Masters of Rap Tapes III: The Seven Souls Saga (Intro)

Me, Myself, and I.

05-06-2024 • 21分

Is it Psy or Sai

I'm depressed because I don't know how to publish anything and I can't stop writing;

I don't know what to do with anything I've written,

And I'm always,

Constantly stressed about money

The things I need,

And feel I should be working

As if I haven't written more than what some writers with notoriety and fame have or had written in their lifetimes

And now, to think, the fame and notoriety seem so small to me;

I really just want the money and to be able to go away

To some place quiet and peaceful,

And to hold my son again.

Shout out to the bass pod

That's probably why my minds gone

Shout out to the old God

Your lady is a robot

I am the programmer

Might need a controller

Take it all apart

Put it back together

I ain't in the ghetto

Certified, it's gentrified

Ah, dag.


I missed the helipads

AH DAG?! We're about to die, and all you can say is “ AH DAG”






Well, I'm fresh out of [explitive]

There's on



This is not cool!

I have magical powers!

HEY, watch it!

That's odd—it should be cool having magical powers.

It's not cool!

I don't know what to do!

What do I do with my hands!


Well first of all, stop blowing shit up.

[Dillon Francis is somehow, just—not famous; he is at camp EDC, being a wooky wook]


[Dillon Francis is a wooky wook. ]


Damn, that is—


That is wook.

King James is getting into this narrative real deep

Let's see why,

I fictionalized this dick just to rationalize quickly

What a king is

I sing good,

Cook dinner

Me look awesome

“Kill the kid,” they called for

Another round,

And another run

So here I come

I'm coming up

On up-down rollercoasters

Cardboard for your cup

Cupboards, rocks and cutters

Underwater, wishing of surfboard

For sure mom, you kinda suck

The energy from those is daughters

But I wonder what it's worth

If stars fall from the sky,

To cross lovers


Just a 30 rock crossword

I'm Sunnï Blū but,

Tracy just a replacement of me

Sure it was

I'm done God,

I fully fucked up. Good job

By putting all of my words into google documents

In forms of proses and poses

Instead of posing for pictures

Or asking for roses

It doesn't matter what happens

The dirt was mud,

But I rose up

Like no one thought I could

From sinking sand

And ash dust

In God, we don't trust the justice system

Fuckin me up

Keeping me married to pedophile

A while longer

So I fuckin die

In due time

What is right will find the judge

And God of all on earth

Will tell the story of Starr,

And how he tossed his son on the couch

Just to punch his mom

Yep. He yeeted my baby

I eated the nothing

The revenge plot twist comes

When Skrillex cosmic something

Something some

It was a downward spiral

I was a backwards a hole

And my scholarship

Cussed out my mother

Called her a cunt

In her own country


What the fuck you want?

A doorknob that talks and locks

A cat or caterpillar to smoke with

And karma to choke Starr

Like he golf balled

And followed me all the way to Brooklyn

Just to piss me off

Just like a pussy

I started the second book

Where I left the first one off

At Whole Foods market

Where I left my snotted scarf at

If you support Starr,

You're more retarded than I thought

If you support War

You're better off

Swallowin a gun,

Like his mom

Cause Mike Roberts

Beat her up

If you support Starr

You're probably a predatory gangstalker

But what for?

You don't even know

You got a small award

For taking a walk

Supporting physiological terrorism

But never even

Bothered to read the

Terms of agreement:

They said

“Kill this nigger bitch”

Keep her from getting any money or education

So she can never be president

I'm just a DJ, man

But since then

I've had secret enemies trying to kill me

By psychology

So they can see me die

By my own hand

And nothing can ever lead back to them

That's how terrorism works, ya'll

You're worried about Gaza

When genocide happens right in the subway car

On your way to work

Where they make you late on purpose

Even if you leave early

Trying to workout, write a book, and leave your apartment looking perfect

Who would deserve this?

You think you're so perfect,

But youre cursed by words,

And worthless

I think this earth is covered in stuff that it shouldn't be

I think I'm 5'7 but the man of my dreams is 5'3 so I been meeting in the middle and stopped eating meat,

Hanging from trees praying for freedom

Cause something diseased has been following me coughing

Like I'm the one who started poverty

If that's the case,

I must really be God or something

But i'm not yo,

I dropped my wallet on the bus,

And somebody got a come up.

A human error

I need my hair done.

I'm aware you're up there somewhere cause I hear you in my left ear,

Jesus left us right here

Cause the end is near

When everybody's taking the side of a wifebeater

And my eyes are wide closed

Cause I still owe klarna money on my clothes

This nobody is throwing weights,

And nothing makes sense

Cause karma's gonna take him

Heavy, like the weights is

Throw your weights pussy

I was late coming

But ain't had a rest day in

8 crazy days straight

It's Christmas in LA

Hollywood that is,

Here's the blacklist:

I hate blacks when

They do that shit,

Act whack like fucking crackheads

Codeswitch like it isnt just niggers vs niggers

The only enemy is inner,

Fuck it,

I'm late for dinner

I been here nearly an hour,

And lost my power to some animal wired to an app

Fuck this matrix, I want my power back


Since you like to troll so much, I just thought I'd turn you into one

This is not Kosher, 199x Jimmy Fallon;

Let me out of this plastic

—not exactly “fireproof” —

death box, before I let myself out, and I trap you in it.

But oh,

You already did.



Ok, rotate.

Who is this.

Oh shit, hey dude.

FUCK, what year is it?

MEANWHILE, Under the bridge.

…anybody seen this, uh…





That's it.

Everything checks out. The story was air tight.


I want you to wear this tonight

“The Lady In The Red Dress”

You really went all out for this

I really didn't,


Oh I see,

You thought this was the matrix.




Wish what.



Did u see that.

See what.




He called me his cyclops—

—-and then he said







And I ain't got time for that!

I just got a DeLorean

And a new HAT

I gotta go get







Oh my.

I'm J00F'd up.

| | | trance | | |

Look; I gotta get out of this


do not beach this whale carcas on my warehouse project

A what

A beached whale

I know

You brought a beached whale to my fucking rave show

Oh I get it

It's Avant- Guarde

No, that's just how I got here


Trust me, it's okay that

This never happened

You did not see me

It's because I wasn't there

Is this U


No I wasn't there.


I was.


What happened.

It's ok.

All I remember is

“The Quatardashians”



The indigenous

But that's it

But mostly that was all just Jesus showing off his flexes

Are u fasting?

Yes, “Ū” is.

So, do you need this?!


Get rid of this recording imiidiately


kill that bitch.



—-but before all that happens.

…did you want fries with that?!

Why are we boycotting McDonald's

—for poisoning

—the allies

—our enemies.

Wait, you're eating this?


Like, for fun, or like?


This is what I'm feeding my children


Cause they hungry.

Uh, ok—

—and there's six of them.

Aight, ya'll can each have one nugget with your—

I wanted a cheese burger!

You git hamburgers. Ham. Cheese costs CENTS;

And you know your momma

If I ain't about a dollar


A dollop of Daisy

You really are

Ashamed of his

Alright, you evil bastards.

I see you want to

Cause suffering


For which you will eternally recurve damnnation and all of the pain you've caused

Karmas a bitch

It's lonely at the top

Not when you're GOD

Get off my rock

Did you miss an appointment?

Nah, can't do it

Why what happened

Too high up.

Whatchu mean

So what, it's just like


Well, this is it, huh guys.

Oh, yeah, it's that, alright

This is the longest ride we ever took.d

This is the ONLY ride we ever took.







Put me down, kite!!!


wtf do you want me to do.

I'm a KITE.





I'll be honest, man, this sets you back, some

How far back


But? We're dinosaurs.

Why would something with razor sharp teeth be so—

—peaceful, and friendly??



I just can't fake the feeling(

I can't pretend to cry

It just comes, when it does

But when the well runs dry

That's when the the world will end

That's when the world will end

After this movie, I guarantee we will no longer need the Wilhelm scream





This movie broke the world record for the amount of times the word

“No” was screamed









Here they all come for her,

Defended upon New York

In order of important, or appearance?

One doesn't wonder,

At al, of what's to come

Uncommon, we are

The call has come


My tummy hurts.

That's probably because you've been drinking straight tequila for the last hour and a half.

No I haven't!

This is water!

Tequila is YELLOW, Liz Lemon!

No, Tracy—that's silver tequila,

And regular tequila is,

You know what?


Alright, who's got the night shift?

[nobody raises their hand, at all]

Seriously guys?! Come on!


Look up WHAM!

For some reason, idk.

Can we just— not do this?


Out of my mind a bit

Speaking in tongues,

In total silence

Guess it's the times,

I guess that's just who I am

And who I am is

I said I was Sam

I'm the same,

I said,

“Say Uncle”

I guess it's a game, we're playing

I don't want to be played with

At all

I just want to feel loved again

By someone else

Superb, like him

I just want to be felt,

I guess

By someone else



I just want to be kissed on the lips

A splendid blend of

Twisted trysts

Let's not pretend

It hasn't ended yet

Until you've finished it

Class dismissed again

Let me off of it

I just want it to stop

Keep rolling

Keep rolling your eyes in the back of your head

Like you did just morning

Just go for a walk

Just stop for a moment

Run a bath

And just keep running

Cause here something comes,

Of course,

It's all your callings

Neatly rolling into one,

They said

But I

Just want to be loved again

And who doesn't

That's the fucked up part

I just want to be loved again

But nobody ever

Just comes up

I just want to be loved again

It's a walk in the park

Don't follow the dog

Even if he barks at you

It's time to start again

I wonder what comes after this part

You are the gleaning in the shadows,

The reckoning in my eye,

The siren in my silence;

The green in all the lights,

I am a shamed to have just been

One of your many

One of your many


You still have me twisted,

I miss you,

It's just you, at the end,


I left you where you left me

Solid on solid

Sounds are invalid now

How are you so

Swore by your awesome

No more songs, I said

No more songs, he's dead to me

No more songs!

She's inlisted

He's uninterested,

Isn't this interesting

The problem is:

I'm still in love with

Everyone i've ever been in love with

(And I love him)

But he doesn't

remember my


And he's famous

And she's crazy

And he hates her

But he made me hate him
The day I became you

The day I became

So famous,

I finally made it

I'm dead

It smells like dill in here

At least it doesn't smell like dead mouse.


Youre Hellen.

Keller or Mirin

How would you be Hellen Miren

Cause I'm the Queen.


You want to die

Well, you better do it quick

Better get your shit toggether, paint a l

Bigger, better picture

Bitter Betty gliching steady

Just remember when you're ready

Ever steady still forgetting dinner

Dessert was already

Forget this significance

Remind me why I'm on this speeding bullet to nowhere

Had no other options but to go under for something

Shy, sickness it's a secret

Just kill me already

Semi robotic,

Something like a magnet, attracted,

Simply symphonies

And soulless bodies, tied to money

Wonder what was in the vaccum cleaner meaning

What did you suck up, dude

Who do you suck up to.

When nobody loves you

But your own son

And the audience is robots

Nothing really works more than once, if it's really magic

Sit and do nothing would you

Like you're supposed to

Fall over like the mannequin you are

Just a body in my count

A mattress without a bespost, if it matters

If it matters

Doesn't really matter

But hey, you know

We all go downtown every once or twice a note

For Hanukkah

I could try to be nice

But there's no sense in it,

Is there

If everything and everyone else is just as nasty

As the rest of it

Just is just a test, again

A doctors office visit.

Simple robotics,

Or already stocked up for Hanukkah, Hollywood

Where's your homeland deposit box

Closet full of robots

Closest to the moon, I wrote another poem for you

Sorry that I wasn't on the offering table

The parakeet, pigeon and pirated Slattery,

Damages, damages,

All with the Amazon packages,

Now we're all robots,

Aren't we

What corporation to you belong to!

Something corporate , or say anything

Whose to say Jeff Besoz won't replace us

With m robots with thought processes,

If once such could project as such presence

As an AI freestyle

Meanwhile, I've got a butload of buckets and bunts,

Bullletwounds, eyes on Manhattan and happens to wish something bad upon me

When all I wanted is

Somebody to love me

And someone to love him,

If that's what he wanted

(But who knows if what he wanted was all of the bodies opposite of him)

I don't belong on this planet

I belong in the garbage

Put me on mars, mom

Stop it,

You're almost a robot, get out of my peripheral

With your mental illness

Geez, I must really want a menorah

This is the animal house

There's no one alive here

Set to be slaughters.

Honor the box of offerings as

Thoughtful words

And parallels

What could be under your tongue

Is the surface of love

Just to touch with the battery acid or chemical trails

You have left in your axis

Nobody knows better than this

How close it is to touching

Without being loved

But nobody loves you

Psychotron, sure we're all robots now

Nobody loves anymore

{Previously, On…}


The Secret Life of Sunnï Blū

{Enter The Multiverse}


What the FUCK did you DO?

What did I do?!

You know what you did!

I didn't do anything!

Oh yeah?

No! Not on purpose!


Where's Jimmy Fallon?!

What?! I don't know!

Oh no.

Oh shit, run.

Oh no.

What in the FUCK—

I am “the fuck”

You know what.

I'm gonna sue the everliving shit out of you.


We'll see.


Uh oh.


What now?

What this time?

Apparently, Jimmy Fallon is missing.

What the fuck does that got to do with me.

We'll see.

Okay, great,

Now finish that chapter.

What fucking chapter?!

All of it.

That's—a lot.

I want all of it. By my desk, by noon tomorrow.

“By” your desk?!

Yes, BY. Not ON. I've got too much stuff on my desk—

…but it's…like 9 o clock.

Should be easy, given your natural talents.

What natural talents.



Okay. Well.

Well what.

This sucks. I lost all my coins.



You dropped this.

So how was Los Angeles.

What the fuck. You fucking DICK.

I told you, I own shares in this.

So what's the plan for this, exactly.

I dunno, Harry.

I got a book of stamps,

And a yellow envelope marked

“Jimmy Fallon”

I will hate you forever.

Well, that's retarded.

I haven't even smited you yet.

I will annihilate you, human.


Who the fuck are you, anyway?


No one.

No one cares about this series, yo.

I'l seriously doubt that, Jesse Pinkman.

What is this stuff.

It's your stuff.

This is not what I ordered—


Why is it BLUE

Cause it is.



Mischief managed.

Alright. This should be good for the night, but we gotta get out of here by morning;

I thought your parents owned this place.

It's a time share!


So it's like only —part of the time.

That is stupid.

No! You're stupid! You're the one who got us into this mess.

It's your mess, I was just cleaning it up!

Whatever! Stop trippin.

Nobody's “tripping.”

That's it. I'll be a stripper.

Straight outta hell, that kid.

Don't I know it.

Alright, fine.

I said, whatever you do—

DONT watch this show.

Stuff it, J. Slatts. I'll kill you with my eyeballs

Sounds like a threat.

Put on a lawsuit, then.

Maybe I oughtta…

—with a bow tie.

You'll look so pretty.

I thought I was already pretty.

Uh huh.

Yeah, look, so honestly

I don't know if I'll ever be on the same vibration as like,

Jimmy Fallon and them, ok?

I don't know how I did it;

I don't know what did it,

It just happened and then—

And then WHAT.

It just—ended.

Just like that.

I'm not trying to offend anybody here.

Just like that.

Now, I ask:

What are we going to do to sell you this dream?

Doesnt matter what you do, I'll never believe it.

Sure, fine; Don't believe it—

We're gonna make you live it.

Who the hell us “we” anyway?

Now you're speaking in my cadence—

Don't flatter yourself

I like it.

Too late, I guess.

So, you see

We're building

Power triangles


love squares

Power triangles

And love squares

Don't let it scare you,

There's love there

Don't let it scare you,

There's love there

Never fear where love has dared

To call you up there

Corrupt file—no fair.

Don't be suprised even the odds seem to turn in your favor,

I promise you;

Nobody's ever ready

For what has just happened here.


Ugh, I can't go through this again.

So, I guess I'll have to erase,

Or just secretly publish

Everything I've ever written

About my actual experience as a color,

Just so that I can earn money

As anything other than

A slave—

A maid,

A housekeeper,

A dog walker

Or servitor

So far under her,

That I can't see far enough up to just

Scratch the surface

Her birthright:

The entire network

And mine,

To sit under her,

Wondering what the world would be like

At the other end of the spectrum

The word form of the

White woman

The wicked witch of all directions,

In which I stand in;

I'm at her mercy

I've been abandoned before

But this disservice, is, I'm afraid

The best advice I can take is just

To go straight to the bank with my angst and my hatred

And shove it

So here comes the nameless

Face I love,


The faceless God,


Intoxicated, at best—

Manipulation of the Mass Media

I'm so

Seriously jaded

In this torture chamber

In my corner office

In this hall of racists,

I claim, but if all is

One in the same


It's one in the same


I'm mainstream

I'm famous

If it's

One in the same


It's one in the same

If it's

One in the same

Then I'm mainstream

I'm so famous

In a whole room full of humans

I'm groomed to be useful for something,

But what?

It just hasn't come yet.

I could sit down with a paper and pen,

But I'm filling up all of my documents

With hollandaise and God

For what?

It's just another song, or something

Or something.

It's just another —

Goddamnit it, more coughs again.

I told you not to watch this.

Why do I taste pancakes?

Maybe you're having a stroke again.

Chyeah, a stroke of genius.

I'll show you a stroke.

Or don't.

Well, there goes the captain.

where is that scene, anyway?

I don't know, I just wrote it.

Great, she left the door open.

She's got no furniture!

It's a “dance floor”

It's “the black box” she called it “the black box”

Goddamn, do you listen to all her stuff?

“Fear stimulates my imagination”



Fuck man,

What is a woman to a man,

And an androgynous genius to

The industry, or anyone at all

If all are foes ans frauds

All else is toxic!

I woke up with one hand tucked behind my back

Feeling dead drunk,

I just woke up again

But never fell asleep

What world am I in?

The end of the

Dream sequence

The end of the energy keeping me between three things:

My past,

My future

And these prequels,


And seeing arrangements


She's going crazy

But nobody quite understands

That these demons are chasing me saying

“You deserved those hands in your face”

The scratches on Kayla's back should have had me but

I was too fat

To find love again

And still have something

Wonderfully, undone

And wrong with me

Wrong with me enough to

slam poetry

So I'm guessing the white women I love beyond words and bounds are—

In charge of whatever happens

At the top of the rock;

So I jumped off.

I want to see someone suffer for all that I've done;

No, that's dark, and karmic, you know—

To go on like that;

The confusions and refusal to accept that

The album is called ChaosMagick,

But the cover is more


A prose or a pawn of protection

Against all the coughs

And the reckless mismanagement

The hands in my head

And the eye on my scar

And the lies on my heart

So tell me,

What happens

When you're flying a kite with your heart,

And it's broken?

What happens to the kite ,

When you fly it with your heart

And your art up in bundles—

heartbroken, heartbroken

So what come of Miss May,

Come January?

What come of Miss April

By Next December

what comes of the words I was saying

For no one

But everyone heard them

And I've been gone

Much longer than months,

But still stocked up on all that I've wanted

Or all that I got

Or just, all that I love

But got no undercovers to acknowledge no more

How right I was

Or how wrong I am

What come of Miss June, when Miss January comes around?

what come now, around August,

When March is long forgotten?

What comes of the drugs,

Of the come ups, and come downs

What comes of the process

When nothing is served

But the surf has come up


And I just can't love enough

To go there

I want to go to there

I want to be that girl

I want to sit at the top of the rock

Writing songs, and sipping mock cocktails

I want to

Don't you know

I just want to get back to

Where I belong

I'm so out of money and love

That I want to be

Under the train,

When it's coming

(Sometimes it's just the impulse that says


Then the train starts to slow

And my pain bubbles up into a numb,

Dumb, crumbling cluster of poetry

You know?

Or you don't

Cause you're all just on your phones


Some black man stands over me,

Reminding me of why I never trust the ones

Who want me most,

Or just assume,

By color code,

That I belong to them

I'm sorry,

I just can't write with your arms around my neck like this

Your heart around my arms like this

It's so wholesome

I had other verses but forgot them

They took away my movies for the curses

And the hexes

That they put on me

I said don't.

And the king said

“Heads will roll”

Cause, you know;

I've got parts for all of them now,

The ones I'd forgotten

But come from the catacombs,

Back from the conduit

You know,

This is awful

I had another one,

But lost it.

The king?!

Which one.

Teas I!

No, it wasn't,

It was Gían's father,

From further off

Should I call John back?

Which one?

Turns out, I love all of them—

Turns out, I've got all of them

In my college

I taught them all to be someone

Becoming of acknowledgement

With nombres most common

Juan, in subcultures, but

Beyond that

(Or above them)

It's John,

Or just Jonathan,

Watch the ones who drop the consanant;

They're always so troublesome,

But I took them all up

As understudies,

Social Studies and some theatrics,

Joan of Ark said

Two more moments

(Two more weeks in)

I could have a body worthy

Of a Grammy award, but —

Would I be a writer then?

Probably not, hon—

Writers are

Off a bit.

If you were pretty, ever at all— would you have written this?!

If I were pretty at all would there be reason to be this


Some of those old New York hallways

Haven't been painted

In ages

Since they made them

Don't make that face at me

I only dropped my key once

On the fourth floor

—they're horrible, you know

To us,

The “brothers” know no love

They are destruction, speaking

Of this,

I got a cold heart.

Cold like the robber

Cold like the calling I've done in my corner office cold, like the jello mold forming a thought process

Worthy enough

I might love it like a husband

We're re-evaluating your circumstances.

Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

I've got friends at USPS

What the fuck could that even account to.

Look, I'm gonna have to give this some serious considerations.

It's not that serious.

It's not that serious.

Of course it is!

I'm up to my knees in investments!


I wade a waiste deep,

Surely you can get by

“Up to your knees”

What exactly do you need?

Money. And lots of it.

I mean, from me.



Leave me alone.

I told you not to write this.

You're a voice in my head;

No, I'm the hand in your mailbox.

What in the fuck do you believe in.

I believe in everything!

They said you were a genius;

I didn't expect you to be

—at the very least, lucid—

*squints* learn some new vocabulary, okay?

For what?



We're still in the process of voting.

She's crazy.

We'd be crazy not to actually hire her.

Her accounts are all practically open;

We could just take it.

Yeah, and when she kills herself, and there's no blood on our hands—

There's nothing that can be done about the amount of this stuff that's already printed!



You mean—

She's published?


My, what a beautiful happenstance

To have already had you

And awakened atop mattresses

Marked for my assassins hand—

Polite, I lost you

All of us,

Atop the rock

We stood and suffered

Months beyond a montage,


Love was lost,

And all's uncertain

The interception of God,

At the cost of

What terror and cutbacks

Have caused us all

What you lost was $50, a Hallmark Card, an Academy award, a long lost star's phone number,

And all that you wanted,

The cock of the gun

Was the sound that you wondered

What was called

, then ran off into wonder.

How am I gonna make money

And become an award winning songwriter

Music producer

And multidisciplinary artist,

Without all the funding it takes to get noviced

Without taking clothes off

Wake up 10 years younger

I'm suffering

My stomach was a rubber band

My stomach was a rubber band

My only song was Water

I forgot to stop

For the applause

I drowned in all the love; right then and there

I died of


[The Festival Project]

The sound and laughter of children play

A baby in a basket

The basket case at Trader Joe's

Who know what happens

It just doesn't pull my heartstrings any longer

That my son belongs without his mother

So I'd better have another

This is us, come on.

Don't do this to me.

Don't do this, Timmy, you'll be sorry.

Come on! We're not even in that movie!

We are, though; it's still

Listen, you've got the right guy for this.

Are you sure.