst.  Fitness and endurance sports have long been a passion for Bill.  He ran his first marathon in Detroit in 1987 and is registered to run his 40th marathon in June of 2021.  His active Boston Marathon streak began in 2010 and will continue this fall.  When Bill is not running, he cross-trains with cycling, swimming, and weight lifting as part of his triathlon training.  He also enjoys cross-country skiing and downhill skiing during Michigan winters.  When Bill isn't training, he enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends.  He and his wife Kandis have an adult daughter and son.  They both hope that staying active will give them a long, healthy retirement!   Section two – Zone to Win -   Outro Ok my friends we have stressed our fractures through to the end of episode 4-453 of the  RunRunLive Podcast.  Careful with those weight bearing activities.  Did you see Des Linden set a new 50K world record last week?  She ran a 2:59:54 , which averages out to 5:47 miles.  Think about that.  5:47 miles for 31+ miles.  That’s solid work.  So yeah, I’m more than halfway through a 3 month hiatus in running.  It will be interesting to see what happens when I come back.  I’ll be curious to see how much I lose.  In these more lengthy layoffs I tend to lose some speed permanently now that I’m older.  To be honest with you, I need to find a safer, healthier way to integrate running into my life.  The rib is feeling much better today.  Maybe I’ll get back to the gym if it recovers quickly.  I’m still a mess as far as strength and flexibility go.  We’ll see.  I’m in no hurry.  I’m sanguine.  May 9th is when I get my second vaccine shot.  Then I should be able to travel again and I hope so, because I miss the road.  I know most people loathe work travel, but I always enjoyed it.  Not the work part so much, but certainly the travel part.  I’ve been spending more time in the Science Fiction world since I launched my Apocalypse podcast – After the Apocalypse.  It’s one of those things.  It always fascinates me to see how every seemingly niche subject has a crew of enthusiasts.  SciFi is no different.  These folks are deep.  I’m not sure you’ll catch me dressing up as an alien and going to a convention on Parsippany to take selfies with 3rd string actors, but that does sound like a great place to people watch.  Speaking of dangerous aliens I’d like to call out some members.  Yes, there is a membership option at the RunRunLive website.  I don’t push it because this is a hobby, not a business, but they do make me feel all warm and fuzzy like a cuddly puppy when they sign up and give me financial support.  You know what the most expensive thing about podcasting is now?  Internet security.  There are so many bad actors out there that you have to have you web site locked down.  That’s the big reason I switched to Acast for my new show.  They handle all the security for me.  But, back to our discussion about dangerous aliens I’d like to introduce some of our friends that have paid a membership recently.  First is Marcie.  Marcie is a member of the international space force who is currently working to put out some accidental fires that got started on the attack ships off the shoulder of Orion.  It must be difficult to find a certified course to requalify for Boston out there.  Then there’s Jason.  Jason is a professional archaeologist and undercover spy currently in deep cover in the Levant attempting to thwart organized crime in Babylon.  Daniel F., who, hey Daniel, friend me on facebook or something so I know who you are, but my best guess is he’s either a shape shifting alien from the future or a multi-dimensional deamon sent as an explorer from a dying universe. But, that’s just an educated guess.   Anyhow thanks for the support.  It takes a village.  You know what else you can do?  Reach out to me or send some audio.  It’s a fun thing.  Take some random audio of nature sounds and send those in.  I’ll use them in the outro! I did mange to get my garden prepped and burn my brush pile this week.  So, yeah won those days.  Other than that, I’ve been catching up on reading and writing and generally wasting time.  One of the things you realize when you take time off work is that you don’t have to work.  You choose to work.  But, you could just as easily choose not to work.  We make up so many rules and constraints on our lives, but at the end of the day, it is all just made up.  And those are your rules. So If you don’t like them, make up some new rules. Your game, your rules.  And I’ll see you out there.   MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - Rachel -> Coach Jeff ->

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